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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Look, dark clouds are gathering. It is _______ to rain soon.

A. probably       B. possibly                C. likely                  D. perhaps


科目: 来源: 题型:

_____ I entered, he was _____ in his book and didn’t notice me.

A. When; devoted         B. While; absorbed       

C. When, absorbed        D. While, devoted


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He cut off the electricity immediately he found the dangerous situation, thus ____ a fire accident.

A. prevented         B. to prevent C. would prevent          D. preventing


科目: 来源: 题型:

 This is the way to show our concern for the young people and to give them_____guidance.

       A. real    B. careful       C. genuine      D. leading


科目: 来源: 题型:

----.-Jane is always lying.

----- So it's no wonder that she has no one to ________.

A. rely on          B. pick up             C. hold on        D. find out


科目: 来源: 题型:

Nine thousand guests took part in the outdoor ceremony, ______ that impressed so many people at the White House.

       A.that   B.this   C.it      D.one


科目: 来源: 题型:

.It is uncertain whether the medicine will work on the this cold,________?

A, is it    B. isn't it C, will it D. won't it


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


In China, if you are not married by the time you are 30, you are in for trouble: social blame and pressure from family and friends can get you down. And if you are a woman it’s even worse.

Many young people get married simply to get other people off their backs(免受别人的指责) . This is a serious compromise (妥协) with their ideals (理想). One ends up not marrying the ideal partner.

There are, however, a few young people who refuse to compromise: if they can’t find a good marriage partner,they say, they would rather not many at all.

34-year-old Kate is university lecture in English.She said she would not describe herself as backelorette(独身主义者) but simply a woman who hasn't come across the right man yet. She has sharp comments for the way in which the old generation looks at marriage.

“Many people think marriage is a duty —— to your parents, family and society. Nobody cares if your marriage is happy or not. she said, I think this is very wrong and I intend to live and act according to my own will.”

Happily for her, her parents are open-minded and not put pressure on her. But the same does not apply to her friends. They are .constantly trying to get her together with some young man or another. She always refuses politely.

59. The main idea of this passage is that ____ .

A. marriage is duty to society

B. people should get married before 30 years old

C. late marriage should be respected

D. women should get married earlier than men

60. Miss Kate refuses to get together with some young man or another because____.

A. she doesn’t think he is the right man she wants

B. he is either too old or too young

C. he is either important or little learned

D. he doesn’t have good manners

61. In the first paragraph the underlined words “in for”  refer to ____.

A. interested in   B. satisfied with    C. worried about   D. possible to suffer

62. Which is not true according to this passage

A. In China, one mil face social blame and family pressure if one hasn’t got married at he age of 30.

B. Miss Kate’s parents are always worried about her marriage.

C. Miss Kate won’t compromise with her ideal marriage.

D. Miss Kate wants to many a worthy young man.

63. If marriage is regarded as a duty to society,_______.

A. everybody will be happy and satisfied

B. nobody will pay attention to whether you are happy or not in your family life

C. you can easily find an ideal partner

D. young people will have nothing to worry about in marriage


科目: 来源: 题型:


81. People love to① ______ _______to eat, drink and ②______ ______ _____each other.

82.Perhaps he would be able to③__ ___ ____after all and not have to ④______ _____ ______.

83. ⑤______ ______I found myself ⑥______ ______to sea by a strong wind.

84. ⑦______I don’t think it can be a fake. People would ⑧______ ______ _____ _____to a bank note of this amount.

85. However, ⑨________ _______ a widely accepted theory, the universe ⑩________ _______ a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions.


科目: 来源: 题型:

It’s nearly eight o’clock.I must hang up and get down to work.My boss       be here at any moment.  

    A. should                  B.must                C.could             D.would

