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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

      My friends, Emma Daniels, spent the summer of 1974 traveling in Israel. During her monthlong stay in Jerusalem she often went to a café called Chocolate Soup. It was run by two men, one of whom – Alex – used to live in Montreal. One morning when Emma went in for coffee, while chatting with her new friend Alex, she mentioned that she had just finished the book she was reading and had nothing else to read. Alex said he had a wonderful book she might like, and that he’d be happy to lend it to her. As he lived just above the café, he quickly ran up to get it. The book he handed to Emma just minutes later was Markings, a book by a former Secrectary-General of the United Nations (UN).

   Emma had never read it, nor had she ever bought a copy. But, when she opened it up, she was floored to see her own name and address inside the cover in her own handwriting(笔迹).It turned out that the summer before, at a concert back in Montreal, Emma had met a Californian who was in town visiting friends. They decided to exchange(交换)addresses, but neither of them had any paper. The man opened up a book he was carrying in his backpack(背包) and asked Emma to write her name and address inside. When he returned to California, he left the book behind in Montreal, and his friend   Alex kept it. When Alex later moved to Jerusalcm, he took the book along.

41. Alex lent Emma the book, Markings,           .

    A. to show his friendliness to her                  B. to show his interest in reading

    C. to tell her about the importance of UN              D. to let her write her name and address inside

42. How did Emma feel the moment she opened the book?

    A. Pleased.                         B. Satisfied.             C. Worried.                         D. Surprised.

43. We can learn from the text the Californian             .

    A. met Emma at a concert                                   B. invited Emma to a concert

    C. introduced Emma to his friend                  D. left Emma his backpack

44. Who was supposed to be the first owner of the book?

    A. An official of the UN.                             B. A coffee shop owner.

    C. A friend of the author’s.                                  D. Alex’s friend form California.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     Paula Radcliffe, chasing (角逐) a third London marathon title(冠军), says she has became a stronger person after her terrible experience at the 2004 Athens Games.

     Radcliffe, who failed to complete the Olympic marathon and the 10,000m last August, said: "Athens made me a stronger person and it made me care less about criticism (批评)"

    "In the past I wanted to please everyone, but now I am going to listen even more to the people around me."

    She didn't care about criticism made at the weekend by Liz McColgan, who felt Radcliffe should have rested and let her body recover after her failure in Athens.

    "Liz is someone I look up to but she hasn't spoken to me since last year and if she really cared for me, I'm sure she would have contacted (联系) me."

    Instead Radcliffe won the New York City marathon just 11 weeks after Athens.

    "In New York I wasn't in my best state but I did know I was good enough to win the race. "      

     Radcliffe insisted her only goal in Sunday's race would be winning a third title and not chasing world records.

     However, Radcliffe has not ruled out(排除) in the future chasing her "final" world record time and questioned sayings that marathon runners have the ability in their career to produce only four or five world-class times.

     "I don't think that -- although I can't put a number on it," said. Radcliffe. "That changes from person to person."

      Radcliffe is sure she can better her winning London 2003 performance at some point in the future. Following a successful three-month training period in the United States, the 31-year-old will chase a third title on Sunday after her first victory in 2002 and again 12 months later.

     Radcliffe clocked a time of 2:18:56 in her first 42.2-kilometre race three years ago.

     Afterwards she set a "mixed course" mark of 2:17:18 five months later in Chicago before lowering that to a time of 2:15:25 in the 2003 London event.

63. Radcliffe's failure in Athens made her ________.

     A. develop respect for Liz      B. love people around her more

     C. rest for five months          D. face criticism calmly     

64. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

     A. Radcliffe broke the world record in the New York City marathon.

     B. Radcliffe didn't fully recover before the New York City marathon.

     C. Radcliffe won her first marathon title in the New York City marathon.

     D. Radcliffe had a 3-month training before the New York City marathon.

65. By saying "I can't put a number on it," Radcliffe means she's not sure _____ .

     A. if she has the ability to set a new world record

     B. if she can win another race though she has won many times

     C. how many times a marathon runner can set the world record

     D. if she has the ability to produce four or five world-class times      

66. According to the text, Radcliffe has won ____ London marathon title(s).

      A. four         B. three         C. two         D. one     

67. What can we learn from Radcliffe's story?

      A. Practice makes perfect.                 B. Well begun is half done.

      C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.  D. Where there is a will there is a way.


科目: 来源: 题型:

24. Who is it up ____ decide whether to go or not?

A. to to                 B. to                           C. for to                D. to for


科目: 来源: 题型:

24. The boy the teachers considered _____ was caught ______ in the exam, which surprised us very much.

A. to be the best, cheating                  B. as the best student, to cheat

C. being the best, cheating                  D. as a good student, to cheat


科目: 来源: 题型:

The people who are out of work should ______ themselves to the new situation quickly.

       A.fit     B.match       C.suit   D.adapt


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Listening to your heart

Do you ever wish you had a road map for living? If only someone could    1    show us a way to go, a direction to take, we wouldn’t feel so    2    of which path to pursue. We think that, with only a little    3    , we’ll surely end up in the right place.

    4     on a regular flight from Detroit to Tri-City Airport must have felt a little more than    5     during the flight attendant’s greeting as their flight started. She     6     the passengers and stated that the destination would be Midland. A few concerned passengers    7    her, so the flight attendant, obviously not familiar with the area,     8     herself by saying that they would be     9      in “Tri-City” and Bay City.

Chuckles rippled along the aisle as she    10     tried again. This time she informed passengers that the destination would be Saginaw. Now    11    broke out.

At that point, an authoritative voice came over the intercom (对讲机) and    12     her. “I’m your pilot, folks,” he said. “Don’t    13   — I know where we’re going.”

It’s nice when someone knows the     14    . And there is wisdom in seeking help when necessary. Other people can be valuable.    15     we cannot always depend on others for the    16    answers for living our lives. In the end, nobody can point us to all the best    17    for life’s problems; nobody else can    18    us to the path that is just right for us. We find that way ourselves. We find the way by    19    . Listening to our hearts — for the direction we need is almost always there, deep within.

So if you feel a bit lost, don’t worry. This may be a    20    time to listen. And remember — your pilot knows where you’re going.

1. A. irregularly          B. occasionally        C. practically         D. basically

2. A. proud              B. tired              C. unsure            D. ashamed

3. A. guidance        B. encouragement      C. comfort           D. determination

4. A. Customers          B. Pilots             C. Attendants         D. Passengers

5. A. happy              B. lost               C. nervous           D. excited

6. A. thanked            B. examined           C. welcomed         D. entertained

7. A. reminded           B. informed           C. warned           D. threatened

8. A. relaxed             B. behaved            C. enjoyed          D. corrected

9. A. stopping            B. landing             C. flying           D. traveling

10. A. shyly              B. impatiently          C. bravely          D. actively

11. A. protest             B. complaint           C. argument         D. laughter

12. A. rescued            B. blamed             C. praised           D. defended

13. A. fight              B. worry               C. quarrel           D. concern

13. A. flight              B. skill                C. way              D. problem

15. A. So                  B. And                 C. Besides          D. But

16. A. immediate          B. important           C. simple           D. short

17. A. solutions           B. reasons             C. explanations       D. accounts

18. A. direct              B. force              C. forbid            D. tempt

19. A. speaking           B. following           C. listening          D. asking

20. A. hard               B. spare              C. necessary         D. perfect


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I remember vividly the call that changed my life. It was Tuesday, February  18  .When the   1    rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles, the   2   was Marty Banderas,  a literary agent to whom I had sent a draft( 草稿 )of my novel three weeks earlier. “I have a couple of   3  .” Banderas said.“First, how old are you?” “I'm 48,” I replied.“Are you in good   4    ?” “Yes, excellent. What’s this about? ” “I’ve sold your novels       5     one and a half million dollars.” I sat down in    6    . I had written fourteen novels in twenty years, but each one had been    7     by the publishers. I suppose many people would have been     8     , but not me. Each time, I just      9      writing another one. My husband advised me to find something else to do, but I refused to   10    up. Seeing this book   11    was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It's a mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the best-seller   12   two weeks after publication! I got my first lesson in story  13  from my grandmother. She used to read my stories. She was the one who gave me a    14     of words. She sparked (激发) my  15   and she has been a   16    influence on me. I always had stories running through my   17    and as soon as I could write, I   18     them down on paper. I married young and I have three children, but I never stopped writing.    19   novels between doing the diapers(婴儿的尿布) and dishes. I'm writing another novel now. Yes, my    20    has changed my life.

1.  A.phone      B.bell       C.clock          D.alarm

2.  A.line        B.step        C.outside        D.doorway

3.  A.novels      B.things      C.questions           D.problems

4.  A.wealth      B.health       C.condition     D.order

5.  A.to         B.for        C.on           D.in

6.  A.need     B.joy         C.settlements      D.shock

7.  A.rejected    B.received   C.decided     D.lost

8.  A.worried    B.encouraged      C.discouraged     D.excited

9.  A.couldn't help  B.got down to     C.got used to      D.went on

10.A.hold B.look        C.give            D.set

11.A.sold     B.published     C.printed        D.passed

12.A.books      B.shops            C.record    D.list

13.A.writing     B.organizing       C.telling      D.reading

14.A.use       B.love     C.meaning       D.respect

15.A.hope        B.efforts      C.novels          D.imagination

16.A.lasting      B.normal     C.careful         D.general

17.A.head        B.mouth      C.voice           D.work

18.A.took        B.put       C.broke           D.added

19.A.writing     B.reading     C.developing       D.translating

20.A.friend      B.call        C.success      D.work


科目: 来源: 题型:

The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talk, ___ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

A. having added   B. to add   C. adding    D. added


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Where shall we have a meeting tonight?---How about this hall? It’s large enough to ___ two thousand people.

A. sit   B. hold   C. seat     D. control


科目: 来源: 题型:

I'd rather they ___ right now.

A. leave   B. didn't leave   C. don't leave   D. won't leave

