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科目: 来源: 题型:


Education knows no limits. It _____ take place anywhere, whether in a kitchen or in the job.

A. should                     B. can                         C. need                        D. must


科目: 来源: 题型:


 If a computer crashes, you will lose the file you _________unless you save it regularly.

  A. are working     B. work            C. will work       D. worked


科目: 来源: 题型:

.Low-carbon lifestyle is of great benefit to improve the world environment.         can be

    enjoyed from it until you have a deep understanding of it,however.

    A.Something    B.Nothing                   C.Few                              D.Much


科目: 来源: 题型:

—You hate Jim,don't you?

        .I just think he is a bit annoying,that's all.

A.Not exactly.    B.That's it.    C.Absolutely  D.No way.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


In some cities, workaholism(废寝忘食)is so common that people don’t consider it unusual.They accept the lifestyle as  36  .Government workers in Washington,D.C.,

 37 ,frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week.They don’t do this because they have to;

they do it because they  38  to.Workaholism can be a  39  problem.Because true

workaholics would rather work than do anything else,they  40 have no idea of how to relax,that is,they might not  41 movies,sports,or other types of entertainment.Most of all,they  42 to sit and do nothing.The lives of workaholics are usually stressful,and this tension and worry can cause  43 problems such as heart attacks and stomach diseases. 44 ,typical workaholics don’t pay much attention to their families.Their marriages may end in  45 as they spend little time with their families.

Is workaholism  46  dangerous?Perhaps not.There are,certainly,people who work

 47 under stress.Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in

work.They feel  48 is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy.For most workaholics,

work and entertainment are the same thing.Their jobs  49 them with a challenge;this keeps

them busy and creative.

     50 do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much?There are several  51 to work.Of course,it provides people with paychecks,and this is important.But it offers  52 financial security.It provides people with self confidence;they have a feeling of satisfaction  53 they have produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say “I  54 it”.Psychologists claim that their work gives people an identity(自身价值).After they take part in work,they  55 a sense of self and individualism.

36.A.strange    B.boring     C.pleasant   D.normal

37.A.for example    B.on the other hand C.what’s more        D.after all

38.A.agree B.promise   C.dare D.want

39.A.slight       B.serious     C.obvious    D.difficult

40.A.still B.probably C.certainly D.mostly

41.A.afford      B.enjoy       C.watch      D.allow

42.A.dream      B.decide      C.intend      D.hate

43.A.physical   B.cultural    C.social       D.mental

44.A.Therefore        B.However C.Anyway   D.Besides

45.A.happiness        B.silence     C.failure     D.surprise

46.A.sometimes       B.always     C.seldom     D.hardly

47.A.sadly       B.differently       C.efficiently       D.slowly

48.A.study       B.family     C.life   D.work

49.A.equip       B.pack        C.provide    D.fill

50.A.When      B.Why        C.How        D.Where

51.A.factors     B.advantages      C.steps        D.ways

52.A.no more   B.more or less    C.no more than   D.more than

53.A.when       B.before      C.unless      D.until

54.A.valued     B.failed       C.caught     D.made

55.A.give        B.lose C.get   D.need


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived at the White House after serving as First Lady of Arkansas for twelve year. On many occasions, Hillary Clinton has spoken about the need to find the right balance in our lives. For her, the elements of that balance are family, work, and public service.

Hillary Diane Rodham was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947. An excellent student. Hillary also enjoyed sports and was always interested in politics. Graduating from Wellesley College with high honors, she entered Yale Law School, where she developed her special concern for protecting the best interests of children and their families. It was there that she met Bill Clinton, a fellow student.

In 1973, Hillary became a lawyer for the Children’s Defense Fund. In 1975 Hillary left Washington and followed her heart to Arkansas, marrying Bill Clinton. The couple taught together in the University of Arkansas. Their daughter. Chelsea, was born in 1980.

As First Lady of Arkansas, Hillary continued to work tirelessly for the benefit of children and families. She introduced a program training parents to work with their preschool children. Because of her efforts, Hillary was named Arkansas Mother of the Year in 1984.

Hillary Rodham Clinton brings her own special talents, experience, style and interests to the role of First Lady of the US. She played a leading part in national Health Care Reform.

Hilary Clinton was elected to the US Senate (参议院) in 2000, becoming the first Lady elected to public office and the first female senator to represent New York. In 2006, Senator Clinton won re-election to the Senate, and in 2007 she began her historic campaign for President. In 2008, she campaigned for the election of Barrack Obama and Joe Biden, and in November, she was chosen by President elect Obama as Secretary of State.

64.What do we know from the first paragraph?

       A.Hillary Rodham Clinton never finds it hard to balance herself in life.

       B.Family, work and public service are all important to Hillary Clinton.

       C.The experience as First Lady of Arkansas led her to the White House.

       D.Before entering the White House, Hillary had worked for the First Lady. 

65.Why did Hillary leave the Children’s Defense Fund?

       A.Because she wanted to marry Bill Clinton who was in Arkansas.

       B.Because she married Bill Clinton and had to move to Arkansas.

       C.Because she found she fell in love with Arkansas.

       D.Because she was offered a better job in the University of Arkansas.

66.Where did Bill Clinton get his high education?

       A.At Wellesley College.

       B.At the Children’s Defense Fund.

       C.At the University of Arkansas.

       D.At Yale Law School.

67.Which is the right order of the following events?

    a. Hillary was elected to the United States Senate.

    b. Hillary was chosen as Secretary of State.

    c. Hillary served as the First Lady.

    d. Hillary supported Obama in his presidential election.

    e. Hillary began her campaign for President.

       A.c, a, e, d, b      B.c, e, d, b, a         C.a, e, c, b, d    D.b, e, c, d, a


科目: 来源: 题型:



Most families in China hoped their single children will            76. _______

have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children.  77. _______

So do teachers in schools! Many children are given so much        78. _______

homework that they hardly have any spare time have sports.        79. _______

The children are forbidden to do anything but to study. No          80. _______

wonder so many children are tired of lessons. Some even           81. _______

attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many people 82. _______

already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines.         83. _______

Shouldn’t we draw lesson from the accidents? Now our            84. _______

government are carrying out a plan to solve the education problems. 85. _______


科目: 来源: 题型:


 Johnson ___________ for 5 years for some reasons when he was young.

A. was put in prison                    B. was in the prison

C. got out of prison                    D. was in prison


科目: 来源: 题型:


 You may fly to South Korea next Friday, ______ you don’t mind changing planes on the way.

  A. as far as                B. provided                  C. unless                      D. supposing


科目: 来源: 题型:


 —_____ he have been chosen as captain of the football team?

—Yes, he______.

A. Can; must have        B. Must; must have       C. Can; must        D. Must; must

