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科目: 来源: 题型:

The situation is very serious, even if the government tries to pretend ______.

A. furthermore       B. otherwise       C. actually        D. therefore


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Everything goes well,_____?

    —Not really.

      A.does it                 B.doesn’t it             C.do they                  D.don’t they


科目: 来源: 题型:

With drink and food ____, the prisoner had to walk out of the cave where he was hiding.

A. run out    B. run out of    C. running out    D. running out of


科目: 来源: 题型:

Tom studied hard .He wanted to ________ of the good chance to learn .

A. make the least           B. make the most     C. make up                 D. make out 


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Struggling in the US? Move to China!

I graduated from the university with a degree of civil engineer. It is a good field but my heart was not in it. I wanted to be an actor or work in the entertainment industry…living a creative life. My choice of civil engineering was really a mistake but I realized too late. As soon as I graduated, I move straight to Los Angeles----the home of the film and television industry!

For three years, I tried to get a job in that field. I often worked as an extra in movies and TV shows----standing in the background while actors are in the foreground. This was fun for a while, but I wanted a real acting job, where I was speaking! Sadly, in Los Angeles, there is too much competition. Every race and age is represented: old, young, black, white, Asian, and thousands of blondish-red haired Midwestern types like me. Being an extra couldn’t make enough money for me to live in LA. I had to do something else for money.

After three years of trying, I gave up my dream of being an actor and started a different career. I then tried network-marketing, but in the end, that failed. Seven years after graduating from college, I was still in debt, still searching for a satisfactory life. I decided to go back to civil engineering.

However, I was starting to get very disappointed with my life. Why is life not like what I expected?

I expected to have made a lot of money, gotten married, with a house and nice cars, kids, time freedom, etc. Millions of people lead lives with their dreams shelved, existing but not really living. I want my life to be different, more satisfactory, more alive. America was not providing that for me…

In addition, America was too expensive----always worrying about money was a headache. I wanted a life filled with adventure, romance, friendships, successes, and dreams realized.

I decided to move to China.

51. How can we describe the writer’s attitude toward life?

       A. Practical.                 B. Passive.                    C. Disappointed.           D. Positive.

52. What does the underlined sentence mean?

       A. A lot of people are living but they are not enjoying their life.

       B. A lot of people are living with dreams though their life is not that enjoyable.

       C. A lot of people give up their dreams and yet are living a good life.

       D. A lot of people don’t have dreams, nor do they want to live either.

53. What did the writer do before he finally decided to move to China?

       A. Engineerextramarketingengineer.           B. Extramarketingengineer.

       C. Engineerextramarketing .                           D. Extraengineermarketing.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Margaret, married with two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.

She trained as a nurse, but had to give it up when her elder child became seriously ill. “I would have liked to go back to it, but the shifts(工作班次) are all wrong for me, as I have to be home to get the children up and off to school.”

So she works as a cleaner instead, from 9 p.m. till 6 a.m. five nights a week for just £90, before tax and insurance. “It’s better than it was last year, but I still think that people who work ‘unsocial hours’ should get a bit extra.”

The hours she’s chosen to work meant that she sees plenty of the children, but very little of her husband. However, she doesn’t think that puts any pressure on their relationship.

Her work isn’t physically very hard, but it’s not exactly pleasant, either. “I do get angry with people who leave their offices like a place for raising pigs. If they realized people like me have to do it, perhaps they’d be a bit more careful.”

The fact that she’s working all night doesn’t worry Margaret at all. Unlike some dark buildings at night, the building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three. “Since I’ve got to be here, I try to enjoy myself——and I usually do, because of the other girls. We all have a good laugh, so the time never drags.”

Another challenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people when she tells them what she does for a living. “They think you’re a cleaner because you don’t know how to read and write,” said Margaret. “I used to think what my parents would say if they knew what I’d been doing, but I don’t think that way any more. I don’t dislike the work though I can’t say I’m mad about it.”

41. Margaret quit her job as a nurse because _______

A. she wanted to earn more money to support her family

B. she had suffered a lot of mental pressure

C. she needed the right time to look after her children

D. she felt tired of taking care of patients

42. Margaret gets angry with people who work in the office because _______.

A. they never clean their offices              B. they look down upon cleaners

C. they never do their work carefully          D. they always make a mess in their offices

43. When at work, Margaret feels _______.

A. light-hearted because of her fellow workers     B. happy because the building is fully lit

C. tired because of the heavy workload           D. bored because time passed slowly

44. The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margaret’s parents would _______.

A. help care for her children             B. regret what they had said

C. show sympathy for her               D. feel disappointed in her


科目: 来源: 题型:

根据汉语翻译句子 (共8分)

1. The theatre has very good access for _______ _______.这家戏院为残疾人设置了很方便的通道。

2. He _______ _______ an old friend on his way to work.他在上班路上遇到老友。

3. You are ________ _____ pass the exam if you are well prepared.如果你充分准备,一定能够通过考试。

4. It is necessary that he should ________ ______ the information for my reference.他有必要整理那些材料供我参考。

5. Seeing the snakes, the little girl was _________ ________ _______.看到这些蛇,这个小女孩吓得要死。

6. The new technology is going to be _______ _______ by the factory.新技术将在工厂测试。

7. My mother ________ ______ ________ go shopping when it began to rain.我妈妈正要出去买东西,天开始下起雨来了。


科目: 来源: 题型:

I do not usually celebrate my birthdays until I met him. _______, I do not like any big party because I’m not good at small talk.

A. On the whole       B. On average          C. In addition          D. In other words


科目: 来源: 题型:

Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases          beginners of English fail to use the language properly.                                           

A.which       B.as      C.why  D.where


科目: 来源: 题型:

-Do you ever regret _______ this job?

-No. Though it is not a well-paid job, I really enjoy it.

A. to take                B. taking                  C. taken         D. to be taking

