 0  29746  29754  29760  29764  29770  29772  29776  29782  29784  29790  29796  29800  29802  29806  29812  29814  29820  29824  29826  29830  29832  29836  29838  29840  29841  29842  29844  29845  29846  29848  29850  29854  29856  29860  29862  29866  29872  29874  29880  29884  29886  29890  29896  29902  29904  29910  29914  29916  29922  29926  29932  29940  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

—Do you mind my taking the book away?       


A. Certainly, please do  B. No, go ahead  C. Yes, not at all     D. No, please don’t


科目: 来源: 题型:






3.参考词汇:drunk driving醉酒开车;the speed limit限速


科目: 来源: 题型:

 History is full of cases_______dreams have been a pathway to creativity and discovery.

A.why            B.where                C.when          D.which


科目: 来源: 题型:

Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ______ whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see           B. to be seen         C. seeing         D. seen


科目: 来源: 题型:

Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his _______ one.

A. better-known                                 B. well-known             

C. best-known                                    D. most-known


科目: 来源: 题型:

— The snowstorm caused great damage to this area.

   — Exactly, the economic _______ it caused reached 20 billion.

  A. loss                B. effect                    C. suffering                 D. debt


科目: 来源: 题型:

The teacher was angry about his being late for class, but he behaved ______ nothing had happened.

  A. as              B. even if            C. as if            D. even though


科目: 来源: 题型:


Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years. It came

sudden and went on for over three hours. After lunch, I                          41. _____

went into my room to have a rest. The air was hotter, and                  42. _____

all is quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my                    43. _____

room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air                      44. _____

and some flew out the open window. As I ran out to catch              45. _____

them, big drop of rain began to fall. When I came back                    46. _____

into house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried                        47. _____

very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly                        48. _____

crashing(碰撞的)sound from the back of the house. When I ran               49. _____

out to find that a big tree had fallen down and broke the                    50. _____


科目: 来源: 题型:

 _______ the sports meet will be held depends on the weather.

A. Whenever         B. If         C. Whether         D. That


科目: 来源: 题型:

The young trees require ___ carefully.

A. to look after  B. looking after   C. look after   D. looking for      

