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科目: 来源: 题型:

. She’s pretty _______ with money. She wouldn’t give even a cent to help the poor child.

A. mean       B. optimistic      C. miserable         D. cheerful


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most shops in Britain open at 9:00 am, and close at 5:00 or 5:30 in the evening. Small shops usually close for an hour at lunchtime. On one or two days a week—usually Thursday and/or Friday—some large food shops stay open until about 8:00 pm for late night shopping.

    Many shops are closed in the afternoon on one day a week. The day is usually Wednesday or Thursday and it is a different day in different towns.

    Nearly all shops are closed on Sundays. Newspaper shops are open in the morning, and sell sweets and cigarettes as well. But not all the things can be sold on Sundays.

    Usually it is not difficult for foreign visitors to find where to buy things. Most shops sell the things that you want to buy. One problem is stamps. In Britain you can only buy these at post offices. Many large food shops are self-service. When you go into one of these shops, you take a basket and you put the things you wish to buy into this. You pay for everything just before you leave. If anyone tries to take things from a shop without paying they are almost certain to be caught, because most shops have detectives.

    When you are waiting to be served in a shop, it is important not try to be served before people who arrive before you. Many foreign people are surprised at the British way of queuing (排队).

1 Most shops in Britain stay open for about ______ a day.

   A. eight hours    B. five hours    C. ten hours    D. six hours

2 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

   A. Some large food shops open for about 11 hours on Thursday or Friday.

   B. Many shops are closed in the afternoon once a week on Tuesday.

   C. Only a few things can be bought on Sundays.

   D. It is not difficult for foreign visitors to buy things in Britain.

3 You can not buy ______ in shops.

   A. cigarette    B. sweets    C. stamps    D. clothes

4 Which of the following statements is TRUE?

   A. Most shops usually close for an hour at lunchtime.

   B. Many large shops are self-service.

   C. Most shops have detectives.

   D. People do not have to queue to be served.

5 Which of the following statements can be the best title of this passage?

   A. Shops in Britain

   B. How to buy things in Britain?

   C. The British Way of Queuing

   D. How long are the British shops?


科目: 来源: 题型:

Only when _____ in 1945 _____ to his hometown.

  A.was the war over; he returned     B.the war was over; had he returned

  C.the war was over; he returned     D.was the war over; had he returned


科目: 来源: 题型:

My parents used _____ they had to get a new car for my brother.

  A.what       B.which      C.all what        D.不填


科目: 来源: 题型:

The passenger was very impolite to the conductor, ____ , of course , made things even worse.

  A.who          B.whom            C.which      D.what


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Has Tom finished his job yet?

  ---I have no idea of it; he _____ it this morning.

 A.has been doing      B.had been doing       C.did        D.was doing


科目: 来源: 题型:

---What's the difference between the first house and the second ?

---The first house has a garage while the second has _____.

A.no one       B.nothing      C.neither       D.none


科目: 来源: 题型:

It was nearly supper time _____  Bob began to feel terrible in his stomach..

    A. that    B. when  C. since  D. until


科目: 来源: 题型:

Why is it _____ he can’t get along well with his classmates?

    A. /   B. this    C. that   D. it


科目: 来源: 题型:

I like the climate here _____ the wind blows .

    A. except when     B. except for    

    C. except   D. besides

