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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

A couple had two little boys aged 8 and 10 who were very naughty. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that if any trouble occurred in their town their sons were probably involved.

The boys' mother heard that a clergyman(牧师) in the town had been successful in educating children so she asked if he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed but asked to see them individually. So the mother sent her 8-year-old first in the morning with the elder boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.

The clergyman, a huge man with a booming (嗡嗡) voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him strictly, "Where is God?"

The boy's mouth dropped open but he made no answer, sitting there with his mouth hanging open, wide-eyed. So the clergyman repeated the question in an even stricter tone "Where is God?" Again the boy made no attempt to answer. So the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and shouted" Where is God?"

The boy screamed and escaped from the room, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him. When his elder brother found him in the closet, he asked "What happened?"

The younger brother replied out of breath, "We are in big trouble this time. God is missing--and they think we did it. "

1. What were the two boys like?

A. They always made trouble.               B. They were brave.

C. They were easygoing.                   D. They were honest.

2. What did their parents plan to do?

A. They gave up their children.

B. They liked their children very much.

C. They wanted the clergyman to persuade their children.

D. They helped their children to make trouble.

3. What do you suppose the boy felt when he was asked by the clergyman?

A. Happy.            B. Sad.           C. Afraid.        D. Surprised.

4. What do you think the underlined word "slamming" in Paragraph 5 means?

A. Open.        B. Shut.           C. Knock.             D. Pull.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People often say, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” and “Behind every successful man there is a woman.” Both these sayings mean the same thing. Men rule the world, but their wives rule them.

Most American women like making their husbands and sons successful, but some of them want more for themselves. They want good jobs, and when they work they want to be paid. They also want to be as successful as men.

The American women’s liberation movement was started by women who didn’t want to stand behind successful men. They wanted to stand beside men and have the same chances for success. They didn’t want to be told that certain jobs or offices were closed to them. They refused to work side by side with men who did the same work for a higher pay.

A liberated woman must be proud of being a woman and have confidence in herself. If somebody says to her, “You have come a long way, baby.” She will smile and answer, “Not nearly as far as I’m going to go, baby.” This movement is quite new, and many American women don’t agree with it. But it has already made some important changes in women’s lives and in men’s lives, too.

1. From the first paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A. American women usually take care of their children by themselves

B. women in the United States are powerful

C. women play a very important role in men’s lives

D. if there is no woman, there is no man

2. From the passage we know that most American women today are _____.

A. fighting for their rights to work side by side with men

B. working hard at home to help their husbands and sons be successful

C. working side by side with men in all kinds of jobs

D. very confident about their future

3. The liberated women want to do all the following EXCEPT ___________.

A. stay at home to help their husbands be successful

B. have the same chances for success as men

C. get the same pay when doing the same work as men

D. seek for office and do some important jobs as men

4. By saying “Not nearly as far as I’m going to go”, a liberated woman is stating that _______.

A. she has nearly got to her destination

B. there is a little more than what she wants

C. she will never get to her ideal destination

D. it is not far enough and she will go a lot further

5. In this passage, the author suggests that in the United States _______.  

A. most women can’t get a good job

B. many women still don’t want to go out of their home to work

C. all families are still supported by men

D. all liberated women have achieved a lot


科目: 来源: 题型:


假如你校这个周末举行50 年校庆,校团委发出通知要招聘一批志愿者,要求如下:






注:50年校庆        the 50th anniversary of our school

         标准  standard 

    Dear Sir or Madam,


                                                           Yours sincerely,

                                                            Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:

__________in the newspaper last week, the news of his wedding spread quickly in the city.

      A. Having been announced     B. To announce

     C. Being announced           D. To be announced


科目: 来源: 题型:

 We want to know whether the drug has an effect _______________ people's health.

A. on                             B. to  ?                    C. with                          D. in


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It is known to all that ____ computer was invented in the USA.

A. that                                B. /                       C. the                      D. one


科目: 来源: 题型:

Wage increases to a certain level will probably help to ______ the average consumers from the effects of higher prices.

A. cushion                  B. reduce                  C. prevent                   D. remove


科目: 来源: 题型:

       In Chinese, the same pronunciation with different tones has different meanings. The same is ____ music.

A. real for                    B. sure of                           C. real to                      D. true for


科目: 来源: 题型:

       It’s interesting to contrast the British legal system ____ the American one.

A. with            B. to                  C. by                     D. from


科目: 来源: 题型:

 — Why  is Mr. Li so happy this morning?

   —Because he was honoured with a(n)______ for excellence in teaching.

     A. present        B. gift             C. award        D. reward

