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科目: 来源: 题型:

Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with ONE word that best fits the context.

New studies show how food and its production affect the globe and its climate. The process of making a hamburger, for example, requires lots of energy. A cow has to be fed and raised on farmland. And cow waste is a major source of methane(沼气)—  48  especially powerful greenhouse gas. The cow has to be killed. The meat has to be processed and shipped,   49  takes fuel. Most of the cow won’t even be used for meat people eat. By the time a hamburger finally lands on a dinner plate,   50  has made bad effect on the environment.

We can reduce the production of global warming gases by eating less beef. Other kinds of meat like pork and chicken do  51  harm to the environment ---at least  52  terms of the amount of greenhouse gases released.   53 , all kinds of meat are harder on the planet than vegetables.  54  changing our diet to less meat and more vegetables, as it turns  55  , may do the world some good.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Astronaut Jim Voss has enjoyed many memorable moments in his career,including three space flights and one space walk. But he recalls with special fondness a decidedly earthbound(为地球引力所束缚的)experience in the summer of 1980 when he participated in the NASA ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program. Voss, then a science teacher at West Poin,was assigned to the Marshall Space Flight Center's propulsion(推进) lab in Alabama to analyze why a hydraulic fuel pump seal (液压燃料泵的密封圈)on the space shuttle(航天飞机) was working so well when previous seals had failed. It was a seemingly tiny problem among the vast complexities of running the space program. Yet it was important to NASA because any crack in the seal could have led to destructive results for the astronauts who relied on them.

“I worked a bit with NASA engineers,” says Voss, “but I did it mostly by an analysis. I used a handheld calculator, not a computer, to do a thermodynamic(热力学的) analysis.” At the end of the summer,he,like the other NASA ASEE fellows working at Marshall,summarized his findings in a formal presentation and detailed paper. It was a valuable moment for Voss because the ASEE program gave him added understanding of  NASA,deepened his desire to fly in space,and intensified his application for astronaut status.

  It was not an easy process. Voss was actually passed over when he first applied for the astronaut program in 1978. Over the next nine years he reapplied repeatedly,and was finally accepted in 1987. Since then he has participated in three space missions. The 50 year old Army officer,who lives in Houston,is now in training for a four-month mission as a crew member on the International Space Station starting in July 2000.

 Voss says the ASEE program is wonderful for all involved. “It brings in people from the academic world and gives NASA a special property for a particular period of time. It brings some fresh eyes and fresh ideas to NASA,and establishes a link with our colleges and universities,” Voss explains. “There's an exchange of information and an exchange of perspectives that is very important.”

For the academic side,Voss says,the ASEE program also “brings institutions of higher learning more insight into new technology. We give them an opportunity to work on real world problems and take it back to the classroom.”

66. Why was the hydraulic fuel pump seal important for the space shuttle?

A) Because previous seals all failed.

B) Because it was very complex in running the space program.

C) Because great care has to be taken of the hydraulic fuel pump sealing.

D) Because any crack in the seals would cause disastrous results for the astronauts.

67.The great significance of Voss's findings lies in_________ .

A) strengthening his determination to join in space flights

B) furthering his understanding of NASA

C) consolidating his astronaut status in NASA programs

D) Both A and B

68. How many flights will Voss have finished if his four-month mission starting in July 2000 ends up successfully?

A) Three  B) Two   C) Four     D) Five

69. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to what Voss said on the ASEE program?

A) Fresh members from the academic world participate in the program.

B) The program brings new outlooks to NASA space programs.

C) It is important for the space scientists to exchange information and perspectives.

D) American colleges and universities are a special property of NASA.

70. What does Voss want to stress in the last paragraph?

A) The technological significance of the program.

B) The educational significance of the program.

C) The philosophical significance of the program.

D) The historical significance of the program.


科目: 来源: 题型:





2. 给他提出建议(至少两条)

3. 陈述你帮助他的具体打算




Dear Zhang Hua,


Yours sincerely, 

Li Ming     


科目: 来源: 题型:

23. We have no idea at all ______the economic crisis will end.

       A. when             B. that when          C. what                 D. That


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What do you think of your performance now?—Great! ______ so successful.

A.I thought it wouldn’t be                                B.I didn’t think it would be

         C.I think it will not be                                         D.I don’t think it will be


科目: 来源: 题型:

14. Yesterday we went to a park ________ is newly built, ________ we had a very good time.

   A. where; that         B. in which; that       C. which; where       D. that; which


科目: 来源: 题型:

31. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class ______ he had to meet his uncle at the airport. 

A. why                  B. that                        C. where                 D. Because


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Hunting for a job is a painful experience, which nearly everyone must endure at least once in a lifetime. Books are published and magazine articles are written on the subject, all trying to tell job seekers what they should do or avoid in order to win the game. They can’t calm the nervous applicant but they do offer some advice.

To begin with, it is not a good idea to be late. Job interviewers don’t think very highly of the candidate(应聘者)who arrives twenty minutes after the appointed time . The wise job seeker explores the place the day before. Next day he arrives early for the appointment.

What makes a good impression? Being on time does, then, appearance. It is essential for the candidate to be dressed properly and to look alive. It is also very important to look the interviewer in the eye because this “eye contact” gives a strong impression of sincerity and openness.

Many candidates waste a good part of the interview explaining why they want the job; the man or the woman on the other side of the desk is waiting to hear why the would-be employee would be good for the position and for the company.

It is a very difficult task to display oneself to possible employer: one must not be too humble, since it is essential to show one’s good points and experiences. However, bragging(说大话)doesn’t make a very good impression. One thing is certain: interview time is a time for honesty. The interviewer is trying to discover not only the professional worth but also the character of the man or the woman he is meeting. Therefore, he must rely on his observation of the applicant, her manners, what she says and how she says it.

While this examination is going on, the job seeker should remember that she too has a right to be curious. It is recommended that the applicant ask some serious questions about the job, the company, and its future. If the questions are intelligent, they will impress the interviewer favorably.

68. The writer’s purpose in writing the passage is to _____________.

    A. offer tips on job seeking           B. warn applicants not to be nervous

    C. analyze the thinking of interviewers  D. stress the difficulty of job seeking

69. Which of the following shows whether an applicant could benefit the company?

    A. How early he/she is.              B. What he/she is wearing.

    C. His/Her explanation for the job.     D. His/Her manners.

70. The underlined word “humble” probably means _____.

    A. humorous                 B. modest              C. honest        D. talkative

71. Which of the following statements would the writer agree with?

    A. Job seekers should be as early as possible.

    B. Job seekers should be dressed as well as possible.

    C. Interviewers pay a lot of attention to applications’ behaviors.

    D. Interviewers encourage applicants to ask questions.


科目: 来源: 题型:


你校正在开展“创建文明班级,共建和谐校园”活动,庆根据下面内容,以“Get Rid of Bad Habits and Greet Civilization”.为题写一篇短文,向“China Daily”投稿,介绍有关情况。




注意:1. 词数 100 左右

   2.参考词汇: 文明 civilization和谐的 harmonious

 Our school has now stared an activity called “Building Civilized Classes and a Harmonious Campus”. The tpic is “Getting Rid of Bad Habits ad Greet Civilization.”…


科目: 来源: 题型:

What way are you thinking of ___ rid of this kind of pollution?     

A. to get      B. get    C. getting       D. got

