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科目: 来源: 题型:


The doctor asked Ann how long___________________(她忍受折磨) the terrible disease. (suffer)

The boss is easy__________________(相处). (get)

The poor girl______________(经历了) many difficulties since her parents died. (go)

The teacher requested that the parents______________________(不应屈服于) their children when they made noises for no reason and asked for things rudely. (give)

I will never forget those days________________(我们在一起度过的) last summer. (spend)

__________________ (信不信由你), he walked 12 miles to get help for you. (believe)

Miss Lee told the students that she __________________(就要去北京了) the next month. (leave)

It was the first time that he_____________________(说服父母) stay for the Christmas meal with him. (persuade)

The reason why I was late is that I_________________(被困在) a traffic jam. (trap)

It was_______________________(在街上) I met one of my old friends yesterday. (street)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Couch Surfing network is an online community stretching across the globe with over one and a half million members.The basic concept is to provide a platform for travelers to contact people who are willing to put them up free of charge.Travelers connect with potential hosts online and, if they like each other, exchange details to make further arrangements.

       Basil is one traveler from Switzerland who is currently couch surfing with a Chinese host in Beijing."I thought staying in hostel is nice but you mostly meet foreigners and speak English.If you use Couch Surfing you have chance to meet people living here and really get a chance to know the life of the place you visit." Basil was speaking during a regular meeting of the Beijing network of Couch Surfing with a membership of almost 2,000.

       Although some people may have concerns about meeting complete strangers and giving them full access to your house, Beijing group member Fred Sharp from California says that the Couch Surfing community is one that generally attracts trustworthy people.

       "I have never had a problem with guests.I'd say that this Couch Surfing community worldwide is a fairly trustworthy community.Like I say, always be cautious, make sure that you read everyone's profile that you're considering hosting, and if it doesn't feel right just say 'no', it's ok."

       Originally launched in the US as a non-profit organization in 2004, Couch Surfing is growing fast across the world.China is no exception with around 30,000 members and hundreds more signing up each week.One of them is Beijing resident Hai Yan who joined in November 2009.She says the first time she hosted a guest was a very positive experience."My first guest was from Italy.He was very kind and helpful.He bought me a present from Italy, a handbag.It's a famous brand!"

       As the organization grows from strength to strength, hotel owners across the world will be watching very closely and possibly thinking twice about raising their prices too high.

The Couch Surfing network is intended to ____.

       A.give reliable information about hotels

       B.provide people with a platform to contact each other

       C.find potential hosts who want to supply travelers with couches

       D.offer travelers convenience to find suitable hosts for free accommodations

According to Fred Sharp, ____.

       A.couch surfers can fully rely on Couch Surfing community

       B.Couch Surfing community enables you to meet different people

       C.Couch Surfing community is trusted by all couch surfers

       D.couch surfers may form a judgment on hosts and make a final decision

We can infer from the passage that ____.

       A.Couch Surfing has a long history 

       B.Hai Yan is satisfied with her host

       C.Couch Surfing is getting popular in China   

       D.Basil works at the Beijing Network

The last paragraph suggests that hotels will ____.

       A.be replaced by the organization   B.probably not charge too much

       C.not consider raising their prices      D.show no concern about the organization


科目: 来源: 题型:


1. Your appreciation of his letter and his suggestion;

2. Why it is impossible for you;

3. Your way of exercise;






Dear Frank,

Hi! Thank you very much for_______________________________________________




Talk to you soon.

                                                              Yours truly,

                                                               Zhou Yang


科目: 来源: 题型:

You____me my bike yesterday afternoon; I needed it so badly.

A. should have returned           B. should return

C. must return                   D. must have returned


科目: 来源: 题型:

My father _______ for London tomorrow, for there is______ an  important meeting there.

A. is leaving ; to be            B. leave ; to be

C. is going to leave ; having     D. is leaving ; having


科目: 来源: 题型:

Despite the fact that it is still not fully understood, more and more farmers are _________ this modern technology of agriculture.

       A.benefiting from              B.convincing of  

      C.suspecting of          D.protecting from


科目: 来源: 题型:

There are plenty of jobs ________ in the western part of the country.

A. present       B. available          C. precious           D. convenient


科目: 来源: 题型:

The old temple _______ roof was damaged in storm is now under repair.  

   A. where                B. which                 C. its              D. whose


科目: 来源: 题型:

He fell off his bike and hurt his back._____, he will have to stay in hospital for a long time.

A. After all       B. In any case     C. As a result      D. In this way


科目: 来源: 题型:

When I was tired of my work, I would         my belongings and go on a short trip.

A. use up        B. make up       C. give up         D. pack up

