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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Only through experiences of trial and suffering _____, and success achieved.

A. the soul can be strengthened                  B. can the soul be strengthened

C. strengthened the soul can be                   D. can the soul strengthened


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



One of my father’s favorite sayings as I was growing up was“Try it!” I couldn’t say I didn’t like something,   21  it might be,   22  I tried it. Over the years I’ve come to 23  how much of my success I owe   24   my acceptance of those words as one of my values. My  25  job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I   26  what I wanted to do as a career.   27   , I believed I would work for a few years, get married, stay at home and  28  a family, so I didn’t think the job I took  29  that much. But I couldn’t have been more  30  . I mastered the skills of the beginning level position. And then I was given the opportunity to move up through the company into different  31  . I accepted each new opportunity with the  32  :“Well, I’ll try it. If I don’t like it, I can always go back to my  33  position.” But I was with the same company for the past 28 years, and I’ve  34  every career change I’ve made. I’ve discovered I  35  a large number of different talents and skills . If it had not been for my being  36  trying new opportunities, these talents and skills wouldn’t have been  within me. I’ve also discovered that if I  37  what I’m doing and work hard at achieving my  38  , I will succeed. That’s why I am so  39  to be a part of CareerFables.com.  I think  40  has come and I am determined to make it a success.

21.A.whichever      B.whatever     C.whenever    D.whoever

22. A.until after     B.ever since    C.so that      D.long before

23. A.consider     B.ensure      C.predict     D.realize

24. A.at           B.on               C.to         D.in

25. A.hard          B.best         C.extra        D.first

26. A.determined    B.examined    C.persuaded    D.introduced

27. A.Actually           B.Luckily       C.Finally     D.Usually

28. A.rise               B.raise        C.form        D.find

29. A.helped       B.required      C.expressed    D.mattered

30. A.careful       B.mistaken     C.conscious    D.prepared

31. A.situations      B.choices     C.directions    D.positions

32. A.thought      B.reply        C.action      D.advice

33. A.easier        B.newer      C.earlier      D.higher

34. A.permitted      B.counted       C.organized    D.enjoyed

35. A.show         B.possess     C.need        D.stress

36. A.lucky for      B.slow at     C.open to           D.afraid of

37. A.think of     B.call for     C.believe in   D.turn into

38. A.business     B.goal         C.fortune     D.growth

39. A.excited      B.curious     C.surprised     D.helpful

40. A.dream        B.time         C.power      D.honor


科目: 来源: 题型:


1.The invention of the computer is a great ___________ (achieve) .

2.What are you a_________ about?

3.She works hard for the _________(福利) of the poor.

4.He was on his best _________ (behave) .

5.The teacher i___________ us to study hard.

6.I saw him sitting in the _______of the tree.

7.It proves ____________(值得的) to do the job.

8.The police have been _____________(observe) his movements these days.

9.As a teacher, he is __________(respect) for his good teaching.

10.O______ you begin to read it, you will like it.

11.They are doing some r__________ on the effects of cigarette smoking.

12.It is important to stay calm in an ________________(紧急状况).

13.Common interests form a b_________ between us.

14.You can r_______ to the dictionary when you come across a new word.

15.She d_________ twins last night.

16.His pulse ________(速率) dropped rapidly.

17.She always shows her __________(仁慈) to children.

18.Her _______________(孩童时代) had been very happy.

19.There is a g_________________ gap between our parents and us.

20.He was _______________(体贴) of everyone.


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节  根据对话内容从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Doctor: Hello, Mike, how can I help you?

Mike: I feel very ill, doctor.Can you give me something for the pain?   

Doctor: Now let’s see.     61     

Mike: Yes, I have.It was 40 when I took it this morning.

Doctor: That’s quite high.Do you have a stomachache?

Mike:     62      And I don’t feel sick.

Doctor: Does your chest feel painful?

Mike: Yes.

Doctor: Ok.Then I’ll use a different drug.And I’ll give you an X-ray.

Mike: Oh, I don’t want an X-ray.

Doctor: Oh dear!      63      An X-ray won’t hurt you.

Mike: Well, I don’t want an X-ray.

Doctor:      64     .Does it hurt when you cough?

Mike: Yes, it does.

Doctor: Take some deep breathe.Say “Aaah”.

Mike: Aaah.

Doctor: I think we’ll put you on a special diet for a few days.No unhealthy fats and sugars.Only good, natural, healthy food for you.

Mike:      65      I’m sure I won’t keep to it because I love sweets.

Doctor: Yes, but you want to get better, don’t you?

Mike: OK.I’ll try it.

A.Why not?

B.Oh dear.

C.Let me examine you.

D.Have you got a temperature?

E.Is it serious?

F.What’s the matter with you?

G.No, not really.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Read the passage and correct the mistakes, ______.

A.if not           B.if any       C.if ever     D.if never


科目: 来源: 题型:

The old worker _______ a very practical plan at the meeting yesterday, but it was turned down by the manager.

A. put off       B. put on      C. put up      D. put forward


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The teacher demanded that the homework ________in the way we’d just learned.

A. is done   B. has been done   C. be done   D. was done


科目: 来源: 题型:

 This kind of new car _______ in three colors: black, silver and red.

   A. comes                        B. sells                         C. offers         D. produces


科目: 来源: 题型:

 —I don’t want to move to that city. It is heavily polluted.

—Pollution is common. The city here is _____.

     A. no less clean         B. no clean        C. no cleaner             D. not less clean


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Enjoy the sumptuous Easter lunch buffet and children will be given the lovely Easter chocolate eggs.

Time:Mar, 28-mar 30, 2010  11:00 am—3:00 pm 

Place:lucky corner coffee shop(hotel first floor)

Price:150 + 15% service charge

half price for children under 12 years old.

Reservations:Scitech hotel 65123388-2114 or 2164

Bring your family and friends along to The Palace Hotel this Easter and enjoy the traditional treats of the season. Forget about the calories and enjoy favourite goodies such as Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies and hot cross buns, which will be sold outside.Palm Court Coffee House every day from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.


Friday, March 28-- lavish fish buffet for lunch and dinner priced at RMB 180 for adults, half price for children.

Sunday, March 30--Roast carving buffet priced at RMB 160 for adults, half price for children.


Sunday, March 30 --Delicious seafood lunch priced at RMB 198 for adults, children under 10 years half price. Youngsters can work off their extra energy in a special supervised play area next to the restaurant.

Prices are subject to a 15% surcharge

Reservations on 65128899, ext. 7492 for Roma Ristorante: ext. 7561 for Palm Court.

March 30th brings a fun-filled Easter entertainment program to the Crazy Sunday Brunch at the Patio Coffee Shop from 11:00 am-3:00 pm!

Children under 10 year old accompanying their parents will enjoy this special meal for free and can even win lots of treat prices in the Egg Painting Competition!

WE GUARANTEE You A Fun Easter Sunday

Please register your children for the contest no later the March 29th as space is limited.

For further information and reservations, please call 64376688 ext, 2873/2865 Holiday Inn Lido Beijing

RMB 150.00 + 15% Surcharge

Happy Easter

March 30   11:00—14:30

Hilton Hotel

The Easter Bunny is coming to town!

Join him for a special Easter Brunch at the Atrium cafe and enjoy traditional Easter favourites.

RMB 195 + 15% surcharge

Children under 12 years old free of charge. Surprise gift for the children at the Kid’s Corner.

1. The main purpose of the advertisements is to give information about           .

A.weekend activities                                  B.a holiday celebrations

C.the price for the meals in big hotels        D.Egg Painting Competition

2. It can be learned from the advertisements that the children can enjoy themselves most in    .

A.Lido Holiday Inn     B.Palace Hotel    C.Scitech Hotel        D.Hilton Hotel

3. If you want to have an Easter meal on March 28, which hotel can you go to?

A.Scitech Hotel and Lido Holiday Inn              B.The Palace Hotel and Hilton Hotel

C.Hilton Hotel and Lido Holiday Inn            D.Scitech Hotel and the Palace Hotel

4. If you have Easter Brunch in Hiton Hotel you will pay RMB        for it.

A.195          B.224.25                   C.165.75             D.97.5

