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科目: 来源: 题型:

It is said that Karaoke was invented in 1971 and then it ________ to the whole world.

A. increased        B. spread        C. developed     D. grew


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

                               The legal age for drinking alcohol(酒)in the United States is twenty-one. Underage drinking is a crime but also a common part of college social life. This week in our Foreign Student Series ,we look at alcohol policies at American colleges and universities .These policies differ from school to school, as do enforcement(实施) efforts. But many schools have been moving to strengthen their rules.

  The United States has more than 170,000 students in higher education. Each year,1,700 of them aging eighteen to twenty-four die from alcohol-related road crashes and other injuries. More than 600,000 are injured under the influence of alcohol. And almost 700,000 are attacked by another student who has been drinking. These numbers, from a 2007 report, are on a government Website:collegedrinkingprevention.gov.

   One behavior that college officials are trying to prevent is binge (无节制的狂热行为)drinking ,having four or five drinks or more in a short period of time. Some researchers have found that students who think binge drinking is normal often overestimate how much other students really drink .A person can die of alcohol poisoning.

  At the University of Oklahoma, new policies went into effect after a nineteen-year-old student died in 2004.He had been drinking heavily at a fraternity party.(男大学生联谊会)。

  Now alcohol is banned from all fraternity and sorority(女大学生联谊会) houses and university housing. Student organizations can serve alcohol at events but only on Friday and Saturday nights. And they must provide for transportation to and from off-campus parties. Other new requirements include an alcohol education program that first-year students take online.

  The policies govern behavior on campus and off. With a first violation, students pay seventy-five dollars and their parents are told. They must also take an alcohol education class. For a second” strike”, they have to pay one hundred and fifty dollars. A third strike means a suspension(暂被停学) for at least one semester.

   Since January of 2005,633 students have had a first strike.30 have had a second strike----and has been suspended. An official at Oklahoma tells us the aim is not just to punish but to change behavior and the culture at the university.

67.In American colleges and universities,______.

A. no students under age 21 drink alcohol

B. many students under age 21 drink alcohol

C. rules about drinking alcohol are almost the same

D. rules about drinking alcohol are different from state to state

68.Each year in the United States ,about 1,700 young college students aging 18 to 24 die______.

A, from alcohol poisoning        

B. from traffic accidents

C. under the influence of alcohol   

D. from alcohol-related road crashes and other injuries.

69.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. The deaths or injuries of the students are all because they have been drinking.

   B. The numbers from collagedrinkingprevention.gov are not accurate at all.

   C. The death of a 19-year-old student influenced policies of the University of Oklahoma.

   D. No student organizations can offer alcohol at events in the US now.

70.Which of the following can be the best title of this article?

   A. Studying in the US: Rules about Alcohol

   B. The Legal Age for Drinking Alcohol in the United States.

   C. Policies of Drinking Alcohol in the US Differ From School to School

   D. New Policies about Alcohol Drinking At the University of Oklahoma.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节  读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


According to Shenzhen Daily, the city’s vehicle population has reached over 1 million and 80 percent of the vehicles are private cars.

Nowadays more and more families own private cars. Private cars, as the product of modern civilization, have been playing a vital role in people's daily activities. Firstly, private cars are a convenient means of transportation. You can go wherever you like. Secondly, there is no doubt that private cars will have a great impact on the economic growth. The rapid car industry growth will contribute much to keeping the country's economy growing at a higher rate in the near futrue.

     But every coin has two sides. The development of the private cars will bring about a series of problems. For example, the polluted air given off by cars will do great harm to our health, too many private cars will lead to traffic jams and a great deal of energy will be wasted and so on.That is why many people suggest we should go cycling in the city instead.    

However, I think that the advantages of owning a car outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, it seems to me that China should increase its output of automobiles and enlarge the private car market. We should take advantages of private cars and make them serve us better. Meantime ,we hope that satisfactory solutions to these negative problems will be found soon.



2.某英文报纸就上述“深圳已拥有100万辆汽车”的新闻,开展了一场“The best form of transportation in our city”的市民大讨论。请你用约120个词就该讨论题发表你的看法,并说明你的理由。





科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Do you dream of being a reporter or an editor? Are you a good writer who loves the news? If so, then you may have what it takes to be a winner in the TFK Kid Reporter Talent Search.

We’re looking for 12 students from around the nation to be members of the TFK Kid Reporter Team for the 2008-2009 school year. Next year’s team will continue the tradition of reporting local and regional news stories for TIME FOR KIDS magazine and TIME FOR KIDS online.

Professional(职业的)journalists from TIME magazine and TIME FOR KIDS will select this exclusive team. In the past, TFK kid Reporters have

Interviewed national leaders, celebrities and other newsmakers.

Written news stories, reviews and opinion pieces for TIME FOR KIDS.

Appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Today and The Tonight Show with another famous kid Jay Leno to talk about their work.

How to Enter

Get the official rules at time for kids. com/contest.

Entries must be postmarked by Dec. 20, 2008. Good luck!

53. This ad is written for ___________________.

   A. professional reporters and editors

   B. student reporters and editors

   C. kids who are interested in politics

   D. kids who love to write news

54. If you want to become a TFK Kid reporter, you must _________________.

   A. write news stories for local newspapers

   B. sign up through TFK’s official website

   C. post your entries before Dec 20, 2008

   D. know a lot about the newspaper and its style

55. Winners of the talent search will be able to do all the following EXECPT _____.

   A. write reports on celebrities and other newsmakers

   B. become a professional journalist for TIME magazine

   C. write down their opinions for TIME FOR KIDS

   D. share their working experiences with other kids on famous media


科目: 来源: 题型:


在日常生活中,因特网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据下表所给提示为某英文报写一篇题为On the Internet的征文稿。


信  息


通  讯


学  习


娱  乐


生  活





科目: 来源: 题型:

—I am afraid no one will agree with you.   

  —I don’t think it ______ .

A. minds           B. troubles         C. matters         D. works


科目: 来源: 题型:

Full use should be _______the natural resources to combat the energy crisis. 

A. made of           B. had of    C. taken of    D. done with


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What a pity. I’ve not got a ticket for the football match tonight.

—Don't worry. It’ll be broadcast _______.

 A.live         B.lively               C.alive          D.living


科目: 来源: 题型:

Ladies and gentlemen, please remain _____until the plane has come to a complete stop.

A. seated

B. seating

C. to seat

D. seat


科目: 来源: 题型:

You can’t imagine what great trouble I have ___ I want very much.

A. to find the book       B. finding the book   

C. found the book            D. find the book

