 0  29753  29761  29767  29771  29777  29779  29783  29789  29791  29797  29803  29807  29809  29813  29819  29821  29827  29831  29833  29837  29839  29843  29845  29847  29848  29849  29851  29852  29853  29855  29857  29861  29863  29867  29869  29873  29879  29881  29887  29891  29893  29897  29903  29909  29911  29917  29921  29923  29929  29933  29939  29947  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Summer Holiday Fun 2010 !

    The summer holidays are upon us again Here is our guide to summer holiday fun in Peterborough!

Peterborough Museum

    The Age of the Dinosaurs’is the museum’s main attraction this summer.Get up close to prehistoric creatures via some great hands—on exhibits! Watch out for monsters lurking around every ember! The museum is open from 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Saturday,and from 12:00pm to 4:00 pm on Sundays in August.

Call 01733 864663 for details

Saxon Youth Club

    School holiday fun:Young people aged 13—19 will be able to produce their own music, compete in spots activities,or try their hand at cooking at Saxon Youth Club,Saxon Community Centre, Norman Road.Peterborough every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00pm.PLUS an aero ball tournament will take place on Thursday 12th August between 3:30pm and 6:30pm.

    Call 01 353 720274 for details

Houghton Mill   

    Alice through the Looking Class—a new production of the family favorite on Monday 30th.August.Bring rugs or chairs to sit on and a picnic if you wish to eat during the play.Gates open 5:30pro,performance 6:30pm—8:30pm.Tea room will be open until end of the interval.Adult £10.Child£7.Family £20.

Booking advisable on 0845 4505157.

Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey

    Farmland Gaines:From Wellie Wanging to Pretend Ploughing matches,come and join the Farmland Team.Collect your sporting stickers and create a colorful rosette that is fit for a winner!No need to book,just turn up between 12:00pm and 4:00pm on Thursday 19th August Suitable for children aged four and above,each child should be accompanied by an adult and all  

activities are included in the normal admission price Tickets Cost£7 per child.

    For further information,call 01223 810080.

64.If you are interested in cooking, you can go to ________         .

    A.Peterborough Museum               B.Houghton Mill

    C.Saxon Youth Club                        D.Farmland Museum

65.You want to watch the new play with your parents,so it will cost you________.

    A.£7                     B.£17                   C.£27                      D.£20

66.If Tom comes to Peterborough for amusement on August 19,he will have_________activities to choose from for himself.

A.one activity                               B.two activities       

C.three activities                             D.four activities


科目: 来源: 题型:

第 II卷(共35分)




如无错误,在该行右边的横线上画一个勾(√); 如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:





Many people eat too many and that's not good                          76. __________

for their health. In poor country many people                           77. __________

can't get enough food and this too damage their                        78. __________

healthes. Many students have a poor diet too                                   79. __________

because they're poor and because they're lazy.                           80. __________

I think that that's difficult to plan a good diet                                  81. __________

these days because it's hard to judge value of                                   82. __________

frozen and tinned foods(罐头食品). These are                          83. __________

wide used because they're so easy to prepare                             84. __________

for, but I think we need fresh food, too.                                          85. __________


科目: 来源: 题型:

I’m afraid that the thread will break _____ it’s the weakest.

       A. at which                          B. which                      C. that                   D. where


科目: 来源: 题型:

— Do you know where Kate is?

   — No, I don’t. I______  her since last week.

   A. didn’t see        B. haven’t seen        C. won’t see            D. don’t see   


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I have lost my dictionary. I have to buy a new _______.

   A. it            B. that         C. one       D. this


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Mum, where is my toy cowboy? I________it under the bed.

    --- It_____inside your toy bucket. Remember, that’s where all your toys are supposed to go.

       A.have put; is      B.put; is       C.have put; was   D.put; was


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



      We all have dreams. Yet so few of us realize them. Often, a dream dies as quickly as it is born  36  we lack the confidence to keep it. When I was old enough, I realized that society puts a high   37  on youth, beauty and intellectual achievement. This discovery gave me some idea to   38  my dream.

I know beauty is something I will never have. But I didn’t see it as something   39  because it forced me to concentrate my energy to develop my   40  qualities. What people see in the handicapped(残疾)is only their   41  of being handicapped. People are not impressed with the ability that lies   42  every handicapped person.

My dream was   43  . I dreamed of becoming a typist. The employment field was a highly   44  place. It gave not only competition to a handicapped job – seeker but also the unfriendly treatment from the   45  strong and healthy. They see the handicapped as the back row of   46  .

However, I   47  to sit in the back row. I decided to take a course. When I handed application form to the interviewer, she looked at me and advised me to   48  my choice from typing. But I was   49  to stay with it. She accepted me.

On the fifth month of the six-month course, five students were chosen to do some copy typing. I was one of them. I was very   50  and finished half of the work given to us all. More work came to me after this test. I could see quite clearly the way to   51  my dream. I became a typist in one of the offices immediately after my graduation. I did not   52  starting at the bottom of the ladder. Being a   53  was just the beginning. Having achieved one dream, I set out to achieve others. There was no easy task. But the sacrifice proved   54  .

Dreamers should keep reaching out for their dreams,  55  what the pain, until they get what they want in life.

36.A.even if        B.because      C.although      D.unless

37.A.standard       B.view        C.value         D.measure

38.A.develop       B.realize       C.keep          D.have

39.A.favorable      B.unusual      C.beneficial      D.bad

40.A.other         B.special        C.unique       D.outstanding

41.A.pain         B.misfortune      C.appearance     D.sufferings

42.A.outside       B.inside          C.beyond      D.beside

43.A.fantastic      B.complicated     C.acceptable     D.simple

44.A.competitive      B.valuable      C.mysterious     D.adventurous

45.A.originally      B.extremely       C.physically      D.fortunately

46.A. seats       B.society       C.jobs       D.community

47.A.had        B.continued      C.meant     D.refused

48.A.change     B.ignore      C.confirm      D.prevent

49.A.willing      B.reluctant     C.determined      D.glad

50.A.happy     B.efficient     C.developing     D.excited

51.A.achieving      B.changing      C.developing     D.enjoying

52.A.avoid      B.risk        C.consider        D.mind

53.A.officer      B.ladder      C.typist       D.dreamer

54.A.disappointing      B.rewarding     C.encouraging      D.satisfying

55.A.no sooner     B.no wonder     C.no longer      D.no matter


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Nothing says love like a dozen long – stemmed roses on Valentine’s Day. More than a million roses will be sold during this festival for lovers, the biggest day of the year for the nation’s rose industry. It’s going to remain the most popular flower because love never goes out of style.

Yes, a rose is a rose is a rose. But selling them is no longer a beautiful experience for traditional flower shops. Supermarkets now offer convenience to the busy and discount rose shops help those hopelessly in love save money. Roses only is a good example of a discount rose retailer that was transformed from a traditional shop to answer the challenge in the’ 90s.

Inside this store on Sixth Avenue near 40 th Street, contemporary white furniture and wall – to – wall mirrors give it an expensive look. Customers move about freely among the counters, looking eagerly at the roses in more than 50 colors from shelf to shelf. Some customers say it’s the high quality of the roses that attracts them there. “I spent $ 20 but the flowers looked like I paid 60 or 70 dollars,” says one customer.

Studies show more people are buying roses in ones, two and threes these days. In fact, more than half of all roses are sold in bunches of fewer than a dozen. But Roses Only's low prices encourage people to spend. Even on Valentine's Day, when the price of a dozen roses and delivery can soar as high as $150, 12 of Roses Only's most expensive flowers sell for just $35. The company's key to success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the rose chain. It grows its own roses in the sunshine of the Andes Mountains. In addition, the company also sells other items such as ballons and stuffed animals.    

       While discount rose retailers are witnessing their business bloom, U.S. rose growers aren’t able to compete with the fierce foreign competition. More than 57% of roses sold in the USA are grown in other countries. The biggest foreign producers are Colombia and Ecuador, which accounted for almost 90% of the total imported last year. The trend has hurt domestic rose growers such as Johnson Flowers of California, considered to be this country's leading producer.

Now, instead of fighting overseas rivals, the Johnsons are trying to work with them. "We have a few big fighting overseas rivals, the Johnsons are trying to work with them. “We may also widen our business to include the service area and be a representative for overseas flower producers.”

       As a result of severe competition, those in the rose business long for the good old days, whereas ordinary people benefit from the low price.

60.What is the central theme of this text?

       A.The US rose business is going from bad to worse in spite of the efforts made.

B.The rose will remain the most popular flower as love never goes out of date.

C.The rose business is trying to meet the challenges in the market to succeed.

D.The rose industry plays an important role in American economy.

61.How does Roses Only obtain success in the discount rose retailing field?

       A.By setting up more chain stores across the country.

B.By selling roses in supermarkets.

C.By selling high quality roses at a low price.

D.By selling roses by the dozen.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Let's do some sleep math. You lost two hours of sleep every night last week because of a big project due on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, you slept in, getting four extra hours. On Monday morning, you were feeling so bright-eyed, and you only had one cup of coffee, instead of your usual two. But don't be cheated by your energy: You're still carrying around a heavy load of sleepiness, or what experts call " sleep debt "win this case something like six hours, almost a full night's sleep.

  Sleep debt is the difference between the amount of sleep you should be getting and the amount you actually get. It's a deficit (赤字)that grows every time we skim some extra minutes off our nightly sleep. "People accumulate sleep debt gradually without being noticed," says psychiatrist William C. Dement, founder of the Stanford University Sleep Research Centre. Studies show that such short-term lack of sleep

leads to a foggy brain, worsened vision, and trouble remembering. Long-term effects include obesity, insulin(胰岛素) resistance, and heart disease. A survey by the National Sleep Foundation reports that we're losing one hour of sleep each night —more than two full weeks of sleep each year.

  The good news is that, like all debt, with some work, sleep debt can be repaid. Adding an extra hour or two of sleep a night is the way to catch up. For the long-term lack of sleep, take it easy for a few months to get back into a natural sleep pattern. Go to bed when you are tired, and allow your body to wake you in the morning (no alarm clock allowed). You may find yourself catatonic (有紧张感的)in the beginning of the recovery cycle: Expect to have ten hours' shut-eye per night. As the days pass, however, the amount of sleeping time will gradually decrease.

   So earn back that lost sleep —and follow the orders of your inner sleep needs, and you'll feel better. "When you put away sleep debt, you become superman." Says Stanford's Dement, talking about the improved mental and physical capabilities that come with being well rested.

72. The example of sleep math is used to show       .                                                                                          

A. in what case you build up a sleep debt

B. why you need six hours' sleep every night.

C. why you are full of energy even when lacking sleep.

D. you should drink coffee to keep energetic

73. The author begins Paragraph 2 with       .

A. an example     B. a definition     C. an order     D. a story

74. By saying the underlined sentence in the last paragraph, Dement means       .

A. a superman always needs a lot of sleep

B. you can become superhuman after you repay your debt

C. you will be in a good state with enough sleep

D. you will become superhuman if you don't make up for sleep debt

 75. What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

 A. How can you keep energetic?     B. Can you have a good sleep?

 C. What is sleep debt?             D. Can you catch up on sleep debt?


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Really? Who will give _________ lecture?

   — Mr. Wang, ________ professor from Nanjing University.

A. the; 不填         B. a; the                C. the; a          D. a; a

