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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


  Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably sing or whistle when you are happy.

Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy.

However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason.   Do you know what a “territory” is? A territory is an area that an animal, usually the male, claims as its own. . No other families of the same species are welcome. Your yard and house are your territory where only your family and friends are welcome. If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten you, you might shout. Probably this would be enough to frighten him away.

If so, you have actually scared the stranger away without having to fight him. A bird does the same thing. But he expects an outsider almost any time, especially at nesting season. So he is screaming all the time, whether he can see an outsider or not.   

Birds sing loudest in the spring when they are trying to attract a mate and warn others not to enter the territory of theirs. You can see that birds have a language all their own.

A. Only he and his family are welcome there. www.jk.zy.w.com

B. Most of it has to do with attracting mates and setting up territories.

C. Have you ever heard birds sing?

D. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.

E. Have you ever wondered why birds sing?

F. Most of the language is widely used.

G. This screaming is what we call a bird’s song, and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.


科目: 来源: 题型:

If you come_____ second in the race, you’ll get _____qualification to compete for the next round.

A. the, a         B. /, the   C. the, /          D. a, the


科目: 来源: 题型:

If Becky hadn’t missed the bus, she ______late for the lecture.

A. would have been           B. wouldn’t have been

C. had been                  D. wasn’t


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


The subway train moved back and forth, its wheels producing more loud sounds than ever against the tracks. Outside the window was just the  21  cold of winter. The carriage was filled with frozen self-centered, bored  22 .

Suddenly a little boy  23  his way in between grown-up legs.  24  his father stayed by the door, the boy sat next to the window, surrounded by  25 , half-awake adults. What a brave child, I thought. As the train entered a tunnel (隧洞), something totally  26  happened. The little boy slid down from his seat and put his  27  on my knee. For a moment, I thought that he wanted to go  28  me and returned to his father, so I moved a bit. But instead of moving on, the boy held his  29  up towards me. He wanted to tell me something, I thought. I  30   to listen to what he had to say. Wrong  31 ! He kissed me softly on the cheek.

Then he returned to his  32 , settled down and cheerfully started looking out of the window. But I was  33. What happened? A kid kissing an unknown grown-up on the train? To my amazement, the kid  34  to kiss all my neighbors. 

Nervous and puzzled, we looked questioningly at his father. “He’s so happy to be  35 .” the father said. “He’s been very sick.”

The train stopped and the father and son got down and  36  into the crowd. The doors closed. On my cheek I could still  37  the child’s kiss -- a kiss that had caused  38  soul-searching. How many grown-ups go around kissing each other  39  the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the privilege of living? What would happen  40  we all just started being ourselves?

The little boy has given us a sweet but serious lesson: Don’t let yourself die before your heart stops!

A. great               B. freezing     C. strong       D. strange

A. drivers        B. boys        C. adults        D. passengers

A. pushed        B. left         C. got         D. felt

A. As            B. Since        C. If               D. While

A. polite          B. unfriendly  C. rude        D. strange

A. interesting      B. nervous      C. unexpected D. exciting

A. hand           B. face        C. finger       D. mouth

A. before         B. beyond       C. with        D. past

A. hand           B. luggage      C. head        D. ticket

A. got off         B. bent down  C. fell down   D. stood up

A. again           B. too         C. even        D. more

A. father          B. carriage      C. home        D. seat

A. frightened       B. excited       C. shocked      D. worried

A. kept on        B. went on      C. moved on   D. tried on

A. alive           B. active       C. young       D. awake

A. lost            B. joined       C. disappeared       D. rushed

A. get            B. find        C. know      D. feel

A. some           B. any         C. every        D. no

A. for           B. from       C. at           D. by

A. after           B. unless       C. if           D. when


科目: 来源: 题型:

–I’m very disappointed in my next-door neighbour.


  --He promised not to make noises at midnight, but he’s still doing so. 

  A. What’s wrong with you B. How come

C. I beg your pardon            D. Can I help you


科目: 来源: 题型:

That little boy has some trouble  _______ in public.

A. to speak    B. speak            C. speaks       D. speaking


科目: 来源: 题型:



Christie was one of my best friend at high school. At that time, we often spend time together. Thank to her help, I made a great progress in my study. Last year, she decided to study abroad. In other words, we would be separated for long time. Before her leaving off, I prepared a gift to show my best wishes to him. She said it was the best gift she has ever had. From then on, we’ve kept touch with each other through e-mails. I look forward to see her again in the near future.


科目: 来源: 题型:

22. The students in the class were______ four groups before they started the game.

A divided into    B separated into    C divided from    D separated into


科目: 来源: 题型:

One of my close friends made great progress in her studies so her teachers ___ her, and I _____ her.

A. were happy with; was happy with       B. were happy for; was happy for

C. were happy with; was happy for        D. were happy for; was happy with


科目: 来源: 题型:

He felt he wasn’t worth _______ such a great honor.

   A. to be given  B. being given  C. to give   D. giving

