 0  29701  29709  29715  29719  29725  29727  29731  29737  29739  29745  29751  29755  29757  29761  29767  29769  29775  29779  29781  29785  29787  29791  29793  29795  29796  29797  29799  29800  29801  29803  29805  29809  29811  29815  29817  29821  29827  29829  29835  29839  29841  29845  29851  29857  29859  29865  29869  29871  29877  29881  29887  29895  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

--Let’s play basketball for a while, shall we?---No, I don’t want to

--How about ___?  --Oh, that is fine.

A. go for a walk   B. going for a walk   C.to go for a walk    D.be going for a walk


科目: 来源: 题型:

Jack needs ___ the composition again.

A. to write    B. writing    C. to be written     D. to writing


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Maggiano is an award-winning teacher in the Social Studies Department at West Springfield High School in Virginia. He has taught in public and private schools for 25 years .In a piece on his blog called “The Classroom Post,” he calls for more males to enter the profession(职业).

Men Teach, a non-profit organization that encourages men to enter teaching, reports that in 2008, 18.8% of all elementary and middle school teachers were men. At the high school level during the same year, men comprised(构成) 44% of the work force.

Why are there so few men in teaching? Men Teach says low pay and lack of prestige(声望), as well as a perception in our culture that teaching is for women. As a result, there is no organized effort across the country to attract men into the teaching profession.

A study in 2008 by the National Education Association showed that the number of male teachers hit a record 40-year low. Males comprised 24.5 percent of public schoolteachers. States with high percentages: Kansas (33.6 percent), Oregon (31.6 percent), Alaska (30.9 percent) and Indiana (30.5percent).States with the lowest percentage : Arkansas (16.2 percent), Virginia (17.4 percent), Mississippi (17.5 percent), Louisiana (18 percent), South Carolina (18.5 percent) and Georgia (19.7 percent).

     There is no definitive(确定) research that male students--or female students, for that matter-- learn better from a particular sex.

But as Maggiano put it, “Kids today, both boys and girls, must have the same opportunity to learn from outstanding, devoted men that I did. However, I have heard little discussion about this problem coming from our national leaders.

What worries Maggiano is that_______.         

A. nobody will take his place when he retires

B. male teachers are not so excellent

C. men are not interested in teaching

D. there is not enough teachers in the schools

According to the text , we can infer that______.      

A. the number of male teachers hit a record 40-year low in 2008

B. it is not sure students will learn better from male teachers

C. male teachers get a higher pay

D. organized efforts have been made to call on men into the teaching profession

In which state are male teachers most badly needed?

A. Alaska   B. Virginia    C. Georgia   D. Arkansas

What does the last paragraph suggest?

A. The government doesn’t pay much attention to the shortage.

of male teachers in the school.

B. Students find it easy to learn from male teachers.

C. I’m glad to hear the discussion about the shortage of male teachers in the school.

D. The shortage of male teachers in the school has no effect on students.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


    I believe in miracles(奇迹)because I’ve seen so many of them.One day,a patient was referred to me who was one hundred and two years old.“There’s a  36   in my upper jaw,”she said.“I told my own dentist it’s nothing,but he   37  I come to see you”

Her eighty-year-old son accompanied her.He would  38  to add something,but she stopped him.She wanted to tell everything herself.I found a large cancer that spread over much of the

 39 of her mouth.A careful examination later   40  that it was a particularly bad sort of cancer.

    During her next appointment,I explained to her the   41  of the problem. She clasped my

hand in hers and said,“I know you’re worried about me,but I’m just  42  .”

    I thought otherwise.After considerable  43   on my part,and kindness on her part because she wanted to  44   me,she agreed to have me refer her to a cancer surgeon.She saw him,but as I expected, 45   treatment.

  About six months later she returned to my office,still energetic and  46 

  “How are you?”I asked.

  “I’m just fine,honey,”she responded  47   high spirits.“When can I get started on fixing

my dentures(假牙)?”

    Surprised to see her at all,I answered   48  ,“Let me take a look in your mouth and we’ll

see about it. ”

    I couldn’t believe my eyes.The cancer that had  49  nearly the entire roof of her mouth was gone—only one small area of redness  50 

    I had read of such things happening,but had  51  seen them with my own eyes.That was my first miracle.Since then I’ve seen many others,because they keep getting  52   to see.In fact,miracles are daily events for me now.And people are a miracle,  53  through them we have a chance to know ourselves and to  54  the miracles of one another.

    Since my first miracle,I’ve come to understand that the time and place for a miracle is  55  we choose to find it.

36.A.cut      B.pain    C.wound    D.cancer

37.A.declared    B.suspected        C.promised     D.insisted

38.A.refuse       B.continue    C.attempt D.manage

39.A.roof    B.corner       C.bottom   D.surface

40.A.confirmed        B.convinced        C.considered   D.concluded

41.A.possibility      B.importance       C.seriousness D.resolution

42.A.old      B.sick    C.fine     D.glad

43.A.permission       B.support      C.approval     D.effort

44.A.persuade    B.please       C.encourage    D.astonish

45.A.declined    B.provided    C.received     D.required

46.A.healthy      B.elegant      C.optimistic   D.humorous

47.A.to       B.in       C.with     D.by

48.A.worriedly        B.confusedly       C.patiently    D.confidently

49.A.covered      B.reached      C.spread   D.grown

50.A.cured        B.faded        C.expanded     D.remained

51.A.ever    B.also    C.never    D.already

52.A.easier       B.rarer        C.happier D.closer

53.A.or       B.so       C.yet D.for

54.A.read    B.make    C.keep     D.see

55.A.whatever    B.wherever    C.whoever D.whichever


科目: 来源: 题型:

Beyond ___stars, the astronaut saw nothing but ___ space.

A. /…the   B. /…/   C. the…/   D. the…the


科目: 来源: 题型:

Miss Smith is a close friend of ___.

A. Mary mother’s   B. Mary mother  C.Mary’s mother’s  D. Mary’s mother’s


科目: 来源: 题型:

36. Pakistan does not _____ the possibility of a war starting with India, but promises to do everything it can to reduce tensions (紧张).

A. give out        B. send out         C. turn out        D. rule out


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       FOR many of us, cartoon strips(连环画) are simply one of our pastimes. The popular Japanese manga provides us with an escape from reality into a world of fantasy, adventure and romance. With much less text and pictures running for pages, it fits perfectly into today's fast, throwing away city lifestyle.

       But Tsai Chih-chung, a famous Taiwanese illustrator (漫画家), doesn't agree. He believes cartoons can be a bridge connecting traditional Chinese culture and wisdom with the modern world in a much more wise and acceptable way.

       He has interpreted(演绎) Lao Zi, Confucius, Mencius, Zhuang Zi and Sun Zi and made their works accessible to a global audience. He has also produced two books about Zen (禅宗), introducing oriental philosophy(哲学). His cartoons are humorous yet full of wisdom and are admired as an easy way to learn Chinese classics.

       After avoiding the public for ten years, Tsai made a comeback in late April with seven new works. But does his age, 61, work as a gap between him and his young readers? Tsai doesn't think so.

       The topics he has covered range from philosophy in a time of individuality(个性) to the learning and memorizing techniques used at school. "Every child is a genius and has the potential beyond his own imagination," he said.

       If popular Japanese manga is simply for entertainment, Tsai's work, to a large extent, is to light the power of thinking in a light-hearted way. Tsai uses different forms of water to refer to people. In his eyes some people are like an ocean, some are like vapor , while others may be ice or rain. But in essence they share a similarity – human being's forever chasing for the true and the good.

       "The person who thinks over life issues is not necessarily a scholar or a philosopher," he said. "I've devoted my whole life to thinking and individual freedom, not making a living."

64.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

       A.Tsai’s work fits today’s city lifestyle.

       B.All of Tsai’s works mainly introduce eastern philosophy.

       C.Tsai’s works are humorous as well as full of wisdom.

       D.Tsai’s works are not involved in children’s study.

65.What’s the word “vapor” mean in the 6th paragraph?

       It means          .

       A.a kind of food  B.a form of water       C.a form of solid D.a kind of people

66.From the passage we know that       .

       A.Tsai once stopped writing his works for ten years

       B.Tsai writes his works in order to make a living

       C.Tsai thinks everyone should be a scholar or a philosopher

       D.Tsai doesn’t think there is a gap between him and his young readers

67.In the author’s opinion,         .

       A.Japanese Manga is more valuable than Tsai’s

       B.Tsai’s works are more valuable than Japanese Manga

       C.Japanese Manga is as valuable as Tsai’s

       D.Both Japanese Manga and Tsai’s works are valueless


科目: 来源: 题型:

She dislikes this skirt, _________________?

 A. doesn’t she       B. does she         C. isn’t she     D. is she


科目: 来源: 题型:

They’d go with us, __________?

 A. wouldn’t they    B. didn’t they    C. hadn’t they  D. couldn’t they

