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科目: 来源: 题型:



目前,西南大旱牵动了无数人的心。近日一网友发了一份“网络祈雨”倡议书:希望大家团结起来,用最古老的抗旱方法“祈雨”。 针对上述行为及以下两幅图用英语写一篇短文。



1. 仔细品味图中的韵味,要适当发挥想象,不要做简单描述。

2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。

参考词汇:干旱 drought    古老 primitive

At present, everyone is greatly concerned about the southwest drought.                                                                            



科目: 来源: 题型:


 It is a common theme in many fiction stories that the world may one day be____by insects.

    A. broken in     B. run over       C. taken over            D. filled in   


科目: 来源: 题型:


We are ____faced with the necessity to recognize that having more people implies a lower standard of living.

A. readily         B. smoothly        C. unavoidably           D. deliberately  


科目: 来源: 题型:


Too much drinking and smoking ________ his early death. Which of the following keys is wrong?

  A. resulted in        B. led to         C. contributed to         D. brought with


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


I had spent five exhausting years on my essay for my Ph. D.and was anxiously preparing for my oral boards (口头答辩)which were to be held in California, and I had  36  a flight through Minneapolis, where I was to change  37  .My flight was very late, and I was soon in an all-out run to  38  my flight. I had to stop to catch my  39  on a moving sidewalk when I  40  a woman in her fifties  41  with a carry-on bag.

I don't know  42  , but I looked at her face and blurted out, “Are you going on Flight 567 to California?”

She responded, “Yes.”

“So am I,” I responded. “Give me your bag. I'll run  43  and tell them to wait for you.” I took her bag and began running again.

I  44  onto the plane and told a flight attendant that one more passenger was behind me and to please  45  the plane for her. I  46  myself with her bag, and a few moments later she

arrived and was the last person on the plane  47  they closed the doors and it  48  . After the plane leveled off, I  49  the bag to her, and she smiled at me and thanked me.

I didn't sleep a wink in the hotel and arrived at the  50  at seven o'clock in the morning. The  51  kept me waiting for an hour in a room. I walked into the boardroom and was initially frightened by all the  52  in their robes(长袍). As I slowly  53  at the faces of all the board members, I noticed the bright face of a woman. She gave me a smile  54  a young schoolgirl. It was the same woman whose bag I had carried ahead the night before.  55  , whenever I made a mistake on any question, she did a great job of relaxing me.

36. A.prepared     B.caught          C.scheduled  D.bought

37.A.trains           B.buses         C.planes       D.directions

38.A.catch     B.run            C.get         D.hold

39.A.flight           B.breath           C.bag        D.companion

40.A.greeted     B.met           C.noticed     D.sought

41.A.walking    B.struggling     C.carrying    D.dashing

42.A.how      B.why          C.what       D.where

43.A.suddenly   B.immediately     C.fast        D.ahead

44.A.raced     B.got            C.solved      D.opened

45.A.leave     B.hold          C.remain      D.stay

46.A.found       B.took          C.seated       D.occupied

47.A.after      B.when         C.while      D.before

48.A.left out     B.set off          C.took off    D.started off

49.A.presented  B.sent           C.proved      D.showed

50.A.place      B.university    C.palace       D.museum

51.A.meeting    B.board               C.essay      D.argument

52.A.professors B.assistants       C.teachers    D.employees

53.A.started      B.watched        C.glanced     D.glared

54.A.like       B.as              C.of          D.from

55.A.In the end B.No matter how C.What's more     D.Needless to say


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       “Don’t just stand there,” goes a typical bit of American advice, “do something!” This expression is normally used in a crisis situation, yet, in a sense, it describes most Americans’ entire waking life, where action—any action—is seen to be superior to inaction.

       Americans routinely plan and schedule an extremely active day. Any relaxation must be limited in time, preplanned, and aimed at “recreating” their ability to work harder and more productively once the recreation is over. Americans believe leisure activities should assume a relatively small portion of one’s total life. People think that it is “sinful(有罪的)” to “waste one’s time”, “to sit around doing nothing”, or just to “daydream”.

       Such a “no nonsense” attitude toward life has created many people who have come to be known as “workaholics”, or people who are addicted to their work, who think constantly about their jobs and who are frustrated if they are kept away from them, even during their evening hours and weekends.

       The workaholic syndrome(综合症), in turn, causes Americans to identify themselves wholly with their professions. The first question one American will ask another American when meeting for the first time is related to his or her work: ”Where do you work?” or “Who(what company) are you with?” And when such a person finally goes on vacation, even the vacation will be carefully planned, very busy and active.

       America may be one of the few countries in the world where it seems reasonable to speak about the “dignity(尊严) of human labor”, meaning by that, hard, physical labor. In America, even corporation presidents will engage in physical labor from time to time and gain, rather than lose, respect from others for such action.

64.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A.How Americans act during a crisis situation.

B.The workaholic syndrome in America.

C.Americans’ attitude towards relaxation.

D.Americans’ “no nonsense” attitude toward life.

65.Americans hold the belief that _______.

A.they should try to enjoy life as much as possible

B.they should go all out to help others in a crisis situation

C.they should not spend too much on relaxation

D.leisure activities should be an important part of their life

66.In America, corporation presidents will _______.

A.give instructions to workers only

B.often take part in physical labor themselves

C.look down upon the laborers

D.do physical labor only when it is necessary

67.When workers see their boss doing physical labor, they’ll _______.

A.take the place of him

B.stand by and watch

C.be more respectful to him

D.laugh at him


科目: 来源: 题型:



56.To be frank, everyone should respect ______________  (残疾)people,

57.She accepted the criticism with quiet ______________ (尊严)

58.I guess that the ______________(关系) between the two doctors is from bad to worse.

59.As we all know, sunshine is _____________(利益)to all plants and animals.

60.Just now, the headmaster _____________ (推荐) you to go abroad for further study.

61.The students in our school have the __________(特权) of entering the cinema before 7:00 o’clock.

62.The organization has____________ (分发)food and blankets to the earthquake victims.

63. If you are late for cshool,you should make  _____________ (道歉) to your teacher.

64. The agreement came into effect on_______________(二月)5, 1998, opening up a huge telecommunications market globally,

65.In his____________ (九十多岁), he got to know“Friendship is not to be bought at a fair.”


科目: 来源: 题型:


Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ______ whether they will enjoy it.

A.to see                B. to be seen         C.seeing           D.see


科目: 来源: 题型:


 --- What do you think made Mary so upset?

   --- __  her new bicycle.

   A. Losing                 B. Lost      C. Because of losing          D. As she lost


科目: 来源: 题型:


 He wants to see changes in the company and I am sure he will, ______.

  A. on time   B. at a time         C. at one time      D. in time

