 0  29650  29658  29664  29668  29674  29676  29680  29686  29688  29694  29700  29704  29706  29710  29716  29718  29724  29728  29730  29734  29736  29740  29742  29744  29745  29746  29748  29749  29750  29752  29754  29758  29760  29764  29766  29770  29776  29778  29784  29788  29790  29794  29800  29806  29808  29814  29818  29820  29826  29830  29836  29844  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

24. I’d like to buy a house --- modern, comfortable and _____ in a quiet neighborhood.

A. in all         B. above all       C. after all         D. at all


科目: 来源: 题型:

32. --- Bob, you are absent-minded!

--- Oh, I’m sorry I _______ attention to you, Miss Shute.

A.haven’t paid       B. wasn’t paying     C. am not paying    D. couldn’t have paid


科目: 来源: 题型:

It  wasn’t until the 2010 CCTV Spring Festival Gala (央视春晚)________.

   A. did the former pop band Little Tiger reunite

   B. that the former pop band Little Tiger reunited

   C. then did the former pop band Little Tiger reunite

   D. when the former pop band Little Tiger reunited


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  President Obama,s plan last week to overhaul(改善)former president George W.Bush’s

No Child left Behind program is an improvement on a good thin9.But it doesn’t go far enough.

    Obama outlined a goal that by 2020,all grade school and high school students ale on a path toward college and career readiness.

    However, what we need is a practical plan that not only requires all high school graduates to take at least two years of college but also makes it financially possible for them to do so. We’ve provided a free public education through the l2th grade.If we’re going to keep up—or catch up—with some other countries(1ike China)in preparing young people for careers,a 12-year education program no longer is enough.

    About 3 million students across the USA will graduate from high school this spring. But only 2 million will go on to college, according to a survey by the National Center for Education Statistics(NCFES).For the more than l million who won’t go on,money is a major factor.If tuition(学费)were free,about half of them could make up other COSTS from family or part—time jobs.

    Critics(批评家)of free college tuition will say we can’t afford it because of the federal deficit(联邦赤字)and other rising costs.Let’s see some government spending in detail:

  In the last nearly 10 years.the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost us $1 trillion(that’s $1,000 billion,or an average of$100 billion a year).Federal money spent on public elementary and secondary education in the last year for which figures are available was$47 billion.If we end costly and unnecessary wars and nation—building efforts abroad,the federal government could provide more money on public education,for which state and local governments now carry most of the burden(负担).

53.According to President Obama’s plan,in 10 years,    .

  A.there will be no expensive and unnecessary Wars

  B.all grade and high school students can go to college

  C.the U.S.will catch up with China in career preparation

  D.students Call enjoy a l2-year public free education

54.If tuition were not charged.

A.about 2.5 million students could afford college education

B.about 2 million students could be provided chances of college education

C.over l million students still could not afford college education

D.about 3 million students could graduate from high school

55.The author may agree that President Obama’s plan

  A.has little to do with Gorge W.Bush’s program

  B. does not agree with the survey by NCFES

C.does not contain practical measures to achieve its goal

D.will lighten the burden of state and local governments

56.It can be inferred from the passage that

A.the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are expensive but necessary

B.the federal Can not provide more money on education

C,critics of free college tuition think little of the plan

D.President Obama’s plan might be hard to carry out


科目: 来源: 题型:



例:have    A.gave    B.save    C.hat   D.made


1.through  A.plough    B.cough    C.enough   D.tough

2.umbrella  A.pupil    B.industry    C.button D.butcher

3.noise    A.purpose    B.course    C.choose D.practise

4.frequent  A.recently    B.pretend    C.entire D.require

5.heard    A.heart    B.dear    C.nearly D.early


科目: 来源: 题型:

Children under 12 years of age in that country _____ be under adult supervision when is a public library.

A. must     B. may            C. can            D. need


科目: 来源: 题型:

This box is too heavy, _____ give me a hand?

A. would you mind                     B. would you please 

C. will you like to                      D. will you please to


科目: 来源: 题型:

_____ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.

A. Not only they brought      B. Not only did they bring

C. Not only brought they                  D. Not only they did bring


科目: 来源: 题型:

The football match ______, crowds of people poured out into the street.

A.    was over         B.    has been over         C.    being over             D.    had been over


科目: 来源: 题型:

______ soccer, I like playing tennis best. I mean soccer is my favorite; tennis comes second. A.     Next to    B.    So long as    C.    Compared to          D.    Rather than

