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科目: 来源: 题型:

It might seem dull, but using repetition is a good way for teachers to ______ the message ______.

       A. hand…over              B. let… out               C. get… across            D. give… away


科目: 来源: 题型:

Making a promise only takes a second, but _______ it takes a lot of effort.

       A. making use of           B. putting up with C. getting away from    D. living up to


科目: 来源: 题型:

Many people think Little Shenyang’s performance represents something with a grassroots feel that ______ millions of ordinary people.

       A. contributes to         B. turns to             C. appeals to               D. refers to 


科目: 来源: 题型:

Since scientists ________ HIV/AIDS, social responses of fear, and discrimination have accompanied the disease.

A. reflected                   B. demonstrated     C. imagined                  D. identified


科目: 来源: 题型:

I don’t know why they’ve added all this information but it probably _______ a purpose.

       A. determines            B. reaches          C. serves                    D. achieves


科目: 来源: 题型:

Serious _____ have been raised about management when 12 miners died in the accident.

       A. concerns               B. mistakes          C. discussions             D. problems


科目: 来源: 题型:

If you are hurried, here’s a quick _______ of some facts about our products.

       A. search                   B. review             C. correction               D. outline


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was a busy morning, approximately 8:30 a.m., when an elderly gentleman in his 80s, arrived to have stitches (缝合的线)  31  from his thumb. He  32  that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.

I took his vital signs and had him take a  33 , knowing it would be over an hour  34  someone would be able to see him. I saw him looking at his watch and  35 , since I was not busy with another  36 , I would evaluate his wound.

On  37 , it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed  38  to remove his stitches and redress his wound.

While taking care of his wound, we began to  39  in conversation. I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning,  40  he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me  41 , that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.

I then inquired as to her  42 . He told me that she had been there for a while and that she was a(n)  43  of Alzheimer's disease. As we talked, I asked if she would be  44  if he was a bit late. He replied that she  45  knew who he was, that she had not  46  him for five years now.

I was  47 , and asked him, “And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?”

He  48  as he patted my hand and said, “She doesn't know me, but I  49  know who she is.”

I had to  50  my tears as he left and thought that is the kind of love I want in my life.

31. A. fixed

B. removed

C. prevented

D. broken

32. A. claimed

B. demanded

C. persuaded

D. stated

33. A. photo

B. rest

C. seat

D. temperature

34. A. before

B. since

C. when

D. after

35. A. found

B. believed

C. analyzed

D. decided

36. A. patient

B. record

C. doctor

D. child

37. A. experiment   

B. examination

C. arrival

D. exhibition

38. A. stores

B. supplies

C. medicines

D. directions

39. A. bring

B. fill

C. engage

D. lead

40. A. and

B. but

C. so

D. as

41. A. nothing

B. everything   

C. no

D. yes

42. A. health

B. knowledge

C. life

D. experience

43. A. follower

B. example

C. average

D. victim

44. A. eager

B. angry

C. upset

D. curious

45. A. at least

B. no longer

C. more or less

D. at all

46. A. watched

B. received

C. observed

D. recognized

47. A. puzzled

B. satisfied

C. surprised

D. excited

48. A. laughed

B. smiled

C. sighed

D. hesitated

49. A. still

B. even

C. ever

D. alone

50. A. hold back

B. bring back

C. put away

D. set aside


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  The Lego Group had a very humble beginning in the workshop of Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter from Denmark. Christiansen began creating wooden toys in 1932. Two years later, he came up with the name Lego by putting together the first two letters of the Danish words Leg and Godt, which mean “play well.” The name could be interpreted as “I put together” in Latin; it is also similar to the Greek verb meaning “gather” or “pick up.”  

  In 1947, the company expanded to making plastic toys. At first, the use of plastic for toy production was not highly regarded by businessmen and consumers of the time. Many of the Lego Group’s shipments were returned, following poor sales. However, Christiansen’s son, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, saw the great potential in Lego bricks to become a system for creative play. As the junior managing director of the Lego Group, he spent years trying to improve the “locking” ability of the bricks and made the bricks more flexible. In 1958, the modern interlocking(连锁) brick design was finally developed and patented. 

  Today Lego is sold in more than 130 countries. Every minute 33,824 Lego bricks are made, and kids around the world spend 5 billion hours a year playing with Lego. There will be more than 400 million people playing with Lego bricks this year. On average, every person in the world owns 62 Lego bricks, and about seven Lego sets are sold every second.

This year Lego fans all over the world are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the tiny building blocks. Though already 50 years old, Lego is still the same product it was in the 1950s. Bricks bought then can still match current bricks and that is probably the reason the toy has never fallen out of favor.  


51. Which of the following is true about the name Lego?

  A. It is a combination of Greek and Latin words.

  B. It was created by Ole Kirk Christiansen’s son.

  C. It was created in 1947 for naming the plastic toys.

  D. It came from Danish words meaning “play” and “well.”

52. When did the Lego brick become as a creative form of toy?

  A.1934                B. 1947                C.1958                  D. 1932

53. What is most likely the reason why Lego still remains popular?

  A. Old Lego bricks may still be connected to new ones.

  B. The company hasn’t changed its name since 1947.

  C. The material for the bricks has proved to be safe.

  D. The price of the toy is relatively reasonable.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  During my ninth-grade year, I suffered from “anorexia nervosa”. It was not enough to be thin. I had to be the thinnest. Now, however, fully recovered, I can reflect back and realize that my wishes were more complex than fitting into size five pants. Many of my hidden emotions were related to my relationship with my father. As I was growing up, his work always came first. Sometimes I would not see him for up to two weeks. Not only did he devote his whole self to his work, but he expected me to do the same (“You cannot get anywhere unless you go to the best universities!”). Though, consciously, I never felt pressure to please him, I began dieting after the first time he told me I looked fat.  

  At the time, all I knew was that I had to be thin―thinner than anyone else. Every month my father went to Europe for a week or so and on the days he left, sorrow and emptiness swallowed me: Daddy was leaving. Then, I turned to focus on a mysterious weakness―a helpless childlike emotion that came from starving. I liked to know that I needed to be taken care of; maybe Daddy would take care of me.

Now, two years later and thirty-eight pounds heavier, I have come to realize that I cannot change my father’s inability to express his feelings. Instead, I must accept myself. I know that I am a valuable person who struggles to achieve and accomplish. But I cannot struggle solely for others. By starving, I attempted to gain pride in myself by obtaining my father’s approval or acknowledgment of my value as a person. But the primary approval must come from me, and I feel secure now that I can live with that knowledge safely locked in my mind.


54. What is “anorexia nervosa” as mentioned in the first line of the passage?

  A. It is a situation of feeling self-doubting.

  B. It is an inability to express one’s feelings.

  C. It is someone who is emotionally unstable.

  D. It is an illness that makes one want to stop eating.

55. Why did the writer suffer from anorexia nervosa?

  A. She was told by her father to take care of herself.

  B. She wanted to go to the best university.

  C. She wanted her father’s attention.

  D. She grew up in a poor family.

56. Which of the following statements is true about the writer?

  A. She has problems controlling her tempers.

  B. She is proud of herself for working hard to succeed.

  C. She has had great confidence in herself since childhood.

  D. She has changed her father’s way of expressing himself.

57. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?

  A. To blame her father.

  B. To report a case of child abuse.

  C. To reflect on a stage of growing up.

  D. To teach people how to lose weight.

