 0  29661  29669  29675  29679  29685  29687  29691  29697  29699  29705  29711  29715  29717  29721  29727  29729  29735  29739  29741  29745  29747  29751  29753  29755  29756  29757  29759  29760  29761  29763  29765  29769  29771  29775  29777  29781  29787  29789  29795  29799  29801  29805  29811  29817  29819  29825  29829  29831  29837  29841  29847  29855  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

二、完成下列句子 { 10 分}

85) 他三年前来到美国,从那以后就居住在那里

He came to America three years ago , and lived there ______   _________.

86) 你应该把你的论文内容删减一下

You should _______  ________ what you wrote in your paper .

87) 他们的平衡食品非常用效。他很快就瘦了,而她也胖了。

Their _______  ________ became a success that _________  ___________ he became slimmer  and she put on more weight .

88) 老师告诉他不要为昨天的考试不及格而叹息。

The teacher told him not to ________  __________ the failure of yesterday’s test .

89) 他出于好奇地问她为什么要用咖啡来解愁。

He asked her ______ ____ ______  why she would _______ her _________   _______ coffee.

90) 考式作弊必予追究

If you _______ in the exam you will never ______  _______  ______ it.


科目: 来源: 题型:

23. Please remain _____until the plane has come to complete shop.

A. to seat   B. to be seated    C. seating         D. Seated


科目: 来源: 题型:

I was so familiar with him that I recognized his voice _____ I picked up the phone.

   A. as     B. after     C. the instant     D. while


科目: 来源: 题型:

30.—Why do you leave your daughter alone without worrying about her?

       —She will ____ leave home to lead her own life.

       A.consequently   B.previously     C.roughly            D.Eventually


科目: 来源: 题型:

This printer is of good quality. If it _______ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.

A. would              B. should             C. could                D. might


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       I'm really nervous opening Chatroulette (a website).I don't know if I'm more scared of the possibility of coming face-to-face with a naked (裸体的) guy doing improper things, or the possibility of having to speak to someone normal.But it's that uncertainty that's caused the "game" to explode into an Internet phenomenon.

       So, I hesitantly click "play".My face appears in a small box to the left of the screen.I'm a 22-year-old guy, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and sitting in my warmly lit bedroom —not too threatening, I think.Believing I look welcoming and friendly, I open all features: visual, audio and text.The user can disable these at any time if they feel uncomfortable.

       Quickly I find myself face-to-face with my first "partner".A guy with glasses is staring back at me.He looks like he spends too much time in front of the computer."Hey", I say, "how are you going?" "Good," says the guy.Sensing that he was not going to be very talkative, I hit the "next" button.

       Just like that, I'm thrown across the world into someone else's bedroom.This time it looks like a middle-aged woman.I must have hit gold because 85 percent of Chatroulette users are male, according to the Wall Street Journal.She's wearing sunglasses and smiles back.Before I can even say a word, she "nexts" me."WHAT?!"

       Then, I fly through the Internet and arrive at my next partner.My nightmare, a man is sitting in his computer chair half-naked taking off his pants.Argghh! "Next, next, next!" For the next 30 minutes I keep my cursor (光标) over the "next" button.My experiences continue to be short, shocking, and largely uninteresting.I discouragingly hit "next" after seeing another naked man, and decide to end my session and close the window.This wasn't "the new social media experience" I was hoping for.Maybe it was just a little bit too random (随机的).

64.It is the author's __________ that leads him into Chatroulette.

       A.curiosity        B.unwillingness         C.enthusiasm      D.ignorance

65.The underlined word "disable" in Paragraph 2 means __________.

       A.store        B.close       C.misuse     D.copy

66.Among all the partners, __________ seemed to be the least interested in talking with the author.

       A.the guy with glasses        B.the middle-aged woman

       C.the man in his computer chair      D.the last man mentioned

67.What is the author's attitude toward Charoulette?

       A.Positive.       B.Supportive.   C.Objective.     D.Negative.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Some westerners who have never been to China make the      that poverty exists all over the poor country.

A.suggestion    B.decision    C.assumption   D.application


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Section B 

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.

It was one of the happiest times of my life. I was 29 and had just received my bachelor’s degree, graduating with   36   despite working two jobs and being a wife and mother. My parents and five-year-old son were among the   37   when I walked onto the stage at Ashland University to get my diploma. I was so excited and proud to be starting a teaching career and contributing more to my family’s happiness.

But when I got home that evening, there was a note from my husband,   38  , “I have come to get my clothes and won’t be back.” We’d been having trouble,   39   that note still came as a shock. He had emptied our bank account. We were horribly in debt. I had quit my previous jobs in the hope of finding a teaching position.   40  , I was eight months pregnant.

The reality was so merciless that I was embarrassed,   41  , and angry and felt I had failed. But I had my son, and I was about to   42   a new life into the world. So   43   my deep sadness, I had to go on. The next morning, I woke up, put my feet on the floor, took a deep breath, prepared breakfast, and basically did everything I always did. I used my routine to keep myself moving.

And in the seven years since, I’ve continued moving forward. I got a job as a kindergarten teacher, earned a master’s degree in education, and watched my babies grow to 12 and   44  . I certainly have never   45   to put them through this, but in retrospect (回首往事), I’m glad   it happened to me when it did. It helped me grow   46  , confident, and strong — things I’m now hopefully instilling in (灌输) my children. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, hands you a lemon, or knocks you for a loop (gives you a shock). But knowing how to   47   failure can be the first step to success. This is my latest belief and strategy on how to win in the end.  

36. A. worries  B. anxieties      C. troubles       D. honors

37. A. professors     B. students      C. audience      D. neighbours

38. A. saying    B. meaning       C. expressing   D. writing

39. A. but          B. and       C. thus     D. so

40. A. Therefore       B. Yet        C. Besides        D. Even

41. A. excited  B. disturbed     C. interested   D. scared

42. A. take        B. bring    C. give      D. get

43. A. regardless of B. except for    C. in spite of     D. instead of

44. A. seven     B. eight    C. nine      D. ten

45. A. stopped B. chosen          C. turned D. waited

46. A. indifferent      B. careful C. helpful D. independent

47. A. put up with    B. keep up with       

C. deal with      D. do with


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It used to be that Christmas, with a little help from Blue Peter, was about adding the personal touch. We'd sit there for hours making cards and gifts for family and friends, knowing that the thought put into them would be properly appreciated.

Nowadays, time is against us, but there is still one easy way for you to make someone's Christmas this year — a personalised card from M&S’ new website. To celebrate their new site, M&S is offering Times readers two-for-one on all cards. Simply choose one of the 300 exclusive(独家的)Christmas designs — starting from£1. 99, personalise it by changing the name and writing a message or uploading a photo. Then, add the receiver’s address and the card will be sent for you. Order by 2pm and it will be posted the same day.

In all, there are l,500 card designs to choose from, covering all kinds of special occasions. So if you want to get ahead of yourself for 2010, you know where to visit. You can even choose to be reminded of those important dates every year.

To claim your two-for-one on M&S personalized cards, simply visit marksandspencer-personalised.com. Remember to enter the code ‘TIMESFRI’ on the payment page.  This code is available for two days.  


1. The product given for free must be of equal or lower value.

2. Payment of postage is required.

3. Marks & Spencer reserves the right to take back this offer without prior(预先)notice.

64. What does the underlined part “two-for-one”(in Paragraph 3) mean in the ad?

A. Two paid cards and one free card.

B. One paid card and two free cards.

C. Your name and a message on one card.

D. Your photo and the receiver’s on one card.

65. From the ad we can know that M&S is most probably           .

A. a website selling Christmas cards only

B. an agency of the newspaper Times

    C. a company promoting the sales of cards

    D. an advertising agency of card producers

66. To order the product for your friends now, you should           .

    A. enter a code on the payment page of M&S’ website

    B. always order it before two o’clock in the afternoon

    C. put into the card your own date of birth and address

    D. spend time making cards with the help of Blue Peter

67. According to the ad, if you order the Christmas cards,          .

    A. they can be delivered free of charge

    B. you can enjoy the special offer all the year round

    C. their value may be lower than that of a free card

    D. you can get a favor of at least £1. 99


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解




“BANG! BANG!” Setting off firecrackers(爆竹), which has been the most typical custom on the Spring Festival, is the happiest part of the Festival for most Chinese kids. They light the fuse(导火线) nervously, run away in a hurry, cover their ears with their hands and watch the colorful display with a big smile on their faces. Faced with the beautiful scene, they feel they are the happiest ones in the world as if they had never had a more exciting experience.

While setting off firecrackers can bring kids so much fun, these firecrackers can also be dangerous. Therefore, many Chinese big cities including Beijing began to ban them in the 1980s. Such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities because the government took security, noise and pollution factors into consideration. As a replacement, some buy tapes with

firecracker sounds to listen to, some break little balloons to get the sound too, while others buy firecracker handicrafts to hang in the living room.

This year good news came for teens in Beij ing. The ban on firecrackers was cancelled on September 9, 2008. It will add much fun to the coming Spring Festival in tile capital. Hearing the news, many kids were wild with joy.

According to Chinese custom, lighting firecrackers is a must during the Spring Fesrival. People believe the sound of the firecrackers drives away demons(恶魔) and bad luck for the coming year. Their beautiful colours and sound also bring much excitement during this most important traditional Chinese festival.

Since the ban, people complained that the Spring Festival was too quiet and not traditional enough. Children lost the fun and grown-ups lost their childhood memories.

Some even worried that if the ban continued, the next generation would only know the custom of lighting firecrackers through books. This would be a great loss for tradition.

Everybody knows that we can’t give up eating for the slight risk of choking(因噎废食). So in recent years, many cities have resumed the old custom at the request of local residents. This year Beijing kids will also be able to join in.

However, every year there are kids injured by setting off fireworks in a dangerous way. So while enjoying yourself, please bear safety in mind.

Don’t light fireworks among crowds, inside a bottle or with a part of your body right over it.

No matter how much fun firecrackers are, the most important thing is to keep away from danger. We wish every kid an exciting and safe Spring Festival!

Title:Firecrackers back in Beijing on the Spring Festival


for setting off firecrackers

☆It is the most typical custom of the Chinese.

☆The sound of the firecrackers is 72)       to drive away demons and bad luck.

☆Their beautiful colours and sound also make people 73)      .

Fun for kids

☆Feeling nervous and running away 74)       when lighting the fuse

☆Covering the ears with hands and 75)       the colourful display joyfully

76)      on the ban

☆It is very dangerous for people and their properties.

☆Its noise and smoke cause heavy 77)       .

Complaints about the ban

☆Much fun for kids will be 78)       .

☆It’s difficult for grown-ups to remember their childhoods.

Return of firecrackers

☆The government 79)       the ban on Septmnber 9, 2008.

☆If taking proper 80)       measures, Beijing kids will enjoy an exciting Spring Festival this year.


