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科目: 来源: 题型:

It is ___ great honour for China to have launched ____ manned spacecraft ShenZhou-7 successfully.A great celebration was held in ___ honour of the event.

       A.a, a, a                 B.a, the, /               C./, the, /         D.a, the, a


科目: 来源: 题型:







Dear Peter,

How are things with you? Are you still working on your paper?


  Best wishes

  Yours ever



科目: 来源: 题型:

Every day millions of tons of foods are consumed worldwide. Among (1)________ there is a large amount of junk food.

The negative effects of junk food are obvious. The (2)__________ junk food people eat, the more (3) ___________ (like) they are to put on weight. Some people even end up (4) __________(get) overweight. (5)___________many people don’t realize is that it is their extra weight that is causing them (6)___________(get) sick. The worst thing about this is that they don’t see the link (7) _________ eating junk food and their ill health. Our bodies need healthy food and some of the best foods to eat (8)___________(be) fruit and vegetables. We should have enough food to (9) ___________ our energy requirements, but to keep fit we should eat a variety of foods (10)__________ contain different kinds of nutrients













科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       On 15 September 1918 Lee Duncan, an American soldier, rescued a half-starved shepherd and her five puppies from a bombed dog’s kennel on the battle fields of France. Duncan chose two of the dogs, a male and female, while members of his group took the mother and the others back to camp. The only survivors over the next few months were the two pups Duncan had claimed, naming them ‘Rin Tin Tin’ and ‘Nannette’ after tiny French puppets the French children would give to the American soldiers for good luck.

       When the war ended, Duncan made special arrangements to take his pups back to his home in Los Angeles, but during the Atlantic crossing, Nannette became ill and died, shortly after arriving in America. In 1922, Duncan and Rin Tin Tin attended an LA dog show, his dog performing for the crowd with an impressive high jump. After the show, Duncan received $350 for Rin’s performance. That was the beginning of Rin Tin Tin’s later involvement in many films and television series

       It happened that Warners (华纳公司)had difficulty shooting an exterior scene with a wolf as they got into a low budget. Duncan quickly approached the director and told them that his dog could do the scene in one take. True to his word, Rin did the scene in one take. As a result, he and his dog were hired for the entire shoot of “Man From Hells River”. The film was a hit and Rin Tin Tin became a box-office star. It was the first American dog movie star. It made 26 pictures for Warners while starring in his own live 1930s radio show “The Wonder Dog”. At the peak of his popularity, Warners kept 18 trained stand-ins(替身) to reduce any stress on their dog star. The star dog was worthy of the honor of having its private chef to prepare daily lunches for him. As a band was playing classical music it slowly consumed a lunch of tenderloin steak. 

72.The names Duncan gave to his dogs ____________________.

A.were offered by his fellowmen

B.had been used for some French puppets                       

C.contained the idea of good luck

D.expressed a good wish for French Children

73. Which is the right order of the events that happened according to time in the passage?

a.Rip performed at a dog’s show.

b.Rip was discovered in a battle.

c.Rip lost its sister in America.

d.Rip was allowed to act in a film.

e.Rip was becoming a well-known star.

A.b, a, c, d, e         B.e, c, d, b, a         C.b, c, a, d, e         D.c, d, b, e, a

74.Which of the following is important for Rip and his master to be hired by Warners?

A.There were 18 substitutes for Rip.         B.Rip jumped at the 1922 dog show.

C.Warners got into financial trouble .       D.Rip acted successfully as a wolf.

75.Which of the following can replace “chef”?

A.musician       B.cook                      C.consumer          D.star            



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Not every president is a leader, but every time we elect a president we hope for one, especially in time of trouble. Leadership is as much a question of timing as anything else. The leader must appear on the scene at a moment when people are looking for leadership. And when he comes, he must offer a straightforward and powerful message.

Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers who cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand and remember. We have an image of what a leader ought to be. We even recognize the physical signs: leaders may not necessarily be tall, but they must have bigger- than-life, commanding features. We expect our leaders to stand out a little, not to be like ordinary men. Half of President Ford’s trouble lay in the fact that, if you closed your eyes for a moment, you couldn’t remember his face, figure, or clothes.

It also helps for a leader to be able to do something most of us can’t. Mao swam the Yangtze River at the age of 72. We want our leaders to be like us but better, special, more so. Yet if they are too different, we reject them.

A leader must know how to use power (that’s what leadership is about), but he also has to have a way of showing that he does. A leader should know how to appear relaxed and confident. His walk should be firm and purposeful. He should be able to give a good, hearty, belly laugh. Ronald Reagan’s career as an actor showed to good effect in the debate with his opponent. He managed to convey the impression that in fact he was the President.

A leader rides the waves, moves with the tides, understands the deepest feelings of his people. He cannot make a nation that wants peace at any price go to war, or stop a nation determined to fight from doing so. His purpose must match the national mood. His task is to focus the people’s energies and desires, to inspire, to make what people already want seem possible and important to achieve.

68. The passage is mainly about____________________.

A.how a leader is elected                         B.what it takes to be a leader

C.when a leader is needed                  D.where a leader lays his power

69.The author thinks that President Ford_________________.

A.was an ordinary-looking man

B.got into more trouble than the other presidents

C.was not tall enough for his status

D.stood too far away from real life

70. According to the passage, Reagan succeeded in winning his election largely due to the fact that _______.

A.he was once an actor         

B.he was able to well present himself

C.Reagan did much for America    

D.Reagan was a very lucky man

71.In the last paragraph the author emphasizes that a leader should_________________.

A.encourage his people to think about things in a new way

B.like to swim like Mao to fight with waves and tides

C.spare no efforts to get his people to follow him   

D.try to know his people and make them happy


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A woman of the 19th century, when women were just beginning to be allowed the right to an education, was at risk from being independent and intelligent. Elizabeth Peabody was such a woman who lived beyond her age. In her teaching career, she was able to communicate to her pupils some of her own passion for acquiring knowledge. For her, education was not an accumulation of facts but rather a life-long process that developed the whole person.

   Little is known about why she remained single all her life. Many researchers assume that she was too independent to need a husband, or, as she wrote, that marriage would keep her to the cup of domestic life. No matter how hard she tried to keep herself away from a married life, she was an important player in her sisters’ marriages.

In 1837, she discovered that a neighbor from her childhood was the author of several stories that moved her very much. She introduced him to writers and brought his work to the attention of American readers. This man known as Nathaniel Hawthorne began visiting the Peabody home, where he met and fell in love with her sister Sophia. But there was a mix-up in Elizabeth as she tried to be useful to Hawthorne. She forced him to write something she offered. Understandably, Nathaniel Hawthorne became increasingly unhappy about her desire to manage his and Sophia’s lives, and as time went on, they grew more distant.

Miss Peabody was the center of academic activities. The educator Horace Mann, regarded as the father of American education, was drawn to her and benefited from her thought about education. Elizabeth’s sister Mary lost her heart to Mann at first sight, but she had imagined that perhaps he was in love with Elizabeth. Until Mary and Mann got married in 1843 there were some hard feelings between the sisters.

64.According to the first paragraph, Miss Peabody was______________.

      A.risky, independent and intelligent       B.independent, intelligent and eager to learn

     C.lively, independent and passionate         D.able, risky and full of love for knowledge

65.What does the writer think Miss Peabody think of education?

       A.Education must represent a process of accumulating facts.

       B.Education should benefit a person in every way for all time.

       C.Education is a long way a person should take at birth.

D.Education can make a person cleaver and independent.

66.Why did Nathaniel Hawthorne grow distant from Miss Peabody?

      A.Because he didn’t tolerate her ideas of writing stories.

       B.Because he didn’t like the way she introduced him to others.

      C.Because he hated her being involved in his family life.         

D.Because he wanted to separate Sophia from her sister.

67.Which of the following is true about Horace Mann?

      A.He took advantage of the academic activities.

     B.He fell in love with Elizabeth at first sight.

      C.He was attracted by Mary’s beauty.

      D.He made great contributions to American education.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In the early 1980s to have a mobile phone was an impossible luxury to most people in the world. People did not usually assume that they had to reach someone via a mobile phone on a regular basis. It didn’t matter if you didn’t have a mobile phone. In the modern society owning a mobile phone has no longer been a privilege, but a necessity. Almost anyone needs a mobile phone to reach as well as be reached by others no matter where they are. The days are gone when phone ownership depended on a fixed address and a high salary.   

It is amazing to see how fast and how far the mobile phone has spread. Teenagers have become the channel through which mobile phones have found their way into the wider society. The young were also the first to see the potential of text messaging. However, the mobile phone is by no means a mere technological innovation; it heightens a basic human quality ―the ability to communicate ―there are few aspects of life that it fails to touch.

The mobile phone is mobile only because the user is mobile. We are in a time of mobility. Never before have so many people been on the move, whether as commuters, workers, travelers, freelancers or migrants. Mobile phones encourage and respond to this mobility. They help those far away from their home to keep in touch with their families. They serve as a means of people fitting into a new social environment.

The mobile phone changes the way people organize their lives. Plans can be made or changed at any moment and while organizing in advance used to be extremely important to any social gathering, now only the vaguest plans are necessary. Mobile phones even change the experience of being alone as they provide countless way to pass the time.

It is ridiculous to compare a mobile to a body part, but carried on the person, often all the time, they are something to which people have grown attached.

60.The underlined word “luxury” in the first sentence means something that is ____________.

    A.expensive and not necessary               B.important and valuable

    C.unnecessary and useless                    D.payable and comfortable

61.The fact that the mobile phone touches almost every aspect of life supports the author’s view that______________.

    A.the mobile phone suits a new social environment.

    B.the mobile phone has the function of sending text messages.

    C.the mobile phone encourages mobility of the people

    D.the mobile phone promotes human communication

62.How has the mobile phone changed people’s lives?

    A.It removes the difficulty in making plans in advance. 

    B.It simplified the process of holding social gatherings.

    C.It increases the possibilities to get over loneliness.

    D.It narrows the gap between teenagers and adults.

63.What do you think of the writer’s attitude towards mobile phones?

    A.They are troublesome and useless.

    B.They are important and necessary.

    C.They are expensive yet useful.

    D.They are immediate but noisy.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale. European middle classes took great interest in collecting new plants. This attraction to exotic plants grew as European nations moved into other parts of the world such as Asia and Australia. Brave young men took the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions even though they were to be faced with deadly disease, near-starvation, severe environments and conflicts with the local people.

Sir Joseph Banks was among the brave. In 1760, he collected vast quantities of plants in what is now known as Australia. None of these plants had been recorded by Europeans before. However, Banks was not able to bring those plants back to Europe and let them grow in his homeland because keeping plants alive during long land or sea voyages was a great challenge at that time. Large numbers of seeds failed to grow after long sea voyage or trips across land far away from Europe.

In 1833 the invention of the Wardian case, a tightly sealed portable glass container, made it possible for two cases of British plants to survive the six-month journey to Australia. And the return trip in 1835 with Australian species lasted eight months at sea, all the species successfully arriving in London.

China was a land the earliest European plant collectors would explore from time to time. . Not only did Europeans collect large numbers of plants to grow in Western gardens, but also they were very excited with the knowledge that China had a vast variety of plants. A British man called Robert Fortune developed his fluency in Chinese and was disguised as a Chinese man so that he could travel around China unnoticed. He managed to ship 20,000 tea plants from Shanghai to India, where a successful tea industry was established.

56.What in the first sentence does the underlined word botanical mean?

       A.of interest.           B.of value.              C.of science.      D.of plant.

57.Which of the following are not mentioned when people went on botanical expeditions?

       A.They were likely to fall ill.

       B.They would probably go hungry.

      C.They might fight with the natives.

       D.They could not resist animals’ attack

58.What was the major problem Sir Joseph Banks had transporting plants to his country?

       A.The plants did not survive the long journey.

B.There were not good ships to carry the plants.

       C.Only seeds of the plants could be preserved.   

D.Transportation by land was not accessible.

59.What contribution did Robert Fortune made on his many trips to the world?

       A.He invented a tightly sealed portable glass container.               

B.He traveled extensively around China on his own.

       C.More than 20,000 tea plants were transported to Europe.

D.A successful tea industry was established in India.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Recently my father was selected into the city’s Hall of Fame. This exciting   36  means that not only has he had a special  37   on the lives of most citizens, but when it  38   to being a successful restaurant operator, he is a legend.

          39   a year ago when my elder brother   40    the business Dad was a decision-maker. There didn’t seem to be   41    time that he didn’t work. When kids should learn their ABC’s, he was working in my grandpa’s butcher shop. It was there that he started to   42   about food and meat. But his skills in cooking were   43   at home. My grandma was  44   to cook up delicious meals drawing on very simple ingredients(烹调的配料). When he joined the army, my father   45    that if he wanted a good meal, he was going to    46    a great deal for it. He came up with the    47   of starting a restaurant that   48   good food, but was affordable to the   49   consumer. So they decided to start a family restaurant. They named their restaurant Little Kitty   50   my grandmother, who was an amazing cook.

       Dad wanted all the foods   51   in a homemade way. His restaurant became a customers’ favorite destination,   52    people would go for a friendly atmosphere, excellent food and good prices.

       Dad believes that employee loyalty is what   53    in keeping his business going. He said, “If you have positive, hard-working   54   , then you’re going to have a successful company.” Dad was so much    55   just a keen boss. To his employees he was a mentor, a counselor and most importantly, a friend.

















40.A.kept up     

B.went off 

C.took over

D.turned in

























































55.A.more than    

B.other than 

C.rather than  

D.better than


科目: 来源: 题型:

Very generally, grammar is ______ with the relations between words in sentences.

     A.regarded             B.satisfied         C.concerned          D.suited

