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科目: 来源: 题型:

World Expo 2010 Shanghai China, a grand-scale global event, has ______ the significant theme “Better City, Better Life.”

A. abandoned       B. adopted            C. advocated       D. adapted


科目: 来源: 题型:

27. The transportation will improve a lot in Changzhou, with another three bridges ________ over the Grand Canal in the near future.

A. to be constructed           B. to construct      C. being constructed        D. Constructing


科目: 来源: 题型:

16.In no place of China_______little about the economic development nowadays.

       A.the local government cares                          B.does the local government care

       C.doesn't the local government care                 D.cares the local government


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Modern Manners

Philip Howard answers your questions on contemporary etiquette (礼仪)

Philip Howard,

When my friend and I (two ladies of a certain age) go out to have a meal, she always leaves an extremely large tip. At times, the tip will equal the amount of one of the main dishes—sometimes it comes to about 30 per cent of the bill. I feel 15—20 per cent is adequate for services offered and depending on the type of restaurant. At a cafe I would like to leave 15 per cent or a bit more depending on the service and etc. A larger tip would be appropriate if we are in a big city or a nicer place. My friend says “Well, I am sure they are not driving a Mercedes (奔驰汽车).” Well, neither am I, and how does she know? Who is correct and how can I make changes? I might add I do truly feel tipping should be based on good service, and also if you frequent a place and know the staff a larger tip is OK. I would never hesitate to tip a waitperson. I always leave to the higher side.  


                                      Barbara Bade

Barbara Bade,

Americans are more generous tippers than the British. I suspect that 10 per cent for a tip is about normal in the UK. Tipping is a strange survival in our age of supposed equality and minimum wages. Your friend has a generous nature and deep purse. I do not see why you cannot let her tip whatever she wants, and do your own thing. I agree that a tip should be a reward for good service and general good feeling. If the service is rotten and the meal a disaster, we should withhold a tip and explain why we are doing so. Few of us have the chutzpah (厚颜) to do this. Sensible restaurants have a box for tips, so that they are shared out among the staff, including those in the kitchens whom we do not see. (I trust that the management does not receive the money as extra profit.) I look forward to the day when waiters and other servants are paid a good enough living wage, so that they do not have to depend on the generosity of strangers to survive. To wait at table is just as honorable a way to earn a living in this wicked world. If you are pleased with the meal and cheerful service, you should tip as handsomely as your purse affords. I don’t suppose that your waiter / waitress is driving a Mercedes, even in the States. 


                                            Philip Howard

60. We can learn from the first letter that Barbara prefers ___________.

A. changing her own ideas on how to tip waiters

B. leaving a bigger tip to the familiar waitpersons

C. eating at a café rather than in a nice restaurant

D. saving as much money as possible for herself

61. It can be inferred that Barbara’s friend tips waiters heavily ________.

A. to show that she is well off                               B. because they are thought to be poorly paid

C. to show that she is generous                          D. because they have offered her full service

62. Besides quality of service, Philip regards __________ as principles of tipping.

A. taste of food and amount of one’s money

B. taste of food and the number of servants

C. generosity of strangers and the number of servants

D. amount of one’s money and generosity of strangers


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


 Even as Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda wrapped up a tired appearance before Congress,the head of the world’s largest automaker wasn’t leaving his problems behind.

 Toyota faces a criminal investigation by federal lawyers in New York.The company is now being investigated.Its US dealerships in difficulty now are facing repairs to potentially millions of customer cars that have been recalled.The company is offering customers money back for rental cars and other expenses.

 Its lawyers are busy preparing to cope with lawsuits.A new hearing will be conducted. And the cost to Toyota’s reputation is only now starting.

Despite back-to-back hearings this  week,left to be said were a better explanation for slow actions to deal with the faults and believable promises that the problems that led to sudden,unintended accelerations will be fixed.

Toyoda said those changes were being made nearly around the clock,but during three hours of often tense questions and answers he repeated that there was no link to the vehicle’s electronic systems.

Many drivers making complaints against Toyota and the government say their acceleration problems had nothing to do with floor mat interference(油门踏板故障)or sticky gas pedals(刹车).Outside experts have suggested electronic problems.

    House lawmakers expressed serious criticism on Toyoda,the grandson of the company’s founder.

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA)is seeking records on Toyota’s recalls and is conducting its own review on whether electronics were behind the car faults.NHTSA also continues to look into steering complaints from drivers of the popular Corolla model.

    Toyota has recalled 8.5 million cars,more than 6 million of them in the United States.

      It may be a while before car buyers believe that Toyota really makes safe cars.

      Toyota’s January sales already fell 16 percent even as most other automakers jumped back from last year’s bad results.Analyst Koji Endo of Advanced Research Japan in Tokyo said he expects February sales,due out next week,to be down 30 percent to 40.Toyota’s sales problem could continue beyond that. 

      It will take some time to feel the full effect of this,he said.

66.The best title for this passage is            .

      A.Toyota is in trouble                  B.Toyota is under hearing

      C.Toyota is finished                        D.Toyota is still running

67.What is the purpose of the hearing?

      A.America hopes that Toyota apologizes to the US customers.

      B.America wants to get Toyota out of the US market.

      C.America wants to help Toyota out of difficulty.

      D.America hopes that Toyota admits their cars have electronic system problem.

68.What can we infer from the passage?

    A. Toyota provides very good post sale service.

    B. Toyota’s biggest market is in the United States.

C.Toyota will be closed soon.

D.Toyota’s dealership in the US will all be closed.

69.Why does Toyota recall cars and offer customers money back for rental cars and other expenses?

      A.It tries to avoid the maximum damages to the company.

      B.It is big company and has means to fix every problem.

      C.It’s part of post servicee. D.It’s a way to compete in auto market.

70.The last sentence of this passage indicates            .

      A.Analyst Koji Endo is fully confident about Toyota

      B.Toyota could meet a worse situation

      C.Toyota would get out of trouble sooner or later

      D.Toyota would build up a better reputation among its customers


科目: 来源: 题型:












科目: 来源: 题型:

23.— What’s that terrible noise.David?

      — Oh,I forgot to tell you.The new machines in the nearby plant _______.

      A.were tested   B.will be tested        C.are being tested       D.have been tested


科目: 来源: 题型:

25. Don’t refer to the dictionary every time you come across a new word as sometimes its meaning may be _______ clearly in a given context.

   A. picked out           B. ruled out  C. brought out       D. taken out


科目: 来源: 题型:

The county, ________ in the north of Shanxi, has a history of more than 1,400 years.

A. located               B. to be located   C. being located    D. locating


科目: 来源: 题型:

 _______ from Milan Trenc’s novel, the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world

where dinosaurs wander the earth.

Adapted      B. Adapting               C. Having adapted                D. To be adapted

