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科目: 来源: 题型:

He had ______ in finding Mr. Green's house.

A. many difficulties    B. many difficulty

C. much difficulties    D. much difficulty


科目: 来源: 题型:

They would _______ for Guangzhou the next morning and so they went to bed early.

A. set out  B. set about      C. set up   D. set to


科目: 来源: 题型:

——Why doesn't he buy you a drink?

——I don't know why, but it isn't _______ he had no money.

A. even if   B. as if    C. that   D. because


科目: 来源: 题型:

Bob: How long have you lived here?    Sue: _________.

A. Since the beginning of the year.   B. In 1990

C. Not long ago             D. Only until the end of the year


科目: 来源: 题型:

______ is _____ the students to find out the meaning and the usage of new words.

A. What a dictionary does; help   B. What dictionary does; to help

C. How a dictionary does; help   D. All that a dictionary does; helps


科目: 来源: 题型:

The time that he ________ in playing computer games each day is about two hours.

A. spends               B. devotes     C. takes            D. costs


科目: 来源: 题型:

.— Is that the country clinic you often refer to?

   — Right,just the one      you know my father used to work for 10 years

A. that        B. which   C. where     D. as


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 “Here, waiter! Look at your soup. What’s this? Is it vegetable soup? No. It’s fly(苍蝇) soup! Look at the bluebottle! Terrible! Pour it onto the face of the cook. Who wants such a wonderful soup?” shouted a middle-aged lady. In less than a second, the customers gathered around her table. A young waiter was already holding the soup plate, searching for the fly with a spoon. The lady was angry. The manager came out to see what the trouble was. “Bring her another bowl of soup” was his order. The lady wanted to show the fly to the manager. As she reached for the spoon, she pointed at something blue in it. “Look, that’s the fly!” she shouted.

The crowd pressed closer and stared at the spoon in the young waiter’s hand. Just before they could see it clearly, the man put the spoon full of soup into his mouth. Biting slightly, after a while, he smiled and nodded, “It’s really a piece of burnt green onion. I firmly believe that is worthy of our fame.” On hearing this, people laughed and walked away. The woman was at a loss and didn’t know if she could drink the soup or leave it there.

The whole incident lasted only a few minutes. Not long after that the waiter who had saved the restaurant form disgrace (不光彩) soon got a rise.

1. The “bluebottle” the lady mentioned means          .

A. a kind of soup          B. a kind of fly             C. the soup plate           D. the spoon

2. Seeing what had happened, the manager          .

A. knew that the fault would make this restaurant lose face

B. scolded the waiter to smooth down (消除) the lady’s anger

C. said sorry to the woman for the soup

D. sent away the cook who had caused so much trouble

3. Form the passage we can infer that the young waiter ate the fly, just because       .

A. it’s really his fault to make the lady angry

B. he didn’t want others to drive the cook out of the restaurant

C. he wanted to show what he ate was nothing but a piece of green onion

D. he was afraid he would be sent away by the manager

4. The young waiter saved the restaurant’s fame by           .

A. eating the fly in soup                  B. telling the truth to everyone

C. saying sorry to the lady                D. pointing out what the lady said was wrong


科目: 来源: 题型:

He has gained ______ rich work experience there and is showing _______ great progress.

A. a; a             B. a; /             C. /; a               D. /; /   


科目: 来源: 题型:

.——Someone might see us.

  ——________? We’re not doing anything illegal.

A. So what        B. What for            C. Why not            D. What’s up

