 0  31182  31190  31196  31200  31206  31208  31212  31218  31220  31226  31232  31236  31238  31242  31248  31250  31256  31260  31262  31266  31268  31272  31274  31276  31277  31278  31280  31281  31282  31284  31286  31290  31292  31296  31298  31302  31308  31310  31316  31320  31322  31326  31332  31338  31340  31346  31350  31352  31358  31362  31368  31376  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

This morning Maggie borrowed my book and said would return it very________.

A. early     B. fast             C. quickly       D. soon


科目: 来源: 题型:



参考词汇:have a gathering party(聚会)





科目: 来源: 题型:

As is known by all , nowadays the Internet is              

76.___ _____

playing more and more important part in our daily            


life . On it , we can only read news at home and abroad       

78.___ ____

but also get so much  information as possible .           


We are often send e-mails to our classmates or our             


teachers or make telephone call to our families as well         


as our friends. However , we can go to school on the net ,      

82.____ __

read different kinds of books and even teach myself English .    


We can also enjoy music , watching sports and play computer    


games on the net . We can do shopping even without leaving     


our homes.



科目: 来源: 题型:

66.The toy is the boy’s           (喜爱).

67.She is a woman of high              ( 地位).

68.This kind of machine was invited in the           .(十九)

69.He is not             (漂亮)but is very pleasant-looking.

70.Having a telephone is very              (方便)

71.He is to              (责备)for he has done a great fault.

72.The               (贪婪) boy ate so many cakes that he fell ill.

73.The                (烟囱)of the factory are smoking heavily polluting the air.

74.He couldn’t swim and he nearly              (淹死)in the river.

75.The film                (提醒)him of his bitter childhood.


科目: 来源: 题型:


A:So you took a job after you graduated from high school.

B:That’s right. I worked as a typist for two years before I went to the College of Arts.

A:  61 

B:I wanted to. But my father died just after I finished school.  62 

A:Oh, I see. That’s too bad. How soon can you start if we offer you a job?

B:Well, if possible, I’d like to start next month.

A:  63  May I ask what your plans for marriage are?

B:I have no intention of getting married at the moment.

A:If you have any samples of your work with you,   64 

B:Of course.

A:Hmmm…You’ve got talent all right. But if you want to become a commercial artist, you’ll have to change your style.

B:  65 

A:Good. Well, let me show you around. After that, we can discuss the details of the job

       A.I’d like to see them.                                         B.I had to help my family.

       C.That should be no problem.                                D.I’m willing to learn, sir.

       E.Why didn’t you go to college right away?           F.Why did you come here?

       G.I would love to.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Anxiety is the appropriate(适当的)emotion when the immediate personal terror―of a volcano, an arrow, a stab(刺伤)in the back and other disasters, all directed against one’s self──disappears.

The kind of world that produces anxiety is actually a world of relative safety, a world in which no one feels that he himself is facing sudden death. The anxiety exists as an uneasy state of mind, in which one has a feeling that something unspecified(不具体的)and indeterminable may go wrong. If the world seems to be going well, this produces anxiety―for good times may end.If the world is going badly―it may get worse. Anxiety tends to be without focus; the anxious person doesn’t know whether to blame himself or other people. He isn’t sure whether it is the current year of the administration or a change in climate or the atom bomb that is to blame for this undefined sense of unease.

It is clear that we have developed a society which depends on having the right amount of anxiety to make it work…While we agree that too much anxiety is harmful to mental health, we have come to rely on anxiety to push us into seeing a doctor about a symptom(症状)which may indicate cancer, into checking up on that old life-insurance policy which may have out-of-date provisions in it, into having a conference with Billy’s teacher even though his report card looks all right.

People who are anxious enough keep their car insurance up, have the brakes checked, don’t take a second drink when they have to drive. People who are too anxious either refuse to go into cars at all―and so complicate the ordinary course of life―or drive so tensely and carefully that they help cause accidents. People who aren’t anxious enough take chance after chance, which increases the terrible accidents of the roads.


58.The author holds that         .

       A.anxiety is a good thing                                       B.anxiety is a symptom of mental illness

       C.some anxiety can lead to changes for the better    D.no anxiety is bad for society

59.According to the author, accidents of the road tend to be caused by      .

       A.all those who are too anxious                B.all those who have anxiety

       C.those who have no anxiety                    D.those who are not anxious enough

60.The best title for the passage would be     .

       A.One Man’s Thought about Anxiety       B.The Right Amount of Anxiety

   C.Anxiety versus Safety                           D.Different Attitudes to Anxiety


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

This year some twenty-three hundred teenagers(young people aged from 13―19)from all over the world will spend about ten months in U. S. homes. They will attend U.S. schools, meet U.S. teenagers, and form impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.

Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George’s family. In turn, George’s son Mike spent a year in Fred’s home in America.

Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months’ study, the language began to come to him. The school was completely different from what he had expected-much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.

   Family life, too, was different. The father’s word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than the individual. Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car.

   “Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it.”

  At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea.“I suppose I should criticize American schools,”he says.“It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like it very much. In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens. There ought to be some middle ground between the two.”


54.This year      teenagers will take part in the exchange programme between America and other countries.

   A.twenty three hundred                           B.thirteen hundred

   C.over three thousand                             D.less than two thousand

55.The whole exchange programme is mainly to       .

   A.help teenagers in other countries know the real America

   B.send students in America to travel in Germany

   C.let students learn something about other countries

   D.have teenagers learn new languages

56.What is particular in America schools is that       .

   A.there is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings.

   B.there are a lot of outside activities

   C.students usually take fourteen subjects in all

   D.students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car

57.After experiencing the American school life, Mike thought       .

   A.a better education should include something good from both American and Germany

   B.German schools trained students to be better citizens

   C.American schools were not as good as German schools

   D.the easy life in the American school was more helpful to students


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling, or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be a game of some form―football, basketball, hockey, golf or tennis. It may be mountaineering,

Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks in high mountains? This astonishment it caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure.

Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, as others, as there are for such games as golf. and football. There are, of course, rules of different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.

If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a "team game". We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no "matches" between "teams" of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork.

The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of nature. His sport requires high mental and physical qualities.

A mountain climber continues to improve in skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty. But it is not unusual for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more time than younger men, but they perhaps climb with more skill and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.


50. What movements are popular among people in winter in the passage?

A. Soccer and golf.  B. Skiing and skating.  C. Cycling and hockey.   D. Mountaineering.

51. The underlined word "passion" (Para. 2) could best be replaced by         .

A. strong emotion     B. enthusiasm    C. feeling            D. affection

52. Mountaineering is a sport, not a game because       .

A. it has man-made rules   

B. it is too dangerous for climbers

C. it can't bring people joy and leisure

D. it is free for climbers to use their own methods

53. We know from the passage that        .

A. mountaineering has no appeal to people

B. physical quality is more important than mental one for climbers

C. a mountain climber would pass his best by the age of thirty

D. it is possible for an old man of fifty or sixty to climb the Alps


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Monday - 9:00 p.m. PT (11:00 p.m. CT) (Midnight ET)

I love to answer questions about children’s health. Some questions and their answers become articles, FAQ’s, Updates, Fast Facts, Top Tips, or Guidelines here on the site. I answer others in real time during chat. Either way, here is how to submit a question

I am available live, for one hour, every weekday. No appointments are necessary! All you have to do is log on to Chat and ask your question. In most cases, you’ll get your answer right there! Some of the questions from chat are selected for me to write about in greater depth. Even if you don’t have time to stay at chat, come for a moment, and send your question to the chat host to be considered for a future article.

Please join me in chat, Monday - November 22, 2004 at 9:00 p.m. PT (11:00 p.m. CT) (Midnight ET)

I will be in the chat room for one hour to answer your children's health questions.

To ask your question please type a “ ?” mark on the screen

A host will call upon you when it is your turn to ask a question.

Click here  to chat

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46.The writer is probably ___________ .

A.an advertiser       B.a lawyer             C.a teacher            D.an adviser

47.If you want to have a talk , you have to _________ .

A.keep right to talk         B.write a letter to the author before hand

C.be on the line             D.make an appointment

48.Which is NOT true according to the passage ?

A.The writer sometimes write questions into an article.

       B.The writer can be visited on Monday November 22

       C.The talker has to type a ? mark on the screen.

       D.Anyone who asks questions must come to the chat room.

49.The chat with the writer on the screen____________.

A.lasts one hour                                    B.must be about children’s health questions

C.has to be called on Monday                 D.must go on in a room


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I entered St Thoma’s Hospital as a medical student at the age of 18 and spent five years there .  I was an unsatisfactory student , for my heart , as you might have guessed , was not in it . I wanted , I had always wanted to be a writer , and in the evening , after my high tea , I wrote and read . Before long , I wrote a novel , called “ Liza of Lambeth”, which I sent to a publisher and was accepted . It appeared during my last year at the hospital and had something of a success . It was of course an accident , but naturally I did not know that . I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession ; so, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine , I set out for Spain to write another book. Looking back now , and knowing as I do the terrible difficulties of making a living by writing , I realize I was taking a fearful risk . It never even occurred to me .

The next ten years were very hard , and I earned an average of £100 a year . Then I had a bit of luck . The manager of the Court Theatre put on a play that failed ; the next play he arranged to put on was not ready , and he was at his wits’ end.He read a play of mine and , though he did not much like it , he thought it might just run for the six weeks till the play he had in mind to follow it with could be produced . It ran for fifteen months . Within a short while I had four plays running in London at the same time . Nothing of the kind had ever happened before . I was the talk of the town . One of the students at St Thomas’s Hospital asked the eminent surgeon with whom I had worked whether he remembered me . “ Yes, I remember him quite well , “ he said . “ One of our failures , I’m afraid ."


41.The author wanted to be a writer because _________________.

A.his heart was not in medicine.  B.he found it easier to make a living by writing

C.he liked taking risks                D.he was interested in writing

42.Which of the following statements is not true ?

A.The author was very pleased to have his book published but he didn’t realize it was something of an accident .

B.The success of his first book led the author to think he could afford to make writing his profession .

C.The author knew he was running a terrible risk when he decided to become a writer .

D.The author became a writer after graduation but was not a successful one .

43.In the second paragraph, “… he was at his wits’ end “ means ________.

A.he was having a nervous breakdown      B.he was out of his wisdom

C.he did not know what to do                  D.he almost went mad

44.The manager of the Court Theatre agreed to put the author’s play on the stage because _____________ .

A.he thought it would run for fifteen months

       B.he knew it was one of the author’s best plays shown in London

       C.he had just put on a play that failed

       D.the play he had arranged to put on was not ready

45.The author became the talk of the town . The reason was that __________.

       A.he talked with a great many people in London about his plays

       B.the plays he wrote were excellently performed in London

       C.his performances in the Court Theatre were unexpectedly

       D.he was criticized by an eminent surgeon as one of their failures

