 0  31200  31208  31214  31218  31224  31226  31230  31236  31238  31244  31250  31254  31256  31260  31266  31268  31274  31278  31280  31284  31286  31290  31292  31294  31295  31296  31298  31299  31300  31302  31304  31308  31310  31314  31316  31320  31326  31328  31334  31338  31340  31344  31350  31356  31358  31364  31368  31370  31376  31380  31386  31394  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

Jack stopped at his favorite bar after a hard day’s

work to relax. He noticed a man next him ordered

1. ___________

a shot (白酒) or a beer. The man drank the shot, followed

2. ___________

it with the beer and then looking into his shirt pocket.

3. ___________

This continued several time before Jack’s curiosity got

4. ___________

the best of him. He leaned over to the man and said,

5. ___________

“Excuse me, you couldn’t help but notice your little

6. ___________

ceremony. How do you look into your shirt pocket every

7. ___________

time when you drink your shot and beer?” The man

8. ___________

replied, “There was a picture of my wife in it, and when

9. ___________

she starts looking good, I’m heading to home!”

10. ___________


科目: 来源: 题型:

1.After ten years of study in the USA, he became____(有经验)at teaching English.

2.Don't be_____(泄气),try again and you will succeed in time.

3.My office is on the_____(第十二)floor, right opposite to my boss.

4.As the storm drew nearer, black clouds were_____(聚集)over the sky.

5. Go to see your parents as often as possible if it is ____(方便)to you.

6. The building was purchased and           (占用) by its new owners last year.

7. He has formed the habit of getting up and going to bed early and does every thing __  _ (有规律).

8. All the walls of his room are          (装饰) with pictures of pop stars.

9. The learners should know the          (背景) knowledge of the foreign language.

10.To her_____(失望),Mrs. Smith found her son didn't pass the exam.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Policeman: Now, Jimmy, did you get a good view of the accident ?

  Jimmy:  Oh, yes. I was standing outside the back building and I saw it all quite clearly.

  P : Do you know what time it was ?

  J : Yes.   61  It was 2:45 exactly .

  P : Good.  62.

  J : Well, quite slowly --- about ten miles an hour. It was coming up York Road . 63    But they were still red when he went over them.

  P: I see.  64   Was it also driving slowly ?

  J : It was coming along Union Street about 30 miles per hour . It was a blue Toyots.  65. 

  P : Did you see what color his traffic light was?

  J : Yes, it changed to yellow just before he crossed it.


A. What about the car?

B .I checked my watch.

C. Didn’t you see the car?

D. Now, how fast was the truck moving?

E. Was the car going beyond the speed limit?

F. I suppose the truck driver knew the lights were going to change.

G. The driver stopped his car when he saw the truck crossing the street.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“I’ve changed my mind. I wanted to have a telescope, but now I want my daddy back.” Lucien Lawrence’s letter to Father Christmas written after his schoolteacher father had been knifed to death outside his school gate, must have touched every heart. Lucien went on to say that without his father he couldn’t see the stars in the sky. When those whom we love depart from us, we cannot see the stars for a while.

But Lucien, the stars are still there, and one day, when you are older and your tears have gone, you will see them again. And, in a strange way, I expect that you will find your father is there too, in your mind and in your heart. I find that my parents, long dead now, still figure in many of my dreams and that I think of them perhaps more than I ever did when they were alive. I still live to please them and I’m still surprised by their reactions. I remember that when I became a professor, I was so proud, or rather so pleased with myself, that I couldn’t wait to cable my parents. The reply was a long time in coming, but when it did, all Mother said was “I hope this means that now you will have more time for the children!” I haven’t forgotten. The values of my parents still live on.

It makes me pause and think about how I will live on in the hearts and minds of my children and of those for whom I care. Would I have been as ready as Philip Lawrence have been to face the aggressors, and to lay down my life for those in my care? How many people would want me back for Christmas? It’s a serious thought, one to give me pause.

I pray silently, sometimes, in the dead of night, that ancient cry of a poet “Deliver my soul from the sword, and my darling from the power of the dog.” Yet I know the death comes to us all, and sometimes comes suddenly. We must therefore plan to live forever, but live as if we will die tomorrow. We live on, I’m sure, in the lives of those we loved, and therefore we ought to have a care for what they will remember and what they will treasure. If more parents knew this in their hearts to be true, there might be fewer knives on our streets today.


56.According to the whole text we can see that the first paragraph             .

       A.puts forward the subject of the text             

       B.shows the author’s pity on the kid

       C.acts as an introduction to the discussion

       D.makes a clear statement of the author’s views

57.In the second paragraph the author mainly wants to explain to us           .

       A.how much he misses his parents now

       B.why his parents often appear in his dream

       C.when Lucien will get over all his sadness

       D.how proud he was when he succeeded in life

58.What feeling did the author’s mother express in her reply?

       A.Proud.                B.Happy.                C.Disappointed        D.Worried

59.In the author’s opinion, the value of a person’s life is            .

       A.to leave behind a precious memory to the people

       B.to have a high sense of duty to the whole society

       C.to care what others will remember and treasure

       D.to share happiness and sadness with his family

60.What does the writer mean by the sentence taken from an old poem?

       A.Call on criminals and murderers to lay down their guns.

       B.Advise parents stay with their children safely at home.

       C.Spend every day meaningfully in memory of the death.

       D.Try to keep violence and murder far away from society.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The challenge to drink to the limits of one’s endurance has become a celebrated part of college life. In one of the most extensive reports on college drinking thus far, a 1997 Harvard School of Public Health study found that 43 percent of college students admitted binge drinking in the preceding two weeks (Defined as four drinks in a sitting for a woman and five of a man, a drinking binge is when one drinks enough to risk health and well being )

Experts estimate that excessive drinking is involved in thousands of student deaths a year. And the Harvard researchers found that there has been a dramatic change in why students drink. 39 percent drank “to get drunk” in 1993, but 52 percent had the same objective in 1997.

“What has changed is the across the board acceptability of intoxication (喝醉),” says Felix Savino at UW Madison. Many college students today see not just drinking but being drunk as their primary way of socializing.

The reasons for the shift are complex and not fully understood. But researchers guess that it may have something to do with today’s instant satisfaction life style―and young people tend to take into the extreme.

While binge drinking isn’t always deadly, it does have other, wide ranging effects. Academics is one area where it takes a heavy toll (something paid, lost or suffered). Perhaps because alcohol increases aggression and affects judgement, it is also related to 25 percent of violent crimes and roughly 60 percent of vandalism on campus. Facing the many potential dangers, college campuses are searching for ways to reduce binge drinking.


52.Why has “binge drinking” caused widespread concern?

       A.Because it is directly responsible for the academic problem on campus.

       B.Because it has claimed many young lives every year.

       C.Because it has had harmful effects on the students’ health and well being.

       D.Because it is in close connection with school violence.

53.We can infer from the passage that young people today            .

       A.cherish their dream and are willing to work hard for it.

       B.value spiritual satisfaction over physical satisfaction.

       C.are idealistic and disillusioned by the dark reality.

       D.seek immediate satisfaction and indulge (放纵) themselves too much

54.The paragraphs following the passage most probably discuss          .

       A.efforts taken by different schools to fight against binge drinking

       B.the importance of banning alcohol at student events on campus

       C.how to change students’ behavior

       D.the possible consequences of binge drinking

55.Students regard drinking and binge drinking as          .

       A.tolerable              B.acceptable           C.necessary            D.essential


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Have fun with Stamp collecting……Join the Collectors. Club today!

If you enjoy learning all about stamps,then the Royal Mail’s Collectors Club is for you. Join the club and discover the fascinating world of stamps. There are over 70,000 members and it is one of the biggest clubs of its kind in the country.

   Become a member today and you will receive lots of wonderful stamp collecting goodies.

   ●A Starter pack....

And every two months…

   ●Collectors Club magazine

   ●Collectors Corner supplement

And every year…

   ●A new Stamp Calendar

   ●A set of Album Pages

John today

It won’t cost you much to experience the fun of stamp collecting.

Collectors Club Starter Pack

1. 100 used stamps and hinges.

2. The Collectors Club Guide to Collecting.

3. The latest Collectors Club magazine (packed with news and views about stamps, quizzes and competitions, all in colour)

4. Album pages

5. Badge and stickers

6. Membership card

7. Royal Mail Stamp Calendar.

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48. Which of the following is NOT included in a starter pack?

  A. One hundred used stamps and hinges and album pages.

  B. The Collectors Club Guide to Collecting and badge and stickers.

  C. The latest Collectors Club magazine and membership card.

  D. Royal Mail Stamp Calendar and Collectors Corner supplement

49. This advertisement is written for people who want to        .

  A. make money through collecting stamps

  B. develop stamp collection as a hobby

  C. get something free from the club

  D. find out where the club is located

50. From the advertisement we can learn           .

  A. Collectors Club is among the biggest clubs in this country

  B. how much you must pay to become a member of the club

  C. today is the last day for stamp collectors to join the club

  D. members may receive a set of album pages every month

51. Where is this advertisement most probably found?

A. In a newspaper.        B. On a web page.  

C. In a magazine.           D. On a TV program.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Peter Fern was mad on mountains. Climbing was the love of his life. Church towers, seaside cliffs, rock faces, ice mountains, anything --- “If it’s there,” he used to say, “then I want to climb it.” so the news of his marriage gave me surprise. I’d never known him to take much interest in girls. Well, well, Peter Fern, a married man! I couldn’t get over it. I wondered whether his wife would try to stop some of his risky adventures.

 She was French perhaps --- from that place where he usually spent his holidays. Chamonix, wasn’t it? From Chamonix he’s climbed Mont. Blanc on his seventeenth birthday, and one of the Aifuilles the day after! That was it, then; she was French, from a family, most of whom liked climbing. No doubt --- No other explanation.

 A month later I met them both in town. Anna surprised me because she was English. She was a dancer in the theatre. “never climbed more than sixty steps in my life.” she told me. “Peter has his interests, and I’ve got mine. No problem.” “None at all, “ Peter said, smiling. “Where did you spend your honeymoon?” I asked. “Somewhere far from theater and mountains, was it?” “We had a week’s holiday,” Anna  said, “I flew to New York to see the drake Dancers on Broadway. a wonderful show!” Peter said, “Didn’t want to miss the good weather. So I went to Switzerland and climbed the north face of the Eiger with Allen Dunlop. Great fun, the Eiger. Grand place for a honeymoon! I’ll show you the photographs we took one day.”


44. “Peter was mad on mountains” means ____

  A. he sometimes enjoyed climbing mountains  

  B. he was angry on mountains

  C. he lost his senses on mountains         

  D. he enjoyed climbing mountains very much

45. The writer had thought the only reason why Fern married was that the girl ___

  A. might be French living near the mountain, and from a mountaineer family

  B. would not stop his climbing

  C. perhaps liked French

  D. might like climbing the mountain, too

46. Peter and Anna’s marriage is probably ____

  A. a failure because neither of them likes the other’s love

  B. happy because each of them respects the other’s love

  C. painful because each of them would do one’s own thing

  D. a mistake because either of them wouldn’t care the other’s love

47. Peter’s marriage surprised the writer because          

  A. Peter didn’t like girls    B. Peter was too absorbed in mountain climbing

  C. Peter was mad               D. Peter’s wife was a dancer


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes into touch with them.

Their values this can’t be repeated too often are not necessarily our values. Physical comfort, cleanness and order are not necessarily the most important for them. The social services from time to time find themselves faced with a flat with going bad food covered with dust on the table, and an old person lying alone on bed, taking no notice of anything. Is it doing harm to personal freedom to insist that they go to live with some of their relatives so that they might be taken better care of? Some social workers are the ones who clean up the dust, thinking we are in danger of carrying this idea of personal freedom to the point where serious risks are being taken with the health and safety of the old.

Indeed, the old can be easily hurt or harmed. The body is like a car; it needs more care as it gets older. You can carry this comparison right through to the provision of spare parts. Never forget that such operations are painful experiences, however good the results. At what point should you stop treating the old body? Is it right to try to push off death by using drugs to excite the forgetful old mind and to activate the old body, knowing that there is little hope? You cannot ask doctors or scientists to decide, because so long as they can see the technical opportunities, they will feel sure to have a try on the belief that while there’s life, there’s hope.

When you talk to the old people, however, you are forced to the conclusion that whether age is happy or unpleasant depends less on money or on health than it does on your ability to have fun.


41. Some social workers think that ____________.

    A. one should not take risks of dealing with old people

    B. old people should have the idea of cleaning their rooms

    C. personal freedom is more important than health and safety

    D. health and safety are more important than personal freedom

42. The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ___________.

    A. whether age is happy or unpleasant             B. the conclusion you have come to    

    C. one’s money or one’s health                       D. your talk to the old people

43. The author thinks that __________.

    A. the opinion that we should try every means possible to save old people is doubtful

    B. medical decisions for the old people should be left to the doctors

    C. old people can enjoy a happy life only if they are very rich

    D. it is always right to treat old people and push off death


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I had applied for the nuclear submarine program, and Admiral Rickover was interviewing me for the job. It was the first time I met Admiral Rickover, and we sat in a large room ___21_ ourselves for more than two hours, and he let me __22__ any subjects I wished to __23__. Very carefully, I chose those about which I knew most at the time ― current events, seamanship, music, literature, naval tactics, electronics, gunnery ― and he began to ask me a series of questions of increasing __24__. In each case, he soon ___25__ that I knew relatively __26__ about the subjects I had chosen.

He always looked right __27__ my eyes, and he never smiled. I was wet with cold __28__

Finally, he asked me a question and I thought I could regain __29___. He said, “How did you ___30__ in your class at Georgia Tech before ___31___ our Annapolis as a plebe(军校新生)?”I had done very well, so I answered with pride, “Sir, I stood fifty-ninth in a class of 820! “I sat back to wait for the ___32__― which never came. __33__, the question: “Did you do your best?” I started to say, “Yes, Sir,” but I remembered who this was, and ___34__ several of my times at Georgia Tech ___35__ I could have learned more about our friend ,our enemies ,weapons strategy , and so forth. I was just human. I __36__ my throat and finally said, “No, Sir. I didn’t always do my __37___.”

He looked at me for a long time, and then turned his chair around to ___38___ the interview. He asked one final question, which I have never been able to forget __39__ to answer. He said, “Why not?” I sat there for a while, __40__, and then slowly left the room.

21 A. beside

B. with

C. for

D. by

22. A. choose

B. consider

C. elect

D. search

23. A. learn

B. realize

C. discuss

D. concern

24. A. humor

B. difficulty

C. interest

D. ability

25. A. proved

B. showed

C. meant

D. imagined

26. A. much

B. anything

C. little

D. everything

27. A. for

B. into

C. back

D. up

28. A. sweat

B. air

C. water

D. weather

29. A. consideration

B. permission

C. self-confidence

D. self-defence

30. A. stand

B. deal

C. behave

D. go

31. A. leaving

B. reaching

C. choosing

D. entering

32. A. celebrations

B. expectations

C. explanation

D. congratulations

33. A. Thus

B. Instead

C. However

D. Therefore

34. A. recalled

B. tried

C. attempted

D. examined

35. A. where

B. that

C. when

D. which

36. A. cleared

B. examined

C. cleaned

D. treated

37. A. worst

B. best

C. fewest

D. least

38. A. star

B. control

C. interrupt

D. end

39. A. so

B. and

C. or

D. but

40. A. moved

B. excited

C. frightened

D. shaken


科目: 来源: 题型:

-- Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?

 --- _____. They are both expensive and useless.

A. None           B. Both               C. Neither                  D. All

