 0  30028  30036  30042  30046  30052  30054  30058  30064  30066  30072  30078  30082  30084  30088  30094  30096  30102  30106  30108  30112  30114  30118  30120  30122  30123  30124  30126  30127  30128  30130  30132  30136  30138  30142  30144  30148  30154  30156  30162  30166  30168  30172  30178  30184  30186  30192  30196  30198  30204  30208  30214  30222  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

My father bought me _____ mp3, but I lost _____ mp3 yesterday.

  A. an, the       B. an, an      C. the, the     D. the, an


科目: 来源: 题型:

Which sentence is wrong?

A. Time and tide waits for no man.

B. Many a student are busy with their lessons.

C. As is known to all, Rocky mountains stand in North America.

D. The singer and dancer is to attend our party.


科目: 来源: 题型:

―Don’t give up.

.   ―But what can we do ?I can’t see there is a chance _________we will win.

A. if                                   B. as                     C. when                      D.  that


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       A White – bearded ancient man was walking over the hills and valleys of the world.On his back he carried a bag which moved uneasily as if something was trying to escape from it, but he   21   it between his shoulders and walked on.

       He was Father Time, traveling forever, and the bag he   22   was filled with Tomorrows, all struggling to get out.

       Each   23   at twelve o’clock, he opened the bag and   24   a Tomorrow, just one, with its wings of   25   , and its shining feathers rose with hope.All the rest were kept   26   by Time’s strong hands and pushed   27   in the bag.

       Down flew the Tomorrow   28   its lovely feathers, but as it touched the   29   , off fell its blue wings and it changed to a(n)   30   white bird which could not fly.It had become a Today.Everyone knows that Today isn’t as   31   as Tomorrow, for Today can be held in one’s   32   , accepted, unloved, but Tomorrow is full of mystery(神秘)and beauty.It is   33   by all the world.Even those with   34   hope sigh, “Tomorrow may bring a(n)   35  .Tomorrow’s life will be different.”

       Everybody tried to   36  the Tomorrow before it fell to the ground.They thought if they   37   beforehand what the Tomorrow carries, they could   38   for it.So they put great nets on the trees, seeking to catch one   39   it changed his feather.Yet although they tried every means, the birds   40   and flew to the ground as Todays.

A.relaxed  B.worried    C.excited     D.settled

A.bore      B.placed      C.laid   D.lifted

A.dawn     B.morning   C.night D.afternoon

A.got     B.fetched     C.took      D.flew

A.blue       B.pink      C.black     D.white

A.out     B.off        C.away     D.back

A.along     B.deep      C.far        D.over

A.shaking  B.moving     C.beating     D.striking

A.earth      B.floor     C.tree       D.grass

A.lovely  B.ordinary   C.beautiful   D.especial

A.bad      B.wonderful C.common   D.familiar

A.hands   B.mind     C.heart     D.head

A.noticed B.seen      C.forgotten  D.desired

A.little    B.some     C.much     D.few

A.shock   B.suggestion C.change      D.advice

A.keep    B.catch     C.hold      D.protect

A.expectedB.watched  C.guessed     D.knew

A.wait     B.long      C.prepare     D.look

A.as     B.when     C.before      D.after

A.refused B.escaped     C.struggled  D.fought


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Fear plays no part in this latest problem. “ I’m not afraid I’ll lose my children. I won’t lose my children. We live together, and nothing, nothing, ” she repeats, her voice rising when speaking to John’s lawyer, “ will stop me from being with my children. A law? Yeah, right. Don’t disturb me when it comes to my children. You are never going to win. If John wants to see them, I cannot stop him. He’s their father ---- I want them to see him! However, his visit in his present condition will disturb the children’s stable(稳定的) life.”

John, who has spent much of his time in California recently, has only hired a house for himself in Pennsylvania, according to his lawyer. “ If he’d like to stick to a regular life, I’d be more than happy to do that, ” Jane says. “ The best thing for any child of a divorced (离婚的) parent is a stable life. I want nothing more than for him to set up a stable life for himself, so that he can be part of making our children’s lives more stable.”

While matters of money and care won’t be settled for weeks, Jane hardly puts her life on hold. Last week the ABC network announced that Jane would return with her own show, Twist of Jane, in which she gives advice to other moms. Jane and her eight children will also return to ABC in a series of Jane Plus 8 specials showing them on various adventures. It’s a rest for Jane, who insists that she needs her new, busy life to provide for her family. “ I have to lead such a life, and I’m thankful that I’ve built it to the top where now I can support my children, ” she says.

And whether a bellicose (好斗的) dance judge or a bellicose former wife, Jane plans to keep on facing attacks on her. “ Some people try to knock me down --- only to make me more fierce, more protective, more determined to do better, ” she says. “ Go ahead, take me on. This will just make me stronger. ”

According to Jane in the first paragraph, the law ______.

   A. can’t take her children away from her

   B. can’t do anything with the case

   C. will best settle the problem

   D. will disturb her children

What does “ to do that ” refer to in the second paragraph?

   A. To live with John.

   B. To hire a house for John.

   C. To allow John to see the children.

   D. To ask John to set up a regular life.

What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?

   A. Jane’s life is very difficult.

   B. Jane continues to live as usual.

   C. Jane almost can’t control her life.

   D. Jane works very hard to live a happy life.

Which word can best describe Jane?

   A. Proud.        B. Fierce.          C. Determined.        D. Independent.


科目: 来源: 题型:

假设你是李华, 是一家英文报社的记者,你的家乡正在遭受洪水袭击,请你根据






参考词汇:解放军the PLA men


科目: 来源: 题型:

–You are Mr. Zhang, aren’t you?


   A. Absolutely     B. Naturally     C. Normally       D. Completely


科目: 来源: 题型:

Things that we’re facing should be considered ____,so that we’ll deal with them well.

    A. on all sides                       B. in order        

C. around the corner           D. in place


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say, “Well, it’s so-and-so’s fault.” or “I know I’m late,but it’s not my fault; the car broke down.” It is probably not your fault,but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation,you are a loser. You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation. This is the winner’s key to success.

Winners are great at overcoming problems. For example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly. Or, you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers, so you could call for help when in need. For another example, if your colleague (同事) causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person. Ask to work with a different person, or don’t rely on this person. You should accept that the person is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well.

This is what being a winner is all about—creatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens. Winners don’t have fewer problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else. They are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents. So, stop focusing on “whose fault it is.” Once you are confident about your power over bad situations, problems are just stepping stones for success.

According to the passage, winners        .

A. deal with problems rather than blame others

B. meet with fewer difficulties in their lives

C. have responsible and able colleagues

D. blame themselves rather than others

The underlined word remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to        .

A. avoid         B.  accept             C. improve           D. consider

When your colleague brings about a problem, you should         .

A. find a better way to handle the problem

B. blame him for his lack of responsibility

C. tell him to find the cause of the problem

D. ask a more able colleague for help

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. A Winner’s Opportunity.          B. A Winner’s Secret.   

C. A Winner’s Problem.            D. A Winner’s Achievement.


科目: 来源: 题型:

  His illness _____ his absence.

     A. showed      B. accounts for     C. explains       D. gives out

