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科目: 来源: 题型:

As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only _____.

       A.apparently           B.occasionally     C.practically    D.abruptly


科目: 来源: 题型:

In front of the gate of the park ____ like an umbrella covering the entrance.

A. an old pine tree stood       B. an old pine tree did stand

C. did an old pine tree stand    D. stood an old pine tree


科目: 来源: 题型:

Ted and his friends established a website offering useful information about thunderstorms ______ similar accidents happening.

A. prevent                    B. preventing           C. to prevent              D. prevented


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

London--A morning train rides away, across the channel. English kids discuss the Liverpool's football team in a Paris pub.

Some Parisians have started to travel to work in London.

In the 19th century, Charles Dickens compared the two cities, London and Paris, in A Tale of Two Cities. These days, it might be A tale of One City.

As there are few jobs at home over recent years, perhaps 250,000 Frenchmen moved across the channel. With an undersea tunnel, they could travel between cities in three hours. The European Union freed them from immigration and customs.

Paris, rich in beauty, is more stylish. But London feels more full of life, and more fun until the pubs shut down.

“For me, the difference is that London is real, alive,” said Trevor Wheeler, a financial expert.

Chantal Jaouen, a professional designer, agrees. “I am French, but I’ll stay in London,” she said.

There is, of course, the other view. Julie Lenoux is a student who moved to London two years ago. “I think people laugh more in Paris,” she said.

“Both cities have changed beyond recognition,” said Larry Collins, an author and sometimes a Londoner. Like most people who know both cities well, he finds the two now fit together comfortably. “I first fell in love with Paris in the 1950s. Things are so much more ordered, and life is better.”

But certainly not cheaper. In some parts of London, rents can be twice those on Avenue Foch in Paris.

Deciding between London and Paris requires a lifestyle choice. Like Daphne Benoit, a French journalism student with perfect English, many young people are happy to be close enough so they don’t have to choose. “I love Paris, my little neighborhood, the way I can walk around a centre, but life is too organized,” she said. “In London, you can be whoever you want. No one cares.”

It can be inferred that ___________.

A.Paris and London are the two biggest cities in the world

B.In the 19th century, Dickens told his stories in the two cities

C.London and Paris used to be separated

D.Liverpool is a big city in France

According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.People feel it difficult to find a job in Paris.

B.People can't travel to London without a passport.

C.Living in France is more expensive than in London.

D.People can find any job in London.

The underlined phrase in Para9 most probably means “_____________”

A. beyond one’s imagination    

B. so much that people don’t know them well again    

C. so little that people still know them well                

D. to people’s satisfaction

What’s the meaning of the last two sentences?

A.People can do everything in London.

B.People will feel lonely in London.

C.People in London enjoy living in different ways.

D.People in London enjoy a lawless life.


科目: 来源: 题型:

When Captain Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769, he took _____ possession of it in ______name of the British Crown.

A. the; the    B. the; /    C. /; /   D. /; the


科目: 来源: 题型:

The crossing was blocked by many trucks and buses,           made it impossible for us to go to work on time.

     A.where      B.what      C.whick      D.that


科目: 来源: 题型:

She’s developing into someone who’s going to become very poor and require ______.

A. looked after                                  B. being looked after

C. looking after                                 D. to look after  


科目: 来源: 题型:

The young writer_____his success to his teacher’s encouragement.

A.paid             B.cost                 C.gave            D.owed


科目: 来源: 题型:

----Could you lend me some of your paper?

   ----Sorry . Mine is _____.

 using up  B. running out  C. running through  D. giving out


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A couple had two little boys aged 8 and 10 who were very naughty. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that if any trouble occurred in their town their sons were probably involved.

The boys' mother heard that a clergyman(牧师) in the town had been successful in educating children so she asked if he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed but asked to see them individually. So the mother sent her 8-year-old boy first in the morning with the elder boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.

The clergyman, a huge man with a booming (嗡嗡) voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him strictly, "Where is God?"

The boy's mouth dropped open but he made no answer, sitting there with his mouth hanging open, wide-eyed. So the clergyman repeated the question in an even stricter tone "Where is God?" Again the boy made no attempt to answer. So the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and shouted" Where is God?"

The boy screamed and escaped from the room, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him. When his elder brother found him in the closet, he asked "What happened?"

The younger brother replied out of breath, "We are in big trouble this time. God is missing, and they think we did it. "

What were the two boys like?

A. They always made trouble.

B. They were brave.

C. They were easygoing.

D. They were honest.

What did their parents plan to do?

A. They gave up their children.

B. They liked their children very much.

C. They wanted the clergyman to persuade their children.

D. They helped their children to make trouble.

What do you suppose the boy felt when he was asked by the clergyman?

A. Happy.                          B. Sad.

C. Afraid.                          D. Surprised.

What do you think the underlined word "slamming" in Paragraph 5 means?

A. Open.                             B. Shut.

C. Knock.                          D. Pull.

