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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A normal conversation between strangers involves more than talk. It also involves the dynamics of space interaction. If one person gets too close, the other person will back up. If the first person invades the other’s space again, the other person will back up again. The person who finds himself or herself backing up is trying to increase the distance of the comfort zone. The person closing in is trying to decrease that distance. Most likely neither person is fully aware of what is going on.

In the 1960s, American anthropologist(人类学家)Edward T. Hall was a pioneer in the study of human behavioral use of space. His field of study became known as proxemics. Hall said that personal space for people in the United States can be defined as having four distinct zones: the intimate zone within 18 inches of your body, for whispering and embracing; the personal zone of 18 inches to four feet, for talking with close friends; the social zone of four to 10 feet, for conversing with acquaintances; and the public zone of 10 to 25 feet, for interacting with strangers or talking to a group.

Historians say that our standards of personal space began with the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century. In cities such as London and New York, people of different social and economic classes were suddenly crammed together, so they unconsciously developed a commonly understood code of courtesy(谦恭有理)to restrict the space around them.

People exhibit nonverbal messages of discomfort when their zones are violated. Invaded people might tap their toes, pull at their hair, become completely rigid, or even become angry. As hall noted in his landmark work, a comfortable conversation needs to include the parameters of human personal space.

71. This passage is mostly about______.

A. what nonverbal communication is

B. human conversation

C. the life of Edward T. Hall

D. human behavioral use of space

72. Edward T. Hall identified _.

   A. interactions between strangers

   B. angry people

   C. four zones of personal space

   D. the Industrial Revolution

73. If you and a close friend began talking when you were eight feet apart, you would probably soon _.

   A. move closer together

   B. move farther apart

   C. begin talking more softly

   D. ask another friend to join the conversation

74. The third paragraph provides _.

   A. a historical perspective on personal space

   B. an economic reason for personal space

   C. an overview of Edward T. Hall’s field of study

   D. a definition of personal space

   75. The underlined word “dynamics” in paragraph 1 means _.

   A. difficulties

   B. forces or influences that produce change

   C. largeness

   D. explosion so large they are beyond belief


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    The local bus network gives access to most of the attractions of Nottinghamshire,making it easy for you to enjoy all that the county has to offer.

    Why not let Nottinghamshire’s buses provide you with a cheep,convenient and safe way of enjoying a day out. they even take away the worry of stopping for lunch, having a drink and then deciding who’s going to drive home.

Special Sunday ticket saves you money.

Nottinghamshire County Council’s Day Ranger tickets give you unlimited travel on buses right across the county every Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday and will entitle(给…资格)you to discounts at several visitor attractions.This means that you can save money by traveling by bus.Prices are currently:

      Adults                                             £5.00

      Children&Concessions                     £2.50

      Family ticket                                    £9.00

                                          (2 adults&up to 3 children)

Simply buy your ticket on the first bus you board on a Sunday and then travel wherever you want in Nottinghamshire for the rest of the day.

Finding out about getting around the county couldn’t be easier.Information on bus service is widely available at:

    . Bus stations

    . Libraries

    . County contact points

    .Tourist information centers.

You can also visit our web site at:www.Nottinghamshire.gov.uk/buses There is extensive information on bus travel and the attractions of the county. We also provide a journey planner and access to timetables for all the bus services operating in the county. There are links to the individual bus operators for further information on fares and special offers.


                                    Public transport info

                                    0870 608 2 608

                          www. traveline.org.uk

67.What can we do according to the ad?

    A. We can enjoy all of the attractions of the county by bus.

    B. Day Ranger tickets~offer us unlimited bus travel across the county every day.

    C. We may be able .to visit some scenic spots at a fairly low price.

    D. We need purchase our tickets anytime we get on board the bus.

68. Information on bus services is available at these places EXCEPT_.

   A. visitor attractions

   B. tourist information centers

   C. the County Council’s web site

   D. university libraries

69. How much will you be charged if your family (a couple and two children) goes on a special-Sunday-ticket trip?

   A. £15.00    B. £12.50      C. £9.00      D. £5.00

70. If you ask for further information on fares , you may as well_.

   A. browse www.Nottinghamshire.Gov.uk/buses

   B. call 0870 608 2 608

   C. go to the County contact points


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Worms,antis,and flowers live in soil.Fish,crabs,and seaweeds live in oceans.Birds,insects,and moss live in trees.soil,oceans,and trees are habitats一places where animals and plants live .Besides offering food and shelter, habitats allow for growth and reproduction.

    Humans, however,have destroyed many habitats.We change forests into parking lots. We turn grasslands into neighborhoods.We turn beach land into resorts.We turn 0ceans into chemical dumps.Some plants and animals adapt and survive.Others,however die.The changes are too much,too fast.Sometimes the death rate becomes greater than the birth rate.then the extinction occurs.An example of this happened on Florida's east coast,the habitat of the dusky seaside sparrow.This habitat changed suddenly as land was developed. And the sparrows were not able to adapt. More sparrows died than were born. In 1987 the  dusky seaside sparrow became extinct .None exist in the world today.

    Fortunately,conservation efforts are underway.Many states have set aside land for nature preserves. Here,plants and animals live in their natural habitats.Some states have created man-made habitats .Artificial reefs,for example,have been put in ocean waters. The artificial reefs are habitats for hundreds of fish and other marine life.In 1970 the federal government passed a law to protect habitats.'Ibis~that the efforts of development must be studied.A highway,dam,or power plant may not be built if plants and animals,endangered.We were too late to save the dusky sparrow.Hopefully,however,these new efforts will save other plants and animals.

63.This passage is concerned with_.

    A. federal laws

    B. the dusky seaside sparrow

    C. habitat protection

    D. artificial reefs

64.The worst that can happen when habitats are destroyed is that plants and animals

    A. live in their natural habitats

    B. become extinct

    C. adapt and survive

    D. move to new habitats

65.The author’s feeling about conservation efforts is one of_.

    A. surprise

    B. disrespect

    C. hope

    D. enthusiasm

66. The author explains the effects of habitat destruction by presenting a_.

    A. real-life example

    B. personal narrative

    C. scientific study

    D. made-un story


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

HONG KONG,Sept .12,2005-Hong Kong Disneyland,the 11th theme park of Walt Disney Co.,opened here on Monday morning.Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong,Donald T&-mg Yam-kuen,chief executive of Hong Kong-Special Administrative Region(HKSAR), and Tung Chee-hwa,attended the opening.

    The Hong Kong Disneyland project, worth 3.5 billion US dollars,was jointly funded by Walt Disney Co.and the HKSAR government.Some 16, 000 people attended the opening.The park estimates that it will attract 5.6 million visitors in its opening year and is expected to draw up to 7.4 million annually after 15 years.About 40 percent of the visitors are expected to come from the mainland,Disney has said.

    Walt Disney officials claimed that choosing Hong Kong as the first place of China to build Disneyland bas three major reasons:Hong Kong people are wonderful,Hong Kong is a beautiful city and Hong Kong is the richest city in China?

    “Hong Kong Disneyland is the first Disney theme park that,。modeled so c1osrly to the first Disneyland in California,”Jay Rasulo,president of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts,said.Hong Kong Disneyland is smaller than the other parks at only 121 hectares一a fact that Disney tries not to point out.Some of the thousands of guests who got a sneak peak at the park in the past month complained that it was too small,and Disney has plans to expand it。

    the project was announced in 1999 and construction began in 2003.Disney, other part are Tokyo,Paris and. the U.S. states of California and Florida.

    The company confirmed that Disney had been talking to the government in Shanghai about opening a park that wouldn’t open until at least 2010.


60. How long does it take to build the Hong Kong Disneyland?

    A. Three years.  B.Six years.    C. Four years.    D. Two years.

61. Hong Kong Disneyland is built by_.

    A. Hong Kong

    B. Walt Disney Co.

    C. Hong Kong government r}:id Walt Disney Co.

    D. Mainland

62. According to this passage,which of the following statements is time?

    A. Hong Kong Disneyland costs 3.5 billion yuan.

    B. Maybe Walt Disney Co.will build a new Disneyland in Shanghai.

    C. Hong Kong Disneyland will attract 5.6 million visitors every year.

    D. Hong Kong Disneyland is the same as Disneyland in California.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    It’s nine o’clock on a Tuesday night.You are trying to finish your maths assignment.

You have only two problems left to go.Almost done!You are looking forward to a nice snack and your favorite TV show.You read the next problem and groan.You don,t have a clue how to do it .You may check your notes from class .Or you may try reading your text-book .But the problem might as well be written in a foreign language.

    Does this sound familiar? Most people who have taken any kind of maths class have had this experience.What do you do when you get stuck? Perhaps you call a friend.Or you ask a family member for help.But what if it’s late at night?

    Years ago there were very few ways to get help if you were stuck on a maths problem. Maths is different from other school subjects.You often cannot find what to do in a book.A dictionary or even an encyclopedia(百科全书)probably won’t help you.You need someone to show you the steps.Learning most kinds of maths is something like learning to play a musical instrument.You need a coach to show you what to do.

    In many areas there are homework telephone lines.These hot lines have volunteers.They can help you do homework in all subjects.A maths volunteer can explain the steps in a maths problem that has you stumped?

    Today you can also get help on the Internet.There are several homework help programs and Web pages .In some,you leave your question on a message board.Or you write it in an e-mail note.In other maths-help programs there are live volunteer teachers.You can wait for a real maths teacher to help you do the problem.


56.This passage is mostly concerned with_.

    A. why maths is difficult to do

    B. ways of getting help with maths homework

    C. using reference books to do maths homework

    D. using a computer to do maths

57. In the first paragraph,the writer asks you to_.

    A. solve a maths problem

    B. recall how you once asked someone to help you with maths

    C. use a computer to get help in maths homework

    D. imagine yourself doing maths homework

58. The passage suggests that people who need maths homework help should_.

    A. not take any more maths classes

    B. try a homework help program on the Internet

    C. watch some television

    D. write an e-mail note to a friend

59. The writer compares learning maths to_.

    A. learning to play a musical instrument

    B. using a computer

    C. finishing a homework assignment

    D. calling a friend to get help on homework


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


 One windy spring day, I observed young people having using the wind to fly their kites. Multicolored 36 of varying shapes and sizes filled the bright skies like beautiful birds darting and 37 .As the strong wind blew against the kites , a 38 kept them in control.

Instead of 39 away with the wind, they arose against it to achieve great 40 . They shook and pulled, 41 the controlling string and the long tail 42 them in tow(受支配),facing upward and against the wind. As the kites 43 and trembled against the string ,they seemed to say ,“Let me go! Let me go! I want to be 44 !” They soared(翱翔)beautiful even as they fought the restriction of the string. 45 , one of the kites succeeded in breaking loose.“Free at last”, it seemed to say,“Free to fly with the wind”.

Yet freedom from 46 simply put it at the 47 of an unsympathetic breeze . It dropped ungracefully to the ground and 48 in a wild mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.“Free at last” free to lie powerlessly in the dirt , to be blown 49 along the ground ,and to lodge lifelessly against the first obstruction.

How much like kites we sometimes are. The Heaven gives us adversity and restrictions ,rules 50 from which we can grow and gain strength.Control is a 51 counterpart to the winds of oppositions. Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we 52 soar to reach the heights we might have obtained. We keep part of the commandment and never rise 53 enough to get our tails off the ground.

Let us each rise to the great heights,54 that some of the controls that we may be unhappy under are actually the steadying force that helps us 55 and achieve.

36.A. creations     




37. A. singing       




38. A. procedure     




39. A. throwing       




40. A. goals         




41 .A. anyhow       




42. A. exchanged      




43. A. struggled      




44. A. free          




45. A. Practically    




46. A. sky          




47. A. demand       




48. A. deserted       




49. A. hopelessly    


C. carelessly  


50. A. break        


C. make     


51. A. necessary    




52. A. yet         




53. A. far         




54. A. blaming     




55  A. run away        

B. look down       

C.go up       

D.get off


科目: 来源: 题型:

Only by shouting at the top of his voice _______.

A. was he able to make himself hear

B. he was able to make himself hear

C. he was able to make himself heard

D. was he able to make himself heard


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Excuse me, Dad, but’s I’m going to the club to meet my friends in the football team.

---OK. _______.

   A. Good luck    B. Congratulations   C. With pleasure     D. Have fun


科目: 来源: 题型:

In which play of Shakespeare’s is it _______ Viola appears?

  A. where    B. who    C. that   D. which


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The workers are going through with their railway project, _______ the expenses have risen.

A. as long as    B. as though    C. now that     D. even though

