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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Protests (抗议) at the use of animals in research have taken on a new and fearful character in

Britain with the attempted murder of two British scientists by the terrorist (恐怖分子的) technique of the pre planted car bomb.

The research community (社团) will rightly be alarmed at these developments which have two aims: to draw public attention and to frighten people working in research with animals. The scientists insist that everything should be done to identify those responsible for the crimes and to put them on trial. The Defense Research Society has taken the practical step of offering a reward of £10,000 for information leading to those responsible, but past experience is not encouraging. People are unlikely to be attracted by such offers. The professional police will similarly be challenged by the problem of finding a needle in a haystack.

That is why the intellectual (知识分子) community in Britain and elsewhere must act more strongly in its own defense. There are several steps that can be taken, of which the chief one is to demand of all the organizations that exist with the declared aims of defending the interests of animals that they should declare clearly where they stand on violence towards people. And it will not be enough for the chairman and chairwoman of these organizations to make placatory (安抚的) statements on behalf of all their members. These people should also promise that it will be a test of continuing membership in their organizations that members and would-be members should declare that they will take no part in acts of violence against human beings.


68.The words “these developments” (Line 1, Para.2) most probably refer to          .

       A.the use of animals in research

       B.the acts of violence against scientists

       C.the techniques of planting bombs in cars

       D.setting up of new animal protection organizations

69.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

       A.The police gave up their efforts to find the criminals.

       B.The terrorists escaped with the help of their organization.

       C.The attempted murder caused great anxiety among British scientists.

       D.People supported the animal protectors in spite of their extremist acts.

70.The author’s purpose in writing this article is to demand that animal-protecting organizations         .

       A.give up the use of violence

       B.declare their aims clearly

       C.continue the dialogue with the scientific community

       D.help to find those responsible for the attempted murder

71.In the author’s opinion,           .

       A.animal-protecting organizations should be declared illegal

       B.the scientists should take effective measures to protect themselves

       C.since people can lie, the problem about the rights of scientists can’t be solved

       D.animal-protecting organizations should help the police to fight against the acts of violence against scientists


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    In our culture, the sources of what we call a sense of “mastery” feeling important and worthwhile and the sources of what we call a sense of “pleasure” finding life enjoyable are not always the same. Women often are told “You can’t have it all.” Sometimes what the speaker really is saying is: “You chose a career, so you can’t expect to have closer relationships or a happy family life.” or “You have a wonderful husband and children―What’s all this about wanting a career?” But women need to understand and develop both aspects of well-being, if they are to feel good about themselves.

Our study shows that, for women, well-being has two dimensions. One is mastery, which includes self-esteem, a sense of control over your life, and low levels of anxiety and depression. Mastery is closely related to the “doing” side of life, to work and activity. Pleasure is the other dimensions, and it is composed of happiness, satisfaction and optimism. It is tied more closely to the “feeling” side of life. The two are independent of each other. A woman could be high in mastery and low in pleasure, and vice versa(反之亦然). For example, a woman who has a good job, but whose mother has just died, might be feeling very good about herself and in control of her work life, but the pleasure side could be damaged for a time.

The concepts of mastery and pleasure can help us identify the sources of well-being for women, and remedy past mistakes. In the past, women were encouraged to look only at the feeling side of life as the source of all well-being. But we know that both mastery and pleasure are critical. And mastery seems to be achieved largely through work. In our study, all the groups of employed women rated significantly higher in mastery than did women who were not employed.

A woman’s well-being is enhanced when she takes on multiple(多项的) roles. At least by middle adulthood, the women who were involved in a combination of roles-marriages, motherhood, and employment were the highest in well-being, despite warnings about stress and strain.


64.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that          .

       A.for women, a sense of “mastery” is more important than a sense of “pleasure”

       B.for women, a sense of “pleasure” is more important than s sense of “mastery”

       C.women can’t have a sense of “mastery” and sense of “pleasure” at the same time

       D.a sense of “mastery” and a sense of “pleasure” are both necessary to women

65.The author’s attitude towards women having a career is          .

       A.negative              B.positive               C.neutral (中立的)  D.realistic

66.One can conclude from the passage that if a woman takes on several social roles,         .

       A.it will be easier for her to overcome stress and strain

       B.she will be more successful in her career

       C.her chances of getting promoted will be greater

       D.her life will be richer and more meaningful

67.Which of the following can be considered as a source of “pleasure” for women?

       A.Family life                                           B.Multiple roles in society

       C.Regular employment                            D.Freedom from anxiety


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    But I wonder about my Momma sometimes, and all the other Negro (blacks) mothers who got up at 6 a.m. to go to the white man’s house with sacks over their shoes because it was so wet and cold. I wonder how they made it. They worked very hard for the man, they made his breakfast and they scrubbed his floors and they took care of his babies. They didn't have too much time for us.

I wonder about my Momma, who walked out of a white woman's clean house at midnight and came back to her own where the lights had been out for three months, and the pipes were frozen and the wind came in through the holes in the wall. She's have to make deals with the rats: leave some food out for them so they wouldn't bite the doors or the babies. The roaches(蟑螂) Oh, hey were just like part of the family!

I wonder how she felt telling those white kids she took care of to brush their teeth after they ate, to wash their hands after they finish bathroom. She could never tell her own kids because there wasn't soap or water back home.

I wonder how my Momma felt when we came home from school with a list of vitamins and pills the school nurse said we had to have. Momma would cry all night, and them go out and spend most of the rent money for pills. A week later, the white man would come for his eighteen dollars' rent and Momma would beg him to wait until tomorrow. She had to lie to him that she had lost her wallet or the relief check was coming soon or the white people had some money for her. Tomorrow I'd be hiding in the closet because there was only supposed to be two kids in the flat, and I could hear the rent man shout at my Momma and call her a cheat. And when he finally went away, Momma put the sacks on her shoes and went off to the rich white man's house to dress the rich white kids so their mother could take them to a special baby doctor.


60.Mother got up at 6 a.m. every day, because          .

       A.she had to cook breakfast for her children

       B.she had to catch the first bus to the factory

       C.she had to work in the white man’s house

       D.she had to go to see a special baby doctor

61.Mother never told us to brush our teeth or to wash our hands because        .

       A.she thought we didn’t need to

       B.we didn’t like washing hands

       C.we had done everything very well

       D.there was no soap or water in our home

62.Why did the writer hide in a closet when the landowner came for rent?

       A.The closet could only hold two kids.

       B.Only two kids were allowed to live in the house.

       C.They should pay more rent for two kids.

       D.There was only one bedroom for the two kids.

63.What does the writer mainly tell us?

      A.Black people lead a miserable life.

       B.Black people don’t have enough rent money.

       C.White people lead an expensive life.

       D.White people have special baby doctors.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My grandfather grew up in war torn Europe. When German soldiers occupied his hometown, the thriving city of Tarow, Poland, he refused to obey them and eventually joined the Soviet army to fight for his country’s freedom. “Stand straight, stand tall,” he told himself.

After the war, in 1947, he boarded a boat for Manhattan. He was hungry and suffering from seasickness. All alone in a new country, he was frightened about his future .Still, he marched head-on into the hustle and bustle of the streets of New York . Soon he met other European immigrants, each of them trying to find his or her own way .If they could do it ,why couldn’t he? “Stand straight, stand tall,” he would remind himself.

Thanks to the help of a loyal and trusting friend, my grandfather gained a jewelry booth on Canal Street, New York City .He once told me how nervous he was on that first day of work. He was not only trying to learn this tough new business, but also a new language.

To his surprise, the men in neighboring booths―who could have taken advantage of him―offered their help and advice. Within months, my grandfather was commanding his spot behind the counter, selling diamonds and cultured pearls as if he’d been doing it his whole life.

Stand straight and stand tall.

In later years , my grandfather would take both my mother and her sister down the aisle at their weddings. As he stood with each of them, he thought about their new beginnings, and of the adventures and journeys they would experience together .He also thought about the children who would one day carry on his family name.

I am so proud to be one of those children . Listening to my grandfather’s remarkable experiences has changed the way I view my own life.

56.Which is the correct order of the things that happened in the passage?

       a.My grandfather took both my mother and her sister down the aisle at their weddings.

       b.World War II broke out in Europe.

       c.My grandfather went to America.

       d.My grandfather began to run his diamond business.

       e.The men in neighboring booths helped him.

       A.b, c, a ,d, e          B.b, c, d ,e ,a          C.b, c ,e , a ,d        D.c, b ,e ,d ,a

57.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

       A.My grandfather was a soldier during World War II.

       B.My grandfather went to America by sea.

       C.My grandfather had been doing a jewelry business his whole life.

       D.My grandfather ran his business successfully.

58.Grandpa probably inspired his grandchildren in time of trouble by saying “         ”.

       A.A friend in need is a friend indeed

       B.God help those who help themselves

       C.Stand straight, stand tall

       D.Practice makes perfect

59.It can be concluded that         .

       A.Grandpa never lost heart in time of hardships

       B.Grandpa never threw doubt upon his fate

       C.Grandpa was born to be a businessman

       D.Grandpa didn’t live up to his friend’s expectations


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I was 9 years old when I found out my father was   36  . It was 1994, but I can remember my mother’s words as if it   37   yesterday: “Kerrel, I don’t want you to take food   38   your father, because he has AIDS. Be very careful when you are around him.”

AIDS wasn’t   39   we talked about in my country when I was growing up. From then on, I knew that this would be a family   40  . My parents were not together anymore, and my dad lived alone. For a while, he could take care of himself. But when I was 12, his condition worsened. My father’s   41   children lived far away, so it   42   to me to look after him. We couldn’t afford all the necessary medication for him, and   43   Dad was unable to work, I had no money for school supplies and often couldn’t   44   buy food for dinner. I would sit   45   feeling completely   46  , the teacher’s words muffled as I tried to figure out   47   I was going to manage.

I didn’t share my burden with anyone. I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. Kids   48   classmates who had parents with the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my father was moved to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside table even though he was   49   weak to feed himself. I had known that he was going to die,   50   after so many years of keeping his condition a secret, I was completely unprepared when he reached his final days. Sad and   51  , I   52   a woman at the non profit National AIDS Support. That day, she   53   me on the phone for hours. I was so lucky to find someone who cared. She saved my life.

I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to anyone, even me. He didn’t want to call attention to   54  . I   55  .







C.had been

D.has been















C.the other














45.A.at home

B.in the hospital

C.on the chair

D.in class









48.A.laughed at

B.smiled at

C.played a joke about

D.made fun of






























科目: 来源: 题型:

He’s very sensitive about being small, so don’t mention it. Which of the following has the same meaning as the word underlined.

       A.This material is sensitive to heat.

       B.When I need advice, he is a helpful and sensitive friend.

       C.A writer mustn’t be too sensitive to criticism.

       D.The Stock Exchange is sensitive to likely political changes.


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is said that the police have        a lot of new information about the wanted man.

       A.turned up            B.turned out            C.turned over          D.turned on


科目: 来源: 题型:

What’s the synonym of “genial”?

       A.unkind                B.kind                    C.cold                    D.real


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Could you send me an application for the TOEFL test?

---         . What’s your name and address?

       A.Yes, I could         B.Just a moment.    C.That’s right.        D.No problem.


科目: 来源: 题型:

He was caught in the rain last night. That        his cold.

       A.can have brought about                        B.ought to bring about

       C.should have brought about                    D.may have brought about

