 0  29704  29712  29718  29722  29728  29730  29734  29740  29742  29748  29754  29758  29760  29764  29770  29772  29778  29782  29784  29788  29790  29794  29796  29798  29799  29800  29802  29803  29804  29806  29808  29812  29814  29818  29820  29824  29830  29832  29838  29842  29844  29848  29854  29860  29862  29868  29872  29874  29880  29884  29890  29898  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

27.Yesterday I was about to leave for the market _____ my boss called and asked me to go back to the office at once.

       A.when     B.while     C.as          D.Because


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ______to too much sunlight, as is generally considered, will add to the potential of catching skin cancer.

A. Being exposed           B. Exposed                            C. Exposing                      D. To expose


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Then you usually lie there just ______ the ceiling, thinking about everything that could go wrong.

  A. glancing at            B. watching at        C. glaring at                D. staring at


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

More teachers are starting off the school year with letters to parents and students to introduce themselves and set a tone (基调) for the year.The letters are a good way to start positive communication with parents, several teachers told Education World

“I think it’s professional (专业的),”said Dorothy Peselli, an English teacher at Sparta High School in Sparta, New Jersay, Peselli, who gives out the letters the first day of school, told Education World.“It gives parents an image of you as a professional.If you start communication off in a positive manner, you will have the parents on your side when you need them.”

In her letter to parents, Peselli encourages them to call or e-mail her with specific concerns about their children.“I want to work as a team to make sure that your child becomes an independent lifelong learner,” Peselli wrote to parents last September.She also telephones the parents of all her students at the beginning of the year.

Peselli includes with the letter a classroom handbook (手册)listing plans and rules .And she requires that both parents and students read and sign statements (included in the letter!) that they read the handbook.The student letter also lists needed supplies and gives encouragement.“Please come to class ready to work and learn.This will be an exciting year for all of us,” it says

Last year, Peselli taught at a different high school and parents there were “shocked”, but appreciative, that she had so much contact with them,“I received roses and a thank-you note from one boy and his mother”.Peselli said.She wished her own children’s teachers would take the time to write notes as well.“I never got a letter home from any of my daughter’s high school teachers.” she said, “It would be nice to know the background of some of the people who are teaching my daughter.”

We may learn from the text that            

A.most teachers are writing letters to parents and students

B.the handbook is used to list supplies and give encouragement

C.Peselli believe it important for teachers to exchange information with parents

D.Peselli mainly introduces her background and teaching experiences in the letters

The underlined word “it” in the fourth paragraph refers to         

A.the handbook               B.the requirement  

C.the school             D.the letter

We can infer from the last paragraph that          

A.parents were satisfied with Peselli’s way of working

B.Peselli means to surprise parents by writing students

C.Peselli seemed to be popular among boy students

D.all Peselli’s children are studying in high schools

The purpose of the text is to          

A.introduce an English teaching method

B.give advice on how to teach students

C.encourage teachers to keep in touch with parents

D.show us how Dorothy Peselli makes teaching plans


科目: 来源: 题型:

 – We only have 15 minutes to get to work .What shall we do?

  -- Oh , dear ,There isn’t any taxi around when you want _____


科目: 来源: 题型:

 --- How do you like your college life?

 ---Terrible.Not only ____less spare time, but ____myself even busier than before.

     A.do I enjoy; do I find              B.I enjoy; I find

     C.do I enjoy; I find                 D.I enjoy; do I find


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I would have come here on time. But my car      .

A. broke up    B. broke away         C. broke out   D. broke down


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Travel in most of Europe is easy. An agreement between the 15 European Union countries in 1995 means that citizens from most European countries can travel across borders without needing a visa.

Each of the 12 countries that has   36   its own currency (货币) to accept the euro has its own   37  . So how have these countries been able to   38  ? And how has each country prepared for the birth of this new currency? Firstly, many people in Europe,  39  in west Europe, speak English. The European Convention on Human Rights says that all people have a  40  to learn and use their traditional language.

But at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, the official language for all business is   41  . And every European country requires students to study English for many years at   42  . Other languages may be offered, too. But English is a   43   .

"If I meet someone, I try Spanish. Then I try   44  . And if it's not   45   , I say "Hello". That' s the signal, and we communicate no matter what country we come from." Said Maria Ortega, a ski instructor in the Pyrenees,   46   French and Spanish are mainly used.

Each country has its own   47   culture. Though the French may be famous for their 1,000 types of cheese and the Greeks are known to  48   olive oil on everything, most people in Europe like  49  strong coffee on their breakfast table. Another drink is held  50  throughout the continent. Europe's vineyards(葡萄园) may be famous, but the real drink of Europe is   51  . Europeans consume tons of it.

Football, of course, also helps to    52    all of Europe. Many fans are obsessed (着迷) with   53   and with international stars. David Beckham, of England' s Manchester United, is a hero to Europeans in the same   54   that Michael Jordan is to   55   .

36. A. given up                     B. ended up          C. agreed with                    D. started with

37. A. money                 B. right                              C. border                           D. culture

38. A. meet                           B. unite                             C. travel                             D. accept

39. A. specially         B. generally              C. particularly                   D. normally

40. A. chance                  B. right                              C. wish                               D. place

41. A. French                   B. German                  C. English                      D. Spanish

42. A. school                   B. work                              C. home                             D. table

43. A. subject                  B. tool                          C. need                            D. must

44. A. English                  B. French                     C. German                   D. Greek

45. A. listening                     B. spoken                    C. working                    D. heard

46. A. as                           B. where                      C. since                              D. whose

47. A. food                            B. art                           C. drink                               D. life

48. A. add                              B. spread                     C. spend                             D. put

49. A. a kind of          B. a lot of                  C. a cup of                 D. a taste of

50. A. in common        B. in general                C. in need                       D. in special

51. A. beer                            B. wine                              C. coffee                            D. soup

52. A. attract            B. tie                                 C. play                           D. watch

53. A. opera                          B. bread                            C. music                             D. football

54. A. direction                    B. level                              C. way                           D. game

55. A. basketballers            B. British               C. athletes   D. Americans


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Erik Weihenmayer was born with an eye disorder. As a child his eyesight became worse and then, at the age of 13, he lost his sight completely. However, he did not lost his determination to lead a full and active life.

Erik became an adventurer. He took up parachuting, wrestling and diving. He competed in long-distance biking, marathons and skiing. His favorite sport, though, is mountaineering.

As a young man, Erik started to climb mountains. He reached the summit of Mount McKinley in 1995 and then climbed the dangerous 1000-meter rock wall of EI Capitan. Two years later, while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya with his girlfriend, they stopped for a time at 13, 000 feet above sea level---in order to get married. In 1999, he climbed Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America. And then, on May25, 2001, at the age of 33, Erik successfully completed the greatest mountaineering challenge of all. He climbed Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world.

Erik invented his own method for climbing mountains. He carries two long poles, one to lean on and the other to test the way ahead of him. The climber in front of him wears a bell to guide him. Erik is a good team member. He does his share of the job, such as setting up tents and building snow walls.

Although he could not enjoy the view, Erik felt the excitement of being on the summit of Everest. He hopes that his success will change how people think about the blind. “When people think about a blind person or blindness, now they will think about a person standing on top of the world.”

60. What was unusual about his wedding?

A. He got married on the summit of Mount McKinley.

B. He got married when climbing Mount Everest.

C. His wedding was held after he prepared a lot.

D. His wedding was held at 13, 000 feet above sea level.

61. What is Erik’s special method for climbing a mountain?

A. He takes his girlfriend with him.                      B. He does his share of his jobs.

C. He uses two long poles to help himself.          D. He keeps a good team around him.

62. Which of the following shows the right order of what happened?

a. He topped Mount McKinley.                             b. He became blind.

c. He challenged Mount Everest.                               d. He reached the peak of Kilimanjaro.

e. He climbed the rock wall of EI Capitan.

A. b, e, d, c, a                    B. b, a, e, d, c          C. b, a, e, c, d          D. b, e, a, d, c


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The name of the mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is Hai Bao, which means the treasure of the sea. The name of Hai Bao is easy to remember, echoes with the color of its body and is a typical lucky name in Chinese tradition. Hai Bao is the good-will ambassador of Shanghai Expo. He is embracing friends from all over the world with his arms and confident smile.

Like the mascots for huge worldwide events such as Olympics and World Cup, the mascot of World Expo is very important for interpreting the theme and expressing the culture. The World Expo mascots have not only become the representatives of Expo images, but also embody(体现) the culture and spirit of hosting countries and cities. The mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is trying to accomplish the following functions:

To embody the culture of the hosting country. World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a global event hosted by China and undertaken by the city of Shanghai. It is the first time that a developing country will host a registered World Expo. The design of Shanghai Expo mascot must have Chinese cultural characters, state the Chinese cultural spirit and manifest(表明) that Shanghai Expo is a platform for worldwide cultural exchange. Meanwhile, the design must accord with Chinese laws and social conventions.

To interpret the theme “Better City, Better Life”. The image of mascot should well express the theme by using innovative ideas, impressive appearance and motions to state its concept and characters. By exploring the relationship among cities, urban residents and planet, the mascot must express the inner relation between heritage (遗产) and future.

To have the value of re-creation. The mascot of World Expo 2010 Shanghai China should meet the principle of  “good looking, easy to understand, easy to remember and easy to use.” It should also be suitable for the creation of licensed products, including stationery, garments, souvenirs and jewellery. The mascot should be easy to be re-created in graphic, solid or electronic media.

  71  of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China

I.    72   to Haibao:


  the treasure of the sea

  the good-will ambassador of Shanghai Expo.

·   73   :


  echoing with the color of its body

  a typical lucky name in Chinese tradition

II.   75   of the mascot:

· interpreting the theme

· expressing the culture

III.   76   of the mascot of World Expo 2010:

· To embody the culture of the hosting country

  have Chinese cultural characters

  state the Chinese cultural spirit

manifest Shanghai Expo being   77   for worldwide cultural exchange

· To    78    “Better City, Better Life”

  state its concept and characters

  express the inner relation between heritage and future

· To have the    79  


  be suitable for the creation of licensed products

  be easy to be re-created

