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科目: 来源: 题型:

I had been so _________ with my work that I forgot to buy a gift for my daughter’s birthday, which I had promised to.

    A. occupied       B. devoted       C. accompanied    D. buried


科目: 来源: 题型:

一What does the sign over there read?

一“No person ______ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”

A.    shall B.    may C.    will  D.    must


科目: 来源: 题型:

______child as he is, ______he behaves like an adult.

    A. A; but       B. /; /         C. /; but          D. the;/


科目: 来源: 题型:

.____exercise early in the morning has become part of his retired life .

A. Take  .B. Takes  C. Taking  D. Taken


科目: 来源: 题型:



It was a bright spring afternoon when Freda told Tim she wouldn’t need him any more. Tim had just finished his four-hour work—moving up and down the stairs of her three-storey house,    26    (clean) the floor and washing the dishes. She was wearing jeans and a sweater. Her husband’s pay would    27    (reduce)by 30%. And they were trying to live as if it’d already happened. Tim felt sorry for her, but he also felt a sense of    28    (lose).

Tim had been cleaning Freda’s house for five years and had developed    29    unexpected relationship with the family. It was not just that Tim had become an expert    30      scraping(刮掉) dirt stuck to their    31    (wood) floor, or that he had learned exactly 32      to place toys on the girl’s beds. It was more than that,    33    he felt he’d become a part of their life.

Now he was fired, but the strange thing was    34    he still wanted to keep scraping away the dirt and dust for the family. He left Freda’s house that day, wondering about the nature of his relationship with the hosts. “Who am I to    35   ? Actually, they are my employers, but I am only an employee. ”


科目: 来源: 题型:

--Could you do me a favor?

   --It depends on _____it is.

   A.which       B. whichever   C. what     D.whatever


科目: 来源: 题型:

You'd better get all the work _________ before you leave.

A.finishing                     B.to finish

C.finished                      D.be finished


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

六、Reading comprehension(阅读理解)20分


For years,business people in Western Europe were worried.They knew they could not compete(竞争)against business from the U.S.The United States is much larger and had many more resources than any Western European country.

Some European people realized that the European nations need to join together to help each other.If they could forget their language differences and the differences in customs(风格),they might become strong competition against other countries.

In 1958,six of the European countries-Belgium;the Netherlands,Luxembourg,France,Germany and Italy got together and decided to cooperate(合作).They called their group the European Economic Community,or the Common Market.These countries agreed to join their resources together.Within a few years,the European Economic Community had worked so well that its members were more prosperous(繁荣)than many other European nations.

Soon,other nations began to realize the advantages(好处)of the Common Market.Today the Common Market includes most of the important countries in Western Europe.It is helping Western Europe to again take its place as a leader among the industrial nations of the world.

1.From the passage we know the U.S.is much richer than _________in resources.

A.any other Western Europe countries

B.any other country in Western Europe

C.any country in Western Europe

D.every country in Europe

2.The members of the European Economic Community have developed fast because they_________.

A.share their resources and produce more goods

B.can again take the place as a leader

C.forget the differences in their languages and customs

D.have become strong competition against the U.S.

3.Which statement is true?

A.The Common Market is only a political association(联盟).

B.The Common Market is an economic and political association.

C.The Common Market is only an economic association.

D.The Common Market is neither an economic association nor a political one.

4.In order to _________ the Western European countries decided to cooperate.

A.join together to found a united country

B.help each other to smooth away the differences in customs

C.work and act together for common purpose

D.fight against the U.S.

5.Today the Common Market has helped _________ again take the place as a leader among the industrial nations of the world.

A.Belgium,the Netherlands,Luxembourg,France,Germany and Italy

B.Belgium,the Netherlands,Luxembourg,France,Germany,Italy and other countries

C.Belgium,the Netherlands,Luxembourg,France,Germany,Italy and other European countries

D.Belgium,the Netherlands,Luxembourg,France,Germany,Italy and other Western European nations


科目: 来源: 题型:







提示:灾区the striken area;遇难者victims;默哀observe silence。

Dear Editor,



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



This is a very simple statement,yet not so easy to do—Keep your promises. I try to conduct my life in this manner. If you tell someone that you will do something for them,you can’t turn around at the 1ast minute and say, I didn’t do it because it wasn’t convenient. Keeping your promises is also a way to live your life with integrity. That's why it’s important to be aware of your  choice of words, and to live consciously. There were many times that I was not able to keep my promise for example of repaying some money to a friend or colleague, somewhere in the back of my mind I had always intended to repay the debt even if it was years in the future. But that is not a very good way of living. If you consistently live like this you will lose friends because l was not true to my word. It is heartbreaking for both sides.

Especial with Children you need to keep your promise. I get so disturbed when l hear parents trying to sooth a child’s temper and the parent says “I promise一" Later when the child remind the parent or guardian,it becomes clear that the parent had no real thought to keep the promise. The words were just said to placate the child. The parent, as I remember, thought that his or her child would just forget a11 about what was promised. But children have a great memory. Especially when they hear the words I PROMISE. Those words sound stronger than any other words in the English language to a child. We have been taught that those words have power and magic.








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