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科目: 来源: 题型:

His studies on literature are very varied, ________ from Chinese literature to westurn literature.

A.ranges     B.containing     C.ranging         D.covering


科目: 来源: 题型:








Dear Mum and Dad,

How are you doing


科目: 来源: 题型:

Judging from his IQ and his present state of study,he           be admitted to Ts-inghua University this year if nothing special happens.

A.should                    B.shall                       C.can                         D.must


科目: 来源: 题型:

The students respect their head teacher        ,although she is strict,she is fair.

A.since                      B.for                         C.that                        D.because


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Could I have a word with you,mum?

—Oh,dear,if you       

A.can                        B.must                       C.may                       D.should


科目: 来源: 题型:

— Was it not until last week ______ he decided to give up smoking?

— No. He began _____ he saw the new film last month.

       A.when; as soon as         B.that; directly    

       C.did; after                   D.that; till


科目: 来源: 题型:

Jack is making up his mind to get a ticket for the concert ______it means standing in a queue all night.

A.as though           B.even if                C.in case                 D.so long as


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Just at that time, a telegram arrived from his brother.Mr.Jameson opened it quickly.It said, “Come home at once.Your wife is ill and in a critical condition.West End Hospital.”Mr.Jameson began to think.Since the work at the mine was going well, he decided to go home at once.He just told himself again and again that he couldn’t lose his wife, or his life would be meaningless.

At about 6 the next morning, he and one of his assistants reached Lamesa, where they were going to Chicago at 6:30.There was still half an hour left before the train started, so Mr.Jameson decided to telephone to Chicago to ask about his wife.And after that, if still enough time was left he could see a doctor and have the piece of coal or the piece of metal removed out of his eye.His eye and his whole head ached now.

After he sent his assistant to the railway station to buy tickets for the train, he went to make the phone call.When the operator put through his call, he sat down and waited.His eye felt like a piece of hot iron.And he was worried about his sick wife.The phone rang.Soon Mr.Jameson talked with the hospital in Chicago.A voice said, “Yes, sir! Your wife is here.She is much better.There is no danger now.You don’t have to return.”

Everything was all right.His wife was going to live.He would not lose his wife.Quite excited, Mr.Jameson began to cry like a little child and could not stop.Big tears rolled out of his eyes and down his cheeks.Soon his eye felt better.He touched his eye and felt something in the corner of his eye.That was a small piece of coal.His tears had washed it out of his eye!

59.What happened to Mr.Jameson before setting off?

     A.He was hurt and couldn’t walk.

     B.His eye was suffering from a certain disease.

     C.A small piece of coal stuck him in the eye.

     D.A piece of metal got into his eye.

60.The writer doesn’t mention but we can infer that Mr.Jameson probably _____.

     A.worked in a factory in Chicago

     B.worked as a mining engineer in a company

     C.was worried about his work on the way to Chicago

     D.sold coal in a faraway village

61.How was the coal removed out of Mr.Jameson’s eye?

     A.It was taken out by a doctor.

     B.A good rest helped it out.

     C.He rubbed his eyes slightly.

     D.It was washed out by his tears.

62.How can we describe the feeling of Mr.Jameson?

       A.Worried ---relaxed                  B.Excited ---dull  

       C.Anger---calm.                    D.Depressed ---nervous.


科目: 来源: 题型:

单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


1.Which team do you think will be the c______ (冠军) of the World Cup South Africa?

2.Dr Yuan has c______ (捐献) his money to the development of the super hybrid rice.

3.We were surprised to learn that our English teacher m______ (主修) in finance in university.

4.Everyone’s opinion is bound to be s______ (主观的).

5.I’d recognize your handwriting anywhere – it’s u______ (独特的).


科目: 来源: 题型:

______ is no wonder that people say that computers are ______ the world.

A. There, taking over                                 B. There, taking down                

C. It, taking down                                  D. It, taking over

