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科目: 来源: 题型:

He was extremely ______at the _______news!

A. surprising, surprised             B. surprising ,surprising 

C. surprised, surprising             D. surprised, surprised


科目: 来源: 题型:

 If we had taken the other road, we ________ earlier.

A. would arrive             B. might arrive             C. had arrived        D. might have arrived


科目: 来源: 题型:


Directions: Complete the following passage by using ONE word that best fits the context.

US President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on October 9 for   48   calls to reduce the world’s nuclear weapons and work   49   world peace.

Since taking office in January as the   50   African American president, Obama has called for the cutting of nuclear weapons and worked to restart the Middle East peace process.

The prize,   51   $ 1.4 million, will be handed over to Obama in Norway on December 10. Obama will also get a gold medal and a diploma.

The Nobel Committee said it attached special importance to Obama’s work for a world   52   nuclear weapons.

“Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama attracted the world’s   53   and given its people hope for   54   better future,” the Nobel Committee said.

  55   people had guessed Obama might be the winner before the award, many Nobel watchers believed it was too early to award the president.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

An 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke once said, “All that is needed for the success of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing.” One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights to decide whether to be used in research. Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are puzzling the public and threatening advances in health knowledge and care. Leaders of the animal rights movement attack biomedical research because it depends on public funding, and few people understand the process of health care research. Hearing false reports of cruelty to animals in research settings, many are puzzled that anyone would harm an animal on purpose.

For example, a grandmotherly woman setting up an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was giving out sheets that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animals-no meat, no fur, no medicines. Asked what will happen when epidemics(传染病) return, she said. “Don’t worry, scientists will find some way of using computers.” Such well-meaning people just don’t understand.

Scientists must communicate their message to the public in an understandable way-in human terms, not in the language of biology. We need to make clear the connection between animal research and a grandmother’s organ replacement, a father’s bypass operation, a baby’s vaccinations(接种疫苗), and even a pet’s shots. To those who know nothing about the animal research that was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.

Much can be done. Scientists could give middle school lessons and present their own research. They should be quick to respond to letters to the editor, in case animal rights misinformation goes unchallenged and gains a false appearance of truth. Research institutions could be opened to tours, to show that laboratory animals receive humane care. Finally, because there are a lot of patients, the health research community should actively recruit(招募) not only well-known personalities such as Stephen Cooper, who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research, but all who receive medical treatment. If good people do nothing, there is a real possibility that uninformed citizens will wipe out the precious of medical progress.

1. The purpose of the author beginning his article with Edmund Burke’s words is to _____.

       A.call on scientists to take some actions

       B.argue against the cause of animal rights

       C.warn of the failure of biomedical research

       D.show the success of the animal rights movement

2. In the second paragraph, the author took a grandmotherly woman as an example to show ____.

  A. the way to prevent epidemics            B. the innocence of the woman

  C. how strong the opposition was     D. how important the animal rights were

3. In the eyes of the author, misguided people are likely to think that using an animal in research

is ______.

       A.cruel but necessary            B.just but unnecessary

       C.meaningful and wasteful     D.inhuman and unacceptable

4. What can be inferred from the passage?

       A.People care very little about returns of epidemics.

       B.The public lacks knowledge of biomedical science.

       C.Stephen Cooper is very seriously concerned about animal treatment.

       D.Scientists should make efforts to develop new cures by means of hi-tech.

5. According to the passage, the author’s attitude toward biomedical research is ________.

  A. Disinterested                B. Indifferent                C. Objective                 D. Supportive


科目: 来源: 题型:

第二节 情景作文(共1小题,满分15分)


(1) 短文必须包括表中所有信息;

(2) 词数在100左右;

(3) 将短文写在答题卡上。

Basic facts

Jiang Yi; boy;16; Class 5,Senior High 1


No.1 Primary School in Jianghai City

Favorite subjects

Maths, Science, Computer and English

The competition

Jianghai Web Page Design Competition

356 people from all walks of life took part in the competition


Football, Chinese chess


Attend the best university, work in the IT industry


科目: 来源: 题型:

第四部分:书面表达 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节:完成句子 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


71. ______________________ (判断) his accent, Mr. Smith must be a native American. (judge)

72. – You see, Lily can’t hold back her tears.

   -- Oh, sorry, _____________________ (不该告诉) her the news. (should)

73. Can you think of a situation _____________________________ (人们交流) with each other

   freely and frankly. (communicate)

74. ________________________________ (究竟何时) China successfully sent up Chang’e I

   into space? (when)

75. Tom _____________________________(被人指控行窃) in the supermarket and was sent to

   prison. (accuse)

76. Oh, ____________________________ (多有趣) to skate on real ice! (fun)

77. ____________________________ (困在) in the collapsed coal mine for more than 70 hours,

the workers survived by eating newspaper. (trap)

78. Under no circumstances __________________________________(我们会放弃) the hope of

   saving the sick boy. (give)

79. The party meeting made a promise _________________________________ (中国将构建) a

   harmonious society. (create)

80. The green house is said ______________________________ (被装上了) with water-saving

   systems recently. (equip)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For millions of Chinese Internet users, the penguin is more than a flightless bird from the Antarctic. To them it is the symbol of QQ, the instant-messaging service marking its 10th anniversary.

QQ’s creator, Ma Huateng, 38, is a lover of stargazing, and describes himself as a combination of idealist and realist. “ I’m introverted. My friends believed I was too shy to find a girlfriend,” Ma said. He found a girlfriend, now his wife, through chatting online on QQ. Born in Hainan province, Ma loved watching stars and dreamed of becoming an astronomer. He moved to Shenzhen, along with his parents, in southern Guangdong province when he was in his teens. Ma was impressed by the slogan “ Time is money, efficiency is life” found all over the city. It was the most famous slogan born in Shenzhen, representing China’s reform and opening. The pioneering city provided chances for Ma to watch burgeoning reforms. He saw people carry big bags of cash to buy stocks after China launched a capital market in Shenzhen and Shanghai in the late 1980s. When he graduated from Shenzhen University in 1993, Ma designed a stock exchange software system and sold it for 50,000 yuan ($ 7,3000). He then worked as an IT engineer for five years.

It was in 1998 that Ma realized Internet would transform China and the world, and launched his own company, Shenzhen Tencent Inc. A unit of Tencent, Tencent Holdings Ltd, went public on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2004. “ China’s reform and opening provided me with a chance to grow the company,” Ma said. The country had only 3 million Internet users when QQ made its debut in 1999, but now China has around 300 million Internet users, Ma said. Hu Qiheng, chairwomen of the Internet Society of China(ISC), said reform and opening not only improved people’s living standards, but also gave them a chance to explore the outside world and a chance for the Internet to boom in the country.

It was in the late 1990s that China’s major Web portals mushroomed, including Sina, Sohu, 163, Tencent and Alibaba. That boom came to sa sudden halt when the internet bubble burst in 2000. “We were under great pressure when the Internet bubble burst. Things have only recovered since 2005,” Ma said. The IT sector was among the first batch of industries in China to experience zero-tariff treatment, meaning that the nation’s Internet sector had to face challenges from international peers.

QQ, with around 450 million users, provides services such as chatting, music, games and QQ currency-an indispensable currency in china’s virtual community. “ Chinese websites have survived the competition with foreign peers over the past ten years, but it will be the next ten years that decide Chinese Internet enterprises’ fate,” Ma said. Domestic enterprises have to compete with international companies on services, innovation and core technology, he said. One of Ma’s favorite films is March of the Penguins-a French documentary directed by Luc Jacquet. He said: “Penguin is a lovely animal to me. It is a combination of love, courage and adventurism.”

1.Which of the following is true about the founder of QQ?

A.Creating an IT company of his own had always been his dream since childhood.

B.He constantly moved from place to place when he was in his teens.

C.The instant-messaging service he created brought him not only money but also a family.

D.He worked for the Shenzhen Stock Exchange after graduation.

2.China’s reform and opening led to the following results EXCEPT_________.

A.a rise in the living standards of Chinese people

B.an opportunity for IT companies to grow

C.potential industrial competition from other countries

D.a chance for people to invest in overseas stock market

3.Which of the following events did actually take place?

A.QQ suffered from a sudden decrease in  the number of users when the Internet bubble burst in 2000.

B.QQ heped China’s Internet take flight.

C.QQ was equipped with the most advanced technology in the world when it made its debut in 1999.

D.QQ went public on the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the late 1980s.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Sina and Sohu will develop services like chatting, music and games in order to survive the future international competition.

B.For the sake of domestic enterprises, the tariff needs to be adjusted to a higher value.

C.Ma Huateng views penguin as a lovely animal because it processes the characteristics that he does not.

D.The 50,000 yuan Ma earned from selling the stock exchange software system might be a part of his initial investment in Tencent.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Barack Obama

    In the past hundred years, the U.S. presidency has turned more and more to the left – not in policy, but in handedness. Barrack Obama is the latest to join a long list of left – handed presidents from the 20th century: James Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Henry Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton were all southpaws.

What makes lefties so electable? Some experts think left-handed people have a greater aptitude for language skills, which may help them craft the rhetoric necessary for political office. And as for the bout of recent left-handed presidents, some think it’s because teachers only recently stopped working to convert lefties to rightist at an early age.

Bill Gates

Claiming the nation’s richest man among their number is a source of considerable pride for America’s society of southpaws. In fact, the Microsoft titan and philanthropist(巨头兼慈善家) is one of a surprising number of U.S. business moguls to be left-handed, including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner. But the club seems to be a guys-only fraternity — research suggests that while left-handed men tend to earn more than their right-handed colleagues, there is no similar advantage for women. A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research floated the idea that left-handed men favor "divergent" thinking, a form of creativity in which the brain moves "from conventional knowledge into unexplored association." Maybe that’s what it takes to develop a net worth estimated at $ 57 billion.

Oprah Winfrey

The talk-show queen doesn’t need much more to set her apart from the rest — what with her estimated $ 2.7 billion fortune and a magic ability to sell books just by glancing at them — but she also has the distinction of being a member of the left-handed club. Since men are more likely to be left-handed than women, that makes Oprah doubly impressive. She’s in good company: Other show-business ladies of the left – handed  persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie

Marie Curie

Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed, but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished, southpaw scientists. Curie, who discovered the principles of radioactivity and won two Nobel Prizes, was married to fellow lefty Pierre Curie, who was instrumental in helping Marie’s atomic research and shared one of her Nobel awards. Historians believe their daughter, Irene, was also left-handed. Irene went on to win a Nobel Prize of her own with her husband — who, you guessed it, was also left-handed.

1.The underlined word “southpaws” in the last sentence of Paragraph 1 means_________.

      A.people coming from the south     B.powerful presidents

       C.people who use their left hand     D.forceful speakers

2.What makes it so easy for lefties to be elected as presidents according to the passage?

       A.Their great gift for foreign language.

       B.Their great language skills to make speeches.

       C.The need of left – hinders in the political office.

       D.Teachers stopping to force them to use their right hand.

3.It can be implied that Bill Gates, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and Lou Gerstner_________.

       A.have creative thinking     B.have formed a special club.

       C.earn more money than their wives  D.are wealthy philanthropists

4.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 “She is in good company” means “_________”.

       A.she works in a very good company B.she has many good friends

       C.she has got on well with others       D.she is among many female lefties


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Staying positive through the cold season could be your best defense against getting ill, new study findings suggest.

In an experiment that exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a generally sunny character were less likely to fall ill. The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a "positive emotional style" can help to protect us from suffering the common cold and other illnesses.

Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective — as in happiness improving immune function — and subjective — as in happy people being less troubled by a sore throat or runny nose. "People with a positive emotional style may have different immune responses to the virus," explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "And when they do get a cold, they may interpret their illness as being less severe."

Cohen and his colleagues had found in a previous study that happier people seemed less likely to catch a cold, but some questions remained as to whether the emotional style itself had the effect.

For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults complete standard measures of personality characteristics, self-felt health and emotional style. Those who had a tendency to be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style, while those who were often unhappy, tense and aggressive had a negative style.

The researchers gave them nasal (鼻腔的) drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days, the volunteers reported on any aches, pains or sneezing they had, while the researchers collected objective data. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal troubles, happy people were less likely to develop a cold.

1. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Stay Away from Being Negative

B. Positive or Negative?It’s Up to You.

C. Emotional Style and Flu.

D. Optimistic People Likely to Keep Diseases Away.

2. According to Dr Cohen’s research, the reason why some people are unlikely to catch a cold may be that _____.

A. their cheerful mood benefits the immune system

B. they have developed a certain way against flu virus

C. they are less likely to have a sore throat and runny nose

D. they have got a stronger self-confidence in their health

3. The research is done by _____.

A. getting volunteers in one emotional group and analyzing them

B. conducting a medical experiment on volunteers of different emotional styles

C. collecting and analyzing volunteers' objective nasal production data

D. having volunteers answer questions on personality, health and emotions

4. The passage is probably written for _____.

A. medical students      B. lead authors      C. the public     D. the volunteers


科目: 来源: 题型:

.Sheep on a remote Scottish island are gradually shrinking _______ global warming, according to a study published in the journal Science.

A. on account of        B. by means of           C. in case of              D. in spite of

