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科目: 来源: 题型:

---- Raymond is always kind to others.

----Absolutely! He organized a concert last month _______ the church repairs fund.

A. ahead of           B. with the aid of         C. lose sight of        D. in aid of


科目: 来源: 题型:

 —Do you know what _____ influenza A (H1N1) has?

    —A high temperature, throat pain and so on.

A. signals             B. roots       C. symptoms    D. treatments


科目: 来源: 题型:

I can think of many cases ______ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn't write a good essay.

       A.why     B.which  C.as D.where


科目: 来源: 题型:

The coin, which ______ the 1920, ______.

       A.dated from; belongs to mine      B.dates from; belongs to me

       C.dates back to; made of gold     D.was dated from; was stolen


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The Town Hall ______ in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time.

   A. to be completed          B. having been completed

   C. completed               D. being completed


科目: 来源: 题型:

He holds an important ______ in the company.

A.state                B.condition         C.situation          D.position


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One day a few years ago a very funny thing happened to a neighbour of mine.He is a teacher at one of London’s big medical schools, He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture.

    He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag, but he had put Rupert, the skeleton (人体骨骼) to be used in his lecture, in a large brown suitcase (箱子).At the airport desk, he suddenly thought that he had forgotten to buy a newspaper.He left his suitcase near the desk and went over to the shop.

    When he got back he discovered that someone had taken his suitcase by mistake.He often wonders what they said when they got home and found Rupert.

Who wrote the story?

     A.Rupert’s teacher.               B.The neighbour’s teacher.

     C.A medical school teacher.       D.The teacher’s neighbour.

Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase?

     A.He needed it for the summer term in London.

     B.He needed it for the lecture he was going to give.

     C.He wanted to take it to Russia for medical research.

     D.He wanted to take it home as he had finished his teaching.

What happened at the airport?

     A.The skeleton went missing.    B.The skeleton was stolen .

     C.The teacher forgot his suitcase.       D.The teacher took the wrong suitcase .

Which of the following best tells the teacher’s feeling about the incident?

     A.He is very angry .                      B.He thinks it rather funny .

     C.He feels helpless without Rupert.    D.He feels good without Rupert .

Which of the following might have happened afterwards?

     A.The teacher got back the suitcase but not Rupert.

     B.The teacher got back neither the suitcase nor Rupert.

     C.The teacher got back Rupert but not the suitcase.

     D.The teacher got back both the suitcase and Rupert.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In Victorian times, certain flowers expressed meanings because the flower selection was limited. Therefore, flower as a gift was an effective tool in social communication. With so many choices today, we have no rules in flower choosing. However, people tend to give a certain flower their own personal meaning--- maybe it can remind them of some particular friends or events. Here I would introduce the traditional meanings of some gift flowers as a reference for your flower choosing.

Carnation(康乃馨) is a good gift for your female teacher or mother, but not all kinds of carnations mean respect and love. Different colours have different meanings. Generally, carnation means “fascination and woman love”. Specifically, pink carnation means “I’ll never forget you” and red carnation says “I admire you”. But some carnations have very negative meanings. If you want to say goodbye to your girlfriend, you can send her a bunch of striped carnations or yellow ones, because it means “Sorry I can’t be with you. You disappointed me.”

Rose is no doubt the best gift for girls in love. Basically, it relates to the love between men and women, but roses with different colours stand for different stages of love. Red rose is man’s best friend when he wants to show his love to a girl. In the peak of his love, pink rose is more suitable because it means “perfect happiness and please believe me”. While the love gets into trouble, yellow rose seems to be the best symbol. It means “the decrease of love and jealousy”.

Though you are free to choose any kind of flower as long as it is beautiful, I think this brief introduction can help you avoid making mistakes. Besides, the receivers must be happier if he or she gets to know the good will you convey in flowers.

1. Why do we choose certain flowers as gifts?

   A. Because they are the best gifts for you. 

B. Because flowers all look beautiful

C. Because different flowers smell good.  

D. Because they can express specific meanings.

2. In different stages of love, ________.

   A. roses of different colours show love to a girl.

B. you can choose red rose at any occasion

C. yellow rose is the best symbol for your love

D. pink rose implies that your love comes to maturity(成熟).

3. What does the passage mainly talk about?

   A. Carnation is better than rose             B. Like the carnation, like the rose

C. Different flowers have different meanings  D. Flowers of different colours


科目: 来源: 题型:

短文改错 (共10 小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)







Nowadays many graduate are looking forward to get employment in big cities, not willing to

work in a countryside. Unfortunately, there are enough chances to satisfy most of the job hunters

in big cities, while in the countryside talented people are bad needed but a lot of posts are waiting

for you. You can put your abilities to good use and you will able to make greater contributions of

building a modern countryside. Therefore, I believe in you can have as bright a future in the

countryside as we will have in the cities.


科目: 来源: 题型:

--It was 3 o'clock_______we arrived at the village.

  --Oh,it was also at 3 o’clock______we arrived at the village.

  A.when;when     B.that;when     C.that;that    D.when;that 

