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科目: 来源: 题型:

Though they lost the game, a small but        crowd cheered as the players came off the court.

       A.desperate  B.enthusiastic      C.anxious     D.critical


科目: 来源: 题型:

Don’t be       by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.

       A.taken off  B.taken out  C.taken away       D.taken in


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If you’re training for a marathon , a proper plan for water intake (摄入) is important. Of course, there’s the risk of dehydration (脱水). But athletes now know they can also get into trouble by drinking too much. Too much water intake can lower levels of sodium (钠) in the blood . The death of a 28-year-old woman following the Boston Marathon caught the attention of many runners and led to new research.

Experts advise long distance runners to replace the liquids they sweat out. Their goal is to try to keep someone from not getting dehydrated by more than 2 percent of their body weight.

One technique for deciding how much water you need is to get the exact numbers. Runners have to weight themselves before and after a run to determine how much water they’ve lost. If their weight drops by more than 2 percent, they have not drunk enough water.

Hyponatremia occurs when runners drink so much water that blood salt levels drop off. A study published last year tested 488 runners who completed the Boston Marathon and found 13 percent of them had dangerously low blood salt levels. The first sign that runners may notice is slightly swelling in the hands. They can’t get their rings off, and then they might feel sick. They may not remember where they are. In fact, most runners get enough salt to get back to normal levels by eating just one meal after a run. Contrary to the old advice that runners should drink as much as they can to prevent dehydration , the new research has shown that the body is a remarkable machine that actually tells you via thirst when you need water .

56. The author of this passage is primarily concerned with            .

 A. the signs and treatment for dehydration

 B. the long distance runners who need help

 C. how to manage water intake during a marathon

 D. a 28-year-old woman who died after a Boston Marathon

57. Why do runners have to weigh themselves before and after a run ?

 A. They can improve their performance in a run.

 B. They can learn how much salt there is in the blood.

 C. They can know the quantity of water they’ve lost during a run.

 D. They can decide what kind of water they should take during a run.

58. What conclusion can we draw from the passage ?

 A. Taking much salt during a run can avoid selling in the body.

 B. Either too much or too little of water intake is harmful.

 C. A rich meal is helpful to our performance in a run.

 D. We should take enough salt during a run.

59.According the passage, which of the following statements is correct ?

 A. Too much water intake→blood sodium levels ↓→dehydration.

 B. Too much water intake→blood salt levels ↓→hyponatremia .

 C. No water intake→blood sodium levels↑→hyponatremia .

 D. No water intake →blood salt levels ↓→hyponatrenmia .


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Harald Kaas was sixty. His back became rounded, and he bent a little. His forehead, always of the broadest-no one else’s hat would fit him - was now one of the highest, that is to say, he had lost all his teeth, which were strong though small, and blackened by smoking. Now, instead of “deuce take it” he said “deush take it”. He had always held his hands half closed as though grasping something; now they stiffened so that he could never open them fully. The little finger of his ldft hand had been bitten off. According to Harald’s version of the story, the fellow swallowed the piece on the spot.

       He was fond of showing off the ldft part, and it often served as an introduction to the history of brave adventures, which became greater and greater and greater as he grew older and quieter. His small sharp eyes were deep set and looked at one with great intensity. There wsa power in his individuality. He has no lack of self-respect.

       His house, raised on an old foundation, looked out to the south over many islands; farther out were more islands and the open sea. Its eastern wing was barely half furnished, and the western inhabited by Harald Kaas. These wings were connected by a gallery, behind which were the fields and woods to the north.

In the gallery itself were heads of bears, wolves, foxes and lynxes and stuffed birds from land and sea. Skins and guns hung on the walls of the front room. The inner rooms were also full of skins and filled with the smell of wild animals and tobacco-smoke. Harald himself called it “man-smell”; no one who had once put his nose inside could ever forget it. Valuable and beautiful skins hung on the walls and sat, and walked on skins, and each one of them was a subject of conversation. Harald Kaas, seated in his log chair by the fireside, his feet on the bearskin, opened his shirt to show the scars on his hairy chest (and what scars they were) which had been made by a bears teeth, when he had driven his knife, right up to the end, into the monster’s heart. All the tables, and cupboards, and carved chairs listened in their silence.

68.Who or what most probably bit harald Kaass’ little finger off?

       A.On of his fellow hunters

B.An adversary in a boxing match

C.A wild animal 

D.One of his hunting dogs


科目: 来源: 题型:










4.参考词汇:exit—安全出口;    potential safety hazard—安全隐患。

Dear Manager,

I’m an exchange student from China. Yesterday, I went to your cinema to see a film. The film was very good, but                                                             










Yours faithfully


科目: 来源: 题型:

With the country’s population increasing to 1.3 billion, many of China’s rivers, including the legendary Yellow River,       .

         A.is drying up         B.will be drying up         C.had dried up      D.are drying up


科目: 来源: 题型:

People like to shop in the supermarket because they are interested in the ________ of goods on offer and can buy whatever they want.

price  B. variety  C. value  D. amount


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Friend is better than fortune. Friend is worse than poison in some cases. The two sentences above are opposite and seem to be unreasonable but they can be explained as follows: the first refers to all good friends who drive us towards good while the second all bad ones who lead us to wrong ways.

My ideal friend is of course a good friend whose goodness is shown below---he has no bad likings, such as smoking and drinking. He lives in frugality (节俭). He studies hard so as not to waste his golden time. At home he honors his parents and loves his brothers; at school he respects his teachers and shares feelings with his classmates. He treats those truly who are true to him. In a word, he has all the good characters better than mine. I can follow him as a model. With his help I am free from all difficulties.

Indeed, if I have such a person as my friend, I shall never fear difficulty and I shall never know the existence of the word "failure".

This passage tells us (   )

A. how to make friends with others

B. how the writer' s friend helps him

C. what kind of person the writer's friend is

D. what kind of person we should make friends with

An ideal friend means (   )

A. a true friend    B. a false friend    C. an imaginary friend   D. an excellent friend

From the passage we can learn that (   )

A. the writer and his ideal friend have a lot to learn from each other

B. the writer has a lot to learn from his ideal friend

C. the writer's ideal friend has a lot to learn from him

D. the writer has only a little to learn from his ideal friend

From the second paragraph, we can infer the writer is sure that (   )

A. nothing cannot be done with friend

B. only the first sentence is reasonable

C. he who does not smoke or drink must be a good friend

D. good friends should always help each other


科目: 来源: 题型:

One of the engines of the plane was out of order and the bad weather ________ the difficulty.

A. added to            B. added up     C. added up to     D. added


科目: 来源: 题型:

After a long discussion, they ______ an agreement.

  A. came up               B. came out             C. came across             D. came to

