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科目: 来源: 题型:

第一部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)

         第一节  语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


The temperature will fall sharply the day after tomorrow, when a snowstorm_____to strike our area.

         A.expects      B.is expected                C.has expected         D.will be expected


科目: 来源: 题型:

When you talk, you have to at least make yourself              .

   A. follow                     B. followed               C. following              D. being followed.


科目: 来源: 题型:

After a heated discussion at the meeting, a new plan came ______ being, which would have a great effect ______ the culture life of the people.

  A. into; for        B. to; to             C. from; at           D. into; on


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Stories about Kites in Japan

People have flown kites in Japan for more than 1000 years. There are many different kinds of kites there. Some look like bats; others look like birds. Most have pictures on them.

There are many interesting stories about kites in Japan.

One story tells us about a thief who used a kite to fly. He wanted to steal the gold from the top of an old tower. The thief and his friends made a large kite. One dark windy night, the thief caught hold of(抓住) the kite. His friends raised the kite into the air. Then they moved the kite near the top of the tower. The thief was able to steal the gold.

Another story tells about a father and a son who were on a small lonely island in the middle of the Japanese sea. There were no bouts or ships. They couldn’t go back to the mainland. So they made a big kite. His son flew on it back to Japan.

There is a K-Day in Japan. The young men of Japan have kite matches. When the kites are flying the match starts. The young men try to break each other’s kite string(细线). The last kite left in the sky is the winner.

35. Most kites in Japan ____.

A. are very large    B. are very small   C. look like bats    D. look nice with pictures.

36. In the kite match, the young men try to ____.

A. make their kites fly high          

B. stop each other’s kites from flying in the sky   

C. make very large kites themselves    

D. draw beautiful pictures on their kites.

37. The father in the passage made a big kite to help his son to ____.

A. return home  B. fly over Japan   C. win the match   D. steal the gold.

38. which of the following is NOT true?

A. The last kite left in the sky is the winner in the kite match.

B. The thief stole the gold from the top of an old tower.

C. The father and the son in the story were dead in the sea at last.

D. There is K-Day in Japan.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Close test30%

Not long ago, the only time you could see a robot was when you were reading a novel or watching a movie such as Star Wars. Today, 36 a lot of things in science stories have been science facts. Robots are starting to _37_ in our everyday lives. These robots have different sizes, shapes and colors. But they all have the same _38_ of man-made “_39_”. Leading the robot revolution(革命) are industrial robots that work in factories. Industrial robots can do different kinds of jobs that are often _40_ and sometimes dangerous. Robots are also coming to American homes, though not as quickly asthey are entering _41_. These robots aren’t as friendly and _42_ as those you saw in Star Wars. But, their makers say, today’s home robots “walk” and sense objects in their own way. They even _43_ objects though they may sometimes drop. Well, nobody is _44_.

We may _45_ home robots today, but some day they may see and hear _46_ than humans do. We _47_

can only see certain wave lengths of light and hear certain _48_. That’s because the _49_ of our eyes and ears are _50_.

Robots, however, need not have the same limits _51_ we have. Robots may also be _52_ wit devices(装置) that  _53_ information humans can’t. However, to understand _54_ their sensing devices pick up is a hard job.

Remember, man-made brains _55_ information, including all kinds of data, as zeroes and ones.

Imagine the difficulty in trying to explain to a robot what a football looks like---using only zeroes and ones.

36. A. however                  B. whenever                       C. on the other hand                 D. in other words

37. A. come                        B. appear                                      C. enter                                         D. raise

38. A. variety                      B. dozen                              C. score                                         D. type

39. A. muscle                     B. body                                 C. brain                                         D. appearance

40. A. surprising                B. boring                              C. pleasant                                   D. exciting

41. A. homes                      B. factories                         C. schools                                     D. offices

42. A. certain                     B. pleasing                          C. bright                                        D. foolish

43. A. carry                         B. forget                              C. remember                               D. choose

44. A. wonderful                B. excellent                         C. happy                                        D. perfect

45. A. play jokes on     B. make fun of                    C. laugh at                                   D. have fun with

46. A. worse                       B. faster                              C. better                                       D. sooner

47. A. fellows                     B. humans                           C. beings                                      D. friends

48. A. noise                         B. voice                                C. sounds                                               D. speeches

49. A. sight                         B. length                              C. distance                                   D. ability

50. A. enough                     B. endless                           C. limited                            D. hopeful

51. A. as                              B. since                                C. for                                             D. while

52. A. given                         B. equipped                        C. sent                                          D. applied

53. A. pick out                    B. pick up                   C. send up                                    D. send out

54. A. how                           B. where                              C. what                                         D. which

55. A. deal                           B. handle                             C. seek                                         D. provide


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

         Social rules or laws on marriage vary widely between countries.Some countries, still do not have a legal minimum age for marriage, which makes child macriages are very common, there.

         In the Western Christian countries, a 13 -year -old is still considered a child.Even getting married in one* s late teens is not usually encouraged because married life is likely to interfere with a young woman' s education and consequently restrict opportunities in later life.And there are also physical dangers in giving birth so young.  

         In Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan, the age of puberty(青春期)at around 13 or 14 is the legal age for marriage, but in Turkey it is 15, and in Egypt and Tunisia, 18 the same minimum age as in many Western countries.It is argued that by allowing, earlier marriages, Islamic law is promoting stable relationships, while Western laws are encouraging promiscuity among young people.

         In many countries, the trends of urbanization and education for girls have seen a drop in the number of child brides.However, early marriages continue to occur in poor rural areas.In India, for example, the legal age of marriage for a girl is 18 and to a boy, 21.Yet, according to government statistics, 18 percent of ten to fourteen-year old girls in the poor, rural state of Rajasthan in the northwest of the country are married.It is clear, then, that child marriages are connected with poverty, lack of education, rural customs as well as religion.So there don't tend to be any child marriages in urban or rich areas.

57.The underlined word "promiscuity" in the third paragraph means ____.

         A.permanent partnership                   B.firm partnership

         C.diverse relationship                      D.single relationship

58.According to the text, which of these women are married lastest?

         A.Women from less educated background.  

         B.Women from poor rural areas.

         C.Women from Islamic countries.            


eri from cities.

59.Child marriages are NOT related to ____ according to the passage.

         A.social communication                 B.rural customs

         C.poverty and lack of education            D.religious beliefs

60.According to the passage, getting married early leads to all of the following EXCEPT____.

         A.reducing a young woman's education    

         B.limiting a young woman's chances

         C.causing baby death                     

         D.doing harm to a young woman's health


科目: 来源: 题型:



A: Excuse me, Sir. Are you a guide?

B: Yes, I am.    6  

A: Can I ask you a question about the Famen Temple?

B: Of course. What do you want to know?

A: When was it built?     7     

B: In the third century in Eastern Han Dynasty.It has a history of more than 1,700 years.The Temple is famous in the world for Sheli, fingers;of Buddha which is the holy object of Buddhism.

A: Can you speak more,slowly?   8  

B; I'm sorry! I’ll speak more slowly.Any more questions?      

B: Yes.Well, __9__   

B: The Famen Temple has become the sacred place of Buddhism, so millions.of Buddhista including common people come here to pray for peace and happiness.

A: I see. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

B:    10   Goodbye!

         A: Welcome to the Famen Temple.

B: I’m afraid I can't follow you.

C: And what is it famous for?

D: See you later.

E: Why are there so many people visiting the Temple?

F: Can I help you?

G: Have a good time.



科目: 来源: 题型:

He decided that he wouldn’t attend her birthday party ____ he was invited to .

       A.because    B.as if C.as though  D.even if


科目: 来源: 题型:

-Why does the lake smell terrible?

-Because large quantities of water       .

A. is being polluted                                   B.have been polluted

C. is polluted                                     D. has been polluted


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Has Li Lei finished his work today?

--- I have no idea, but he ______ it when I saw him this morning.

A. had done                       B. would do                      C. was doing                   D. did

