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科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Could I use your dictionary?

   --- ________________.

       A. Go ahead, help yourself, please              B. Yes, you could

       C. With pleasure                                        D. It doesn’t matter


科目: 来源: 题型:

Last month, American scientists started working on _____ project aimed at improving _______ ability to predict earthquake.

   A. the; a    B. a; an    C. the; an    D. a; the


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



       In 1921, Lewis Lawes became the warden (监狱长) at Sing Sing Prison of New York State. No prison was tougher than Sing Sing during that time. But when Warden Lawes retired some 20 years later, that prison had become a humanitarian institution. Those who studied the system said credit for the change belonged to Lawes. But when he was asked about the transformation, here’s what he said, “I owe it all to my wonderful wife, Catherine, who is buried outside the prison walls.”

       Catherine Lawes was a young mother with three small children when her husband became the warden. Everybody warned her from the beginning that she should never set foot inside the prison walls, but that didn’t stop Catherine!

       When the first prison basketball game was held, she went into the gym with her three beautiful kids and she sat in the stands with the inmates. Her attitude was: “My husband and I are going to take care of these men and I believe they will take care of me! I don’t have to worry!” She insisted on getting acquainted with them and their records. She discovered one convicted murderer was blind so she paid him a visit. Holding his hand in hers she said, “Do you read Braille?” “What’s Braille?” he asked. Then she taught him how to read. Later, Catherine found a deaf-mute in prison. She went to school to learn how to use sign language.

       Many said that Catherine Lawes was the body of Jesus that came alive again in Sing Sing from 1921to 1937. Then, she was killed in a car accident. The next morning Lewis Lawes didn’t come to work, so the acting warden took his place. It seemed almost instantly that the prison knew something was wrong. The following day, her body was resting in a casket in her home, three-quarters of a mile from the prison. As the acting warden took his early morning walk, he was shocked to see a large crowd of the toughest, hardest-looking criminals gathered like a herd of animals at the main gate. He came closer and noted tears of grief and sadness. He knew how much they loved Catherine. He turned and faced the men.

       “All right, men, you can go. Just be sure and check in tonight!” Then he opened the gate and a parade of criminals walked, without a guard, the three-quarters of a mile to stand in line to pay their final respects to Catherine Lawes. And every one of them checked back in. Every one!

41. Catherine was not afraid of getting inside the prison walls because she believed ______.

      A. one good turn deserves another B. no pains, no gains

       C. a new broom sweeps clean       D. virtue never grows old

42. The underlined word in paragraph three most probably refers to ______.

       A. basketball players             B. prison guards

       C. prisoners           D. family of the prisoners

43. What made every one of the criminals check back in?

       A. The acting warden’s requirement     B. The strict rules of the prison

       C. Their respect for Catherine       D. The force of the guards

44. What is the best title of the passage?

       A. A Tough Prison         B. A Woman Bringing Changes

C. A warden Caring for Prisoners  D. A Great Wife


科目: 来源: 题型:

In the USA, _______ Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. Traditionally, it is _______ time to give thanks for the harvest and express gratitude in general.

       A. the; a  B. /; the   C. /; a     D. the; the


科目: 来源: 题型:

 – Can you tell me ___________?           

– An engineer from Jinan Iron and Steel Plants.

   A. what your friend is                 B. who your friend is

   C. what is your friend                 D. who is your friend


科目: 来源: 题型:

Sealers and whalers were the first Europeans ________ to New Zealand, later followed by more Europeans, ________ for a better life.

A. coming; seeking                   B. to come; seeking        

C. came; to seek                       D. to come; to seek


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You could fill a store with all the energy drinks available. They promise to make people feel more energetic and think more clearly. These products have names like Red Bull, Monster, Ripped Force, Speed Stack and 5-Hour Energy. They appeal mainly to young people.

Professor Chad Reissig, at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, is a medical researcher who studies drug dependence. He says the team he works on got interested in studying energy drinks.

He says the researchers have found three things. One: there are hundreds of brands of energy drinks in most major countries. Two: the drinks are not clearly labeled with enough information. And three: the amount of caffeine differs greatly. Some contain as little as fifty milligrams, while others as much as five hundred.

Some people combine energy drinks with alcohol. They think they can drink more alcohol that way and not be affected. Studies, however, suggest that they are still under the influence of the alcohol even if they do not feel that way.

Some makers of energy drinks do provide warnings. For example, a popular energy drink warns against use by people who are under the age of twelve. The directions also advise people to limit caffeine products and to drink only half the bottle.

The team at Johns Hopkins University published a report in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. They suggested that the amount of caffeine and other ingredients be clearly listed on the drink. The researchers are continuing to study energy drinks. They are seeking young people who have had a bad experience after drinking them.

50. According to the passage, the energy drinks mainly attract____.

A. young people                                   B. alcohol drinkers

C. university professors                        D. twelve-year-old children

51. The team thinks that the biggest problem of the energy drinks is that        .

A. there are too many brands               B. they are not clearly labeled

C. there is too much caffeine               D. they are not available in some stores

52. The purpose of the passage is to tell readers       .

A. to identify caffeine in energy drinks

B. to take a closer look at energy drinks

C. whether energy drinks are good or bad

D. whether energy drinks make people addicted


科目: 来源: 题型:



请以“How can we succeed in life?” 为题写一篇英语短文。

注意:1. 短文标题已写好, 不计入总词数;

      2. 词数:100左右。

How can we succeed in life?



科目: 来源: 题型:

Bush, 59, looked fresh and _______ as he _______ of the sunny weather to enjoy one of his favorite pastimes.   

A. energetic; took advantage         B. cautious; took charge

C. outgoing; took control             D. curious; took notice


科目: 来源: 题型:

---I got up at five this morning, I thought it was Friday.

---You _____ so early. It is Sunday today; you don’t have to go to work.

       A. mustn’t have got up B. needn’t have got up  

C. needn’t get up   D. mustn’t get up

