 0  29826  29834  29840  29844  29850  29852  29856  29862  29864  29870  29876  29880  29882  29886  29892  29894  29900  29904  29906  29910  29912  29916  29918  29920  29921  29922  29924  29925  29926  29928  29930  29934  29936  29940  29942  29946  29952  29954  29960  29964  29966  29970  29976  29982  29984  29990  29994  29996  30002  30006  30012  30020  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

 For quite_____ students,their teacher's advice is more important than _____ of their parents'.

A. few; one        B. a few; that         C. a little; some      D. a lot; many


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The old idea that child prodigies (神童) “burn themselves” or “overtax their brains” in the early years, and therefore are prey to failure and (at worst) mental illness is just a myth. As a matter of fact, the outstanding thing that happens to bright children is that they are very likely to grow into bright adults.

To find this out, 1, 500 gifted persons were followed up to thirty or fifty year with these results:

On adult intelligence tests, they scored as high as they did as children. They were, as a group, in good health, physically and mentally. Eighty-four percent of their group were married and seemed content with their life.?

  About 70 percent had graduated from colleges, though only 30 percent had graduated with honors. A few had even flunked out(退学), but nearly half of these had returned to graduate.?

  Of the men, 80 percent were in one of the professions or in business, managers or semi-professional jobs. The women who had remained single had offices, business, or professional occupations.?

  The group had published 90 books and 1, 500 articles in scientific, scholarly, and literary magazines and had collected more than 100 patents.?

In a material way they didn’t do badly, either. Average income was considerably higher among the gifted people, especially the men, than for the country as a whole, despite their comparative youth when last surveyed.

In fact, far from being strange, maladjusted (难以适应) people locked in an ivory tower, most of the gifted were turning their early promises into practical reality.?

1. The main idea of the passage is _____.

  A. that gifted children were most likely to become bright grown-ups

  B. that when the bright children grew up, they would become ordinary

  C. that bright children were unlikely to be physically and mentally healthy?

  D. how many gifted children turned successful when they grew up?

2. From the passage, we can conclude that _____.?

  A. half of the gifted followed up graduated from colleges?

  B. bright men got higher income than bright women?

  C. most of the gifted children became white collars when they grew up

D. each of the talented published at least one article?

3. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage ?

       A. Most of the gifted appeared satisfied with their life .

       B. Most of the bright and successful women kept single

       C. The gifted could not be fit for their social positions

       D. The gifted men got full marks in intelligence tests

4. The explanation of the underlined phrase “turning their early promises into practical reality” is _____.

  A. doing practical jobs and facing reality?

  B. realizing what they were expected

  C. earning their living and keeping promises

D. doing what they have promised?


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


My father and I were standing at the top of a church tower. He  31  me to this place in a small Italian town not far from our home in Rome. I  32  why he did so.

“Look down, Elsa,” Father said to me. I looked down and  33  the square in the centre of the village and I saw many turning streets  34  to the square.

“ See, my dear. There is more than one  35  to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get to the place   36   you want to go by one road,  37  another,” he said to me.

Now I  38  why I was there. My father wanted to tell me how to  39  and deal with the difficulties.

In the years that  40  I often remembered the lesson Fathere taught me. I knew where I wanted to go in  41 . I wanted to be a fashion  42 . And on the way to my first small success I found the road  43 . What could I do ? Accept the failure? Or use my imagination and wisdom to find another road to my  44 ?

I had come to Paris, the  45  of the world of fashion , with some clothes I  46 . But none of the famous fashion designers seemed  47  in them. Then one day I met a friend who was wearig a very beautiful sweater. It had a lovely and  48  stitch (针法).

“Did you knit that sweater ?” I asked her.

“No,”she answered. “ It was done by a woman here in Paris.”

“ What an interesting stitch !” I continued.

My friend had an  49 . “The woman’s name is Mrs Vidian    she learned the stitch in Armenia, her motherland.”

Suddenly a good idea  50  me. why not open my own house of fashin? Why not design, make and sell clothes? I would do it, and I would begin with a sweater.

31. A . carried       B. got         C. took       D. brought

32. A. doubted           B. guessed      C. wondered   D. knew

33. A. saw          B. realized      C. noticed       D. observed

34. A. going       B. leading       C. turning       D. directing

35. A. path         B. method      C. road        D. way

36. A. why         B. which     C. where     D. when

37. A. attempt     B. experiment C. manage      D. try

38. A. imagined     B. supposed    C. witnessed   D. understood

39. A. face          B. handle     C. settle       D. solve

40. A. approached  B. caught     C. followed    D. wasted

41. A. life               B. class       C. work       D. heart

42. A. seller        B. worker           C. teacher       D. designer

43. A. blocked           B. approved    C. passed     D. smoothed

44. A. comfort           B. intelligence C. failure     D. success

45. A. country     B. attraction    C. centre     D. capital

46. A. designed      B. performed  C. recommended    D. chose

47. A. buried      B. occupied    C. absorbed    D. interested

48. A. unusual     B. perfect           C. ordinary     D. rough

49. A. reason      B. explanation C. description D. cause

50. A. thought     B. entered       C. came       D. struck


科目: 来源: 题型:

This is a very interesting book.I’ll buy it,________.

       A.how much may it cost        B.it may cost 

       C.however much it may cost       D.how may it cost


科目: 来源: 题型:

VII.书面表达 (共15分)










注意:词数100左右。 词汇:负担 burden


    I’m very glad to receive your letter.                                      


     Best wishes!                                                      


Li Ping  


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The Pacific region will be one of the fastest growing areas in the world in the 21st century. ______ shouldn’t be any doubt about it now.

   A. It   B. That     C. This      D. There     


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ---- I haven’t got the ticket for the opening ceremony of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.

   ---- Don’t worry. It’ll be broadcast_______ on April 30. Don’t miss it.

    A. lively         B. alive            C. live            D. living


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A quarrel at home may result in you falling ill. Don’t laugh, it’s true. Family matters including living habits and even the way we speak have a big effect on our health, doctors say.

Wang Xiaoyu, a Senior 2 girl from Xichang, Sichuan Province, fainted (晕倒) in class when she heard her classmates quarrel at the top of their voices. Quarrels between her parents also put the girl into a coma. It is because she is suffering from depression (抑郁症), caused by bad relations at home, doctors explained.

“We don’t get sick or stay well by ourselves,” says Dr Robert Ferrer from the US. Ferrer shows that family forces may explain up to a quarter of health problems, in his recent research. The genes you get from your family may cause illness. If one of your parents has a heart attack, your risk of being affected may double. But effects on health are not only written in our DNA.

Unrelated people who live under the same roof also get similar problems. Diet, lifestyle and environment affect our health, too. Ferrer’s research also found that if teenagers feel they are ignored or unimportant at home they are more likely to get sick.

We may never fully understand all the effects that families have on our health. But just as individual (个别的) problems can have effects on others, a small improvement can have big benefits, Ferrer said.

1. Which of the following can best explain why Wang Xiaoyu fainted in class?

A. Because her classmates often quarreled in class.

B. Because her parents used to quarrel.

C. Because of her depression caused by bad family relations.

D. Because her classmates shouted loudly at her.

2. According to Dr Ferrer, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. We get sick or stay well by ourselves.

B. Only the genes we get from our family have a big effect on our health.

C. Our health has nothing to do with diet, lifestyle and environment.

D. Teenagers who are ignored at home get sick more easily than those who are not.

3. The underlined word “coma” in Paragraph2 probably means ________.

A. surprise                 B. faint        C. tiredness        D. sadness                   

4. The best title for this passage is ________.

A. Family relations.                 B. The reasons why we get sick.

C. Family---- another cause to health    D. A research about health.


科目: 来源: 题型:








10 .9%




科目: 来源: 题型:

If there is any change about the time of the meeting, please inform us ____.

       A.at present         B.in the meanwhile            C.at times           D.in advance

