 0  29909  29917  29923  29927  29933  29935  29939  29945  29947  29953  29959  29963  29965  29969  29975  29977  29983  29987  29989  29993  29995  29999  30001  30003  30004  30005  30007  30008  30009  30011  30013  30017  30019  30023  30025  30029  30035  30037  30043  30047  30049  30053  30059  30065  30067  30073  30077  30079  30085  30089  30095  30103  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:


The work was finished sooner than ____.

A.  expecting    B. expected    C. is expected    D. we were expected


科目: 来源: 题型:

There is        cooking oil left in the house. Would you go and get        .

    A. little...any   B. little...some  C. a little...any D. a little...some


科目: 来源: 题型:

I prefer ______ washing to ______.                  

A.doing; cooking    B.do; cook  C.doing; cook  D.do; cooking


科目: 来源: 题型:

.(2010·山东省新泰市高三10月月考)   26. —I’m sorry I took your bike by mistake.

—Oh, really? ____.

A. It’s OK with me      B. It doesn’t matter   

C. Don’t be sorry       D. I don’t care 


科目: 来源: 题型:

.(2010·浙江温州中学高三9月月考)     9. It was on my way back home _______ my father made the promise ______ I can do well in next exam he will buy me Lu Xun Complete Works.

A. when; that               B. when; that if         

C. that; why                D. that; that if


科目: 来源: 题型:

.(2010·安徽两地三校高10月联考) 25.  ________ , the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him.

A. Wanting the job very much   

B. Although wanting the job badly

C. Though he wanted the job very much  

D. He wanted the job badly


科目: 来源: 题型:

.(2010·安徽两地三校高10月联考) 34. ---- Is he said _____ his car lost?

---- Yes. He was so foolish _______ leave his car ______.

A. that; that; unlock       B. to have had; as to; unlocked

C. to have; to; unlock      D. to have; for him to; unlocked


科目: 来源: 题型:

.(2010·浙江温州中学高三9月月考)      14. Since she left home, I have been worried about her and _____ well at all.

A. was sleeping                  B. wasn’t sleeping

C. haven’t been sleeping           D. have been sleeping


科目: 来源: 题型:

.(2010·辽宁抚顺一中高三上学期9月月考)8.The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they          _______his bag, but found nothing.

A.looked up B.turned in  

C.searched for     D.went through


科目: 来源: 题型:

.(2010·山东新泰高三10月月考)28.Who is making such a noise?        must be the children.

A. It    B.They       C.He          D.You

