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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

完形填空  (15小题;每小题2分.满分30)


Internet users will have to register using their real names before indulging in online games starting Sunday as part of a nationwide campaign to protect minors and improve management of the virtual gaming industry, authorities said.

The Ministry of Culture had ___1____ the regulation in late June.

The regulation, which will take effect on Aug 1, applies ___2____ all multiplayer role-playing and social networking games.

But both ardent game players and experts believe the policy will have___3____ impact on the industry.

Major online game operators in China, including Shanda and Tencent Games, said they had already implemented the real name registration policy some months ago and the move has not had an effect on their____4___.

Many also question the effectiveness of the policy, as it will fail to protect minors in the absence of a credible identity recognition system.

"Minors might as well borrow or even buy ID cards online if they really want to play games. So the new rule cannot really keep them ____5___," said Hu Dong, an avid gamer from Shanghai.

Li Li, deputy director of the Shanghai Information Law Association, ___6____. He said it was meaningless to promote real name registration____7___  an effective national identification system, ___8____  should ideally include other credible information of the players, such as their bank accounts, in order to be really effective.

"Without such a___9____, the move will only increase costs for the operators and bring them greater risks," said Li.

The Shanghai version of the regulation has made more detailed rules in a bid to protect ___10____  from virtual warfare.Online game vendors, for instance, are required to indicate at prominent positions of their websites whether or not the games are suitable for minors, who are ___11___ 18 years old

If unsuitable for minors, game operators should install a technical system prohibiting them ___12____  starting the games.

For those games rendered appropriate for minors, there should be no misleading information___13____ and a time limit should be in place to prevent kids from getting addicted to the games, according to the regulation.

"If everyone can use their real ID cards to register, then the policy would be good for both minors and adults," said Wu Hao, 22, a Shanghai resident who has been playing online games for more than a decade.

"Now many online games that contain violence have been modified to appear less __14__  to minors, but we as adults don't like that a screening system is necessary ___15____ we all can enjoy the games," he said.

A. issued             B. delivered           C. announced         D. decided

A. in             B. to                      C. at               D. on

A. great          B. much                   C. little            D. a lot of

A. games         B. customers        C. operation        D. business

A. away          B. aside            C. down            D. off

A. disagreed      B. agreed           C. refused          D. reputed

A. with          B. in              C. within           D. without

A. which          B. that             C. what             D. who

A. base           B. basis           C. basement                D. based

A. people          B. adults          C. girls                    D. minors

A. over           B. about          C. under                   D. at

A. from          B. away           C. with                    D. in

A. involving      B. involved         C. to involve        D. being involved

A. interesting      B. amazing         C. frightening       D. exciting

A. so that     B. and        C. because          D. that


科目: 来源: 题型:

He suddenly saw Sue ___the room. He pushed his way ___ the crowd of people to get to her.

A across, across   B. over, through   C. over, into   D across, through


科目: 来源: 题型:

Where have you been ?

— I_______in the heavy traffic .Otherwise I_______ here earlier.

    A.have got stuck; would have come      B.got stuck; was  

        C.got stuck ; would have come  D.had stuck ; would come


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Well done, Tom!

---Thanks. But given more time, I ________ it better.

A. shouldn’t have done    B. could have done  C. might not do      D. could do


科目: 来源: 题型:

You ______ to town to see the film yesterday. It will be on TV tonight.

   A. needn’t go     C. had better not go      C. should not go            D. needn’t have gone


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A popular saying goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” However, that’s not really true. Words have the power to build us up or tear us down. It doesn’t matter if the words come from someone’s else or ourselves --- the positive and negative effects are just as lasting.

We all talk to ourselves sometimes. We’re usually too embarrassed to admit it, though. In fact, we really shouldn’t be because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit.

This “self-talk” helps us motivate ourselves, remember things, solve problems, and calm ourselves down. Be aware, though, that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative. So in order to stay positive, we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves. We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the back. The next time you finish a project, do well in a test, or finally clean your room, join me in saying “Good job!”

Often, words come out of our mouths without us thinking about the effect they will have. But we should be aware that our words cause certain responses in others. For example, when returning an item to a store, we might use warm, friendly language during the exchange. And the clear will probably respond in a similar manner. Or harsh(刻薄的)and critical language will most likely cause the clerk to be defensive.

Words possess power because of their lasting effect. Many of us regret something we once said. And we remember unkind words said to us! Before speaking, we should always ask ourselves: Is it loving? Is it needed? If what we want to say doesn’t pass this test, then it’s better left unsaid.

Words possess power: both positive and negative. Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self-esteem(自尊)and motivate others to do their best. Negative words destroy all those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? The choice is ours.

The main idea of the first paragraph is that ________.

    A.words have a lasting effect on us  B.inspiring words give us confidence

    C.negative words may let us down 

D.not sticks and stones but words will hurt us 

There is no sense for us to feel embarrassed when we talk to ourselves because _______.

    A.almost everybody has the habit of talking to themselves

    B.talking to ourselves always gives us courage

    C.we can benefit from talking to ourselves

    D.it does no harm to have “self-talk” when we are alone

The underlined part in the third paragraph means that we should also timely _______.

    A.remind ourselves     B.praise ourselves

    C.make ourselves relaxed   D.give ourselves amusement

.The author would probably hold the view that ___________.

    A.encouraging words are sure to lead to kind offers

    B.negative words may stimulate us to make more progress

    C.people tend to remember friendly words

    D.it is better to think twice before talking to others


科目: 来源: 题型:

I'd appreciate _____if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.

A. that B. it   C. this D. one


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Several times each year the Queen gives afternoon tea parties at which guests are served tiny cakes filled with cream from her own cows. Cakes and sandwiches are brought in by footmen, yet you never see the Queen touch a thing. She simply sits beside a big silver plate, pouring cups of

tea for everyone and carefully avoiding the cakes.

  At cocktail parties the Queen moves from group to group, chatting informally, and manages to make one glass of diet drink to last an entire evening.

Tours abroad are difficult because hosts seem to believe the warmth of their welcome must be shown with wonderful state banquets(宴会). But the Queen has perfected the art of appearing to enjoy her meal without actually eating much.

During one visit to the Pacific islands of Tonga, a specially-prepared dinner was arranged in a hut made of wood and bamboo leaves. Deep holes were dug in the ground, filled with hot stones and baby pigs, and the pigs were slowly baked over several days. The Queen looked uneasily at her plate when she discovered a whole roast pig was her serving.

Then she became uneasy when a turkey, some meat, bananas and an apple were also carried in for each guest. So she depended on her old favorite trick of talking with her host, King Tupou IV, carrying on a warm conversation. At the same time she pushed her food around her plate and only ate a piece of turkey and some fruit.

Reporters traveling with her have noted that the Queen will sometimes seem so carried away by a foreign leader’s political chat that she simply never has time to finish a meal before it is time to get up and make her speech. She will lift her fork to swallow a mouthful, then put it down again to make another point, leaving almost all of her meal untouched.

The Queen talked with her host and carried on conversation with him. The purpose of doing this is ____.

A. to show her politeness       B. to show her great interest in food

C. not to eat much             D. to hide her dislike to the food

We can infer from the passage that tours are difficult for the Queen, because ____.

A. she has to meet with so many important leaders

B. she has to eat much oily food

C. hosts always present wonderful state banquets

D. she has so many reporters to travel with her

What probably is the Queen’s art of acting at state dinners?

A. Appearing to enjoy her meal without actually eating much.

B. Drinking Malvern water.

C. Eating a piece of turkey and some fruit.

D. Eating much without being noticed

The main idea of the passage is about ____.

A. the Queen’s favorite food             B. the Queen’s tours abroad

C. the Queen’s trouble with a foreign leader D. how the Queen keeps her diet during her tours


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Can people change their skin colour without suffering like pop king Michael Jackson? Perhaps yes. Scientists have found the gene that determines skin colour.

The gene comes in two versions, one of which is found in 99 per cent of Europeans. The other is found in 93 to 100 per cent of Africans, researchers at Pennsylvania State University report in the latest issue of Science.

Scientists have changed the colour of a dark-striped zebrafish to uniform gold by inserting a version of the pigment(色素) gene into a young fish. As with humans, zebrafish skin colour is determined by pigment cells, which contain melanosomes(黑色素). The number, size and darkness of melanosomes per pigment cell determines skin colour.

It appears that, like the golden zebrafish, light-skinned Europeans also have a mutation(变异) in the gene for melanosome production. This results in less pigmented skin.

However, Keith Cheng, leader of the research team, points out that the mutation is different in human and zebrafish genes.

Humans acquired dark skin in Africa about 1.5 million years ago to protect bodies from ultra-violet rays of the sun(太阳光紫外线), which can cause skin cancer.

But when modern humans leave Africa to live in northern latitudes, they need more sunlight on their skin to produce vitamin D. So the related gene changes, according to Cheng.

Asians have the same version of the gene as Africans, so they probably acquired their light skin through the action of some other gene that affects skin colour, said Cheng.

The new discovery could lead to medical treatments for skin cancer. It also could lead to research into ways to change skin colour without damaging it like chemical treatment did on Michael Jackson.

The passage mainly tells us that ________.

    A. scientists have found out that people’s skin colour is determined by the gene

    B. the new discovery could lead to search into ways to change skin colour safely

    C. pop king Michael Jackson often changed his skin colour as he liked

    D. people can not change their skin colour without any pain

The reason why Europeans are light-skinned is probably that ________.

    A. they are born light-skinned people

    B. light-skinned Europeans have mutation in the gen for melanosome production

    C. they have fewer activities outside

    D. they pay much attention to protecting their skin

It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

    A. nowadays people who want to change their skin colour have to suffer a lot from the damage caused by the chemical treatment

    B. Europeans and Africans have the same gene

    C. the new discovery has helped to find medical treatments for skin cancer

    D. there are two kinds of genes

The writer’s attitude towards the discovery is ________.

A. neutral                          B. negative                   C. positive                    D. indifferent


科目: 来源: 题型:







Dear Health Expert  

