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科目: 来源: 题型:

The criminal was told he would be__________ punishment if he assisted the police.

A. free against     B. immune from     C. aware of         D. at stake 


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Although the official didn’t mention any names, everyone knew who he _____.

A. refers to                   B. had referred to          C. has referred to          D. was referring to


科目: 来源: 题型:

At no time, of course, ______ anyone to separate Taiwan from the motherland in any name or by any means.

A. will we allow         B. we will allow     C. will we be allowed          D. we will be allowed


科目: 来源: 题型:

— May I ask you a favor?

— ___________

A It’s my pleasure.  B I have no time     C With pleasure      D Sure, go ahead.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was graduation day at the university where I work and a beautiful day quite unlike the first graduation I attended as a young professor. On that cold day years ago, as we watched the students walking into the hall, one of my colleagues turned to me and said, "Graduation will be one of the happiest and one of the saddest time of your life." At my inquiry, he answered, "Because the students you have gotten to know have to leave."

As years went by, my previous confusion about my colleague's words no longer existed. When I came across naughty students, I have had to rethink why I chose to be a teacher. It obviously isn't the money. Once a former computer science student of mine called me, asking me if I wanted to have a change. He was working at Nintendo Corporation. His salary was higher than my current one, though I have more education and have worked for over a decade. With my programming skills, he said he could get me hired. I thanked him, but declined his kind offer.

A few days before this current graduation, while working on final grades, I found a note a student had slipped in with her homework. She thanked me for being her teacher and said the things she had learned in my class — not about math, but about life — would be things she would remember long after the math skills had faded away. As I finished reading, I remembered why I had become a teacher.

Now, on this sunny graduation day, as I again observed the sea of blue hats and gowns, I did so with renewed dedication (奉献) and a deeper sense of satisfaction — I will always be grateful that I am a teacher.

Hearing his colleague's description of graduation for the first time, the author         .

A. quite agreed with his colleague        B. thought it very funny

C. was very puzzled                   D. was very sad.

The computer science student called up the author because he         .  

A. wanted to inform the author of his present job

B. tried to persuade the author to work with him

C. wanted the author to share his joy and satisfaction

D. thought the author wasn't fit to be a teacher

The underlined part blue hats and gowns refers to         .  

A. university colleagues                  B. life memories

C. graduates' clothes                     D. decorations in the hall

The author wrote this passage to         .  

A. express his devotion to being a teacher

B. compare two different graduation ceremonies

C. talk about the meaning of graduation

D. give advice on how to be a good teacher

The reason why he earns less than the computer science student is that         

A. he was only a young professor   

B. he didn't do well in his work

C. he taught his students more about life than math

D. salaries for different careers are different


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节  信息匹配 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)



A.“Just do it!” — This slogan(口号) speaks out to teens. It tells them to do something, but only if they think it’s worth it. And if so, why not do it wearing Nike?

B.“Always Coca-Cola.” — Coke’s slogans change every few years, but this one has enjoyed a lasting popularity because it shows the brand’s spirit. It seems to say “Coke is the only drink there is; there are no other forms of drink.”

C.“Share moments, share life.” — This slogan from Kodak connects photos and beauty. It asks people to remember the happy moments in life by taking photos of them — using Kodak film of course!

D.On hearing the slogan “Make yourself heard”, you will know there is Ericsson product for you to call anyone.

E.There are some public service advertisements (PSAs) that educate people about public service projects, such as Project Hope. Its slogan is “Project Hope — Schooling every child.”

F.One toothpaste ad says “Bright-teeth fights bad breath!” The advertisers want you to read the word “fight” and think that the toothpaste cures bad breath.


56.Jack passed the entrance exam and was admitted to a famous university. These days, his father is looking for a mobile phone for him so as to keep in touch with each other closely.

57.Tom was a senior middle school student. He likes sports very much and plays football every afternoon. But after class this afternoon he has to buy a pair of shoes because his shoes have been worn out.

58.There’s a party this evening — for Mary’s 15th birthday. Her family are making preparations for it. Her brother’s job is to buy some drink.

59.Joan doesn’t want to forget the past, especially the happy moments.

60.Alice is afraid of opening her mouth, because a bad smell will come out, which makes her feel embarrassed when talking with others. So she needs something which can remove the smell no matter how much it is.

购买者                                              广告语

56.Jack                                    A.Just do it!

57.Tom                                    B.Always Coca-Cola.

58.Mary                                   C.Share moments, share life.

59.Joan                                    D.Make yourself heard.

60.Alice                                   E.Project Hope — Schooling every child.

F.Bright-teeth fights bad breath!


科目: 来源: 题型:

This depends upon       he is interested in doing this kind of work.

A. if               B. whether              C. that                D. what


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In my long years of teaching, I often ask my student to read the texts until they can recite them, and I tell them that recitation is an important part of their homework. However, some of my students are tired of doing so, thinking that it is both hard and useless. They argue that it takes a long time to recite a text from memory and text itself never appears in a test paper.

In my opinion, it naturally takes time to recite a text, but it is worth doing so. When you are able to recite a text, you are sure to be familiar with the words and expressions. When you need them in reading or writing or doing exercises, they will come to your mind quickly, and so you will give quick response to all kinds of language situation. How can we say that it is useless?

Besides, many students complain that they soon forget what they were once able to recite. This is true, but you don’t need to worry. While you are reading and forgetting the texts, your language level is being raised. Sure you don’t remember your Chinese texts that you once read in the primary school, but now you are able to read novels and newspaper. So, recitation of the texts will help you improve your language ability.

61. The writer often asks his students to recite the texts,_______.

A.But they don’t like to do so.

B.And they are eager to do so

C.But they wrote a letter to the Department of Education reporting the thing.

D.But they do more exercises instead of reciting the texts.

62. What do the students think about the teacher’s advice?

A.The English teacher tries his best to help them with English.

B.The English teacher is very kind to them.

C.The English teacher asks them to do something useless.

D.The English teacher should let them study on their own.

63. According to the text, which of the following is correct?

A.The teacher thinks the students are too naughty to learn English well.

B.The students think they spend a lot of time in reciting the texts and get nothing.

C.The students say that they often forget the words.

D.The students take no interest in English.

64. When the students are against his suggestion, the writer_______.

A.often criticizes them

B.patiently explains to them why they should recite the texts

C.wants to give up his idea

D.is afraid that he is criticized by the headmaster.

65. Why does the writer suggest that the students recite the text?

A.Reciting the texts can improve the ability of applying English.

B.Reciting the texts is the best way of learning English.

C.The students should remember all the texts that the teacher has taught them.

D.Reciting the texts can greatly improve the classroom teaching.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Where is it___________you picked up the wallet yesterday ?

A. that            B. which          C. the place           D. /


科目: 来源: 题型:

 People ______ at the meeting would have a discussion on pollution.

A. were present      B. took part in       C. join in         D. present.

