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科目: 来源: 题型:

─ Li Ming will leave for Shanghai by air this afternoon.  

─ Sorry I’m too busy to see him off. Please tell him I _____ him a good journey.  

A. make                     B. hope                       C. expect                   D. wish  


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ─ Fangfang seems lost in thought over there.  

─ Yes, she is thinking _____ she will work in Beijing or in her hometown after graduation.  

A. that                         B. whether                C. which                   D. how  


科目: 来源: 题型:

Mr. Green’s car _____ down and he has to have it repaired.  

A. is broken                    B. has broken            C. breaks                   D. has been broken  


科目: 来源: 题型:

─ Why isn’t Jack present at the meeting?  

─ I’m terribly sorry. I _____ him about it.  

A. forget to tell                B. forget telling          C. forgot to tell             D. forgot telling  


科目: 来源: 题型:

─ It will be only half a month before we take the college entrance exam.  

─ _____.  

A. Congratulations           B. Good luck          C. Best wishes                  D. Cheer up  




科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A former high school teacher who fled his classroom during the massive May 12 earthquake in southwest China has a new job here in a private training school.

     Fan Meizhong has a two-year contract with Keyfind Education School in the Haidian District, school spokesman Zhang Wenbin told Xinhua on Wednesday.

     The former Chinese language teacher from a private high school in earthquake-hit Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, was nicknamed “running Fan” by netizens (网民) after he left his students behind and escaped the classroom as the 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck.

     Fan’s behavior became a controversial object, and he was later fired.

     Zhang said, however, that Fan had been hired for his extensive teaching experience and talent. At Keyfind, he’ll conduct research on developing students’ potential and raising their interest in learning. He’ll also give some lectures, according to Zhang.

     “Fan, as a person, also needs to live,” Zhang said. “We hope the media will be tolerant about Fan and give him some living space. Whether he was wrong or right in his running behavior, we only want to make use of his talent.”

     He said the school had not decided what to do next about Fan’s job.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 然后以约120个词就“范美忠再被聘为教师”为主题发表你的看法,并包括下列要点:

(1)       你是怎样看待范美忠在发生地震时的先跑行为的;

(2)       范美忠该不该再聘为教师,为什么?

(3)       你心目中的教师该是怎么样的?


科目: 来源: 题型:













科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



A. Feel Grateful!

You say you’re thankful, but then dismiss your mom’s investment as an “obligation”. By today’s economic standards, what she did is virtually miraculous. Tell your mom plainly, over and over again, how grateful you are. I’m sure the complaining will begin to fade.


B. Tame the beast!

    When one boy discovers his inner caveman, he likes to initiate others into the tribe. Don’t over-worry. Boys will be boys. You and your husband should meet the boy’s parents down the street, suggesting a plan to either tame the wild beasts or limit their time together.


C. Good effort and goodwill makes it!

    Maybe there was a reason why your buddy was out of work. He’s taking advantage of you and your employer. Remind him how to act on the job. He owes good effort and goodwill if he accepts the pay. Tell him to be quiet or get away.


D. Calm down!

    Fast vehicles and wild people---sounds like adolescent dreams to me. As some men age, they compensate with bigger, faster toys. But he’s putting you at risk and breaking the law. In a calm moment outside the car, tell him that he is scaring you. Suggest he join a car club, one that promotes safe driving.


E. Move your line away!

    You say you’re “in the middle”, but I’d say you’re dangerously close to slipping off the edge. There are lots of fish in the sea; why drop your line in waters your friend is still fishing?


F. Speak out and breathe easily together!

    You are rebuilding a relationship with new trust and affection. If there’s a bad odor left from the old day, you need to clear the air. Mention the problem, and say, “I’m sorry for my part in that argument.” I’ll bet she’ll say the same.



56. Allan: My friend Jim was out of work and I helped him find a job in my company. But recently I have found he is very lazy and doesn’t do his work well. Besides, he often tells me that our employer is too bad.

57. Mary: Cathy and I were good friends. But two years ago she moved and left me because we had an argument. Now I hear she has come back to this town and lives about a mile away. I hope to visit this old friend, but I really don’t know what to do.

58. Mrs. Green: My eight-year-old son used to be obedient. But recently he’s become wild and crazy like a barbarian and doesn’t want to stay at home. My husband and I get worried. Now I find he likes to play with another boy who is also a barbarian.

59. Mike: I live with my mother, who works night and day so that she can support my schooling. I’m grateful but sometimes I get even more annoyed because she seems to be always unsatisfied with me and complains about my faults.

60. Eileen: My friend Jim is a helpful young man, and he has taken me downtown in his car several times. But every time he drove his car so crazily that I felt horrible. “I’ve got used to driving fast,” he says.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Names have gained increasing importance in the competitive world of higher education. As colleges struggle for market share, they are looking for names that project the image they want or reflect the changes they hope to make. Trenton State College, for example, became the College of New Jersey nine years ago when it began raising admission standards and appealing to students from throughout the state.

“All I hear in higher education is, ‘Brand, brand, brand,’” said Tim Westerbeck, who specializes in branding and is managing director of Lippmann Hearne, a marketing firm based in Chicago that works with universities and other nonprofit organizations. “There has been a sea change over the last 10 years. Marketing used to be almost a dirty word in higher education.”

    Not all efforts at name changes are successful, of course. In 1997, the New School for Social Research became New School University to reflect its growth into a collection of eight colleges, offering a list of majors that includes psychology, music, urban studies and management. But New Yorkers continued to call it the New School.

Now, after spending an undisclosed sum on an online survey and a marketing consultant’s creation of “naming structures”, “brand architecture” and “identity systems”, the university has come up with a new name: the New School. Beginning Monday, it will adopt new logos, banners, business cards and even new names for the individual colleges, all to include the words “the New School”.

    Changes in names generally show significant changes in how a college wants to be accepted. In changing its name from Cal State, Hayward, to Cal State, East Bay, the university hoped to project its expanding role in two mostly suburban counties east of San Francisco.

    Beaver College turned itself into Arcadia University in 2001 for several reasons: to break the connection with its past as a women’s college, to promote its growth into a full-fledged university and, officials acknowledged, to put an end to jokes about the college’s old name on late-night television and “morning zoo” radio shows.

Many college officials said changing a name and image could produce vital results. At Arcadia, in addition to the rise in applications, the average student’s test score has increased by 60 points, Juli Roebeck, an Arcadia spokeswoman, said.


51. Which of the following is NOT the reason for colleges to change their names?

A. They prefer higher education competition.        B. They try to gain advantage in market share.

C. They want to project their image.                    D. They hope to make some changes.

52. It is implied that one of the most significant changes in higher education in the past decade is _________.

A. the brand                                                      B. the college name

C. the concept of marketing                                D. list of majors

53. The phrase “come up with” (Line 3, Para. 4) probably means ___________.

A. catch up with             B. deal with           C. put forward                     D. come to the realization

54. The case of name changing from Cal State, Hayward, to Cal State,East Bay indicates that the university ___________.

A. is observed by the society                                      B. hopes to expand its influence

C. prefers to inform its teaching programs                   D. expects to enlarge its campus

55. According to the officials, the name change of Beaver College ___________.

A. turned out very successful                                     B. failed to attain its goal

C. got rid of some jokes                                             D. transformed its status


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In 1859, Italy and France were at war with Austria, and Henry Dunant, a young Swiss gentleman, came upon one of their battlefields. For the first time in his life, Dunant saw how heartless war would be. Around him were suffering men untended and left to die where they fell.

Henry Dunant went to work at once. Helped by several peasant women, he formed an ambulance service and set up headquarters in a little church. He treated the wounds of Frenchmen, Italians and Austrians alike. When he was asked why he did so, his answer showed a spirit of humanity that was not common in those days. “We are all brothers. A wounded enemy is an enemy no longer.” With his band of assistants, Dunant helped to save many lives. The “gentleman in white” (as Dunant was called because he wore a white suit) was looked upon by hundreds of wounded men as an angel.

    When Dunant returned to Switzerland, he could not forget the needless suffering on the battlefield. He thought of a great organization that should be planned to include many nations. It would do its work with the approval of all countries. And it must operate under a sign that all would know: its symbol would be a red cross against a white background.

He wrote a book to make the public see the need for this great organization. In the book he included a truthful account of what he had seen on the battlefield. The consequence was that readers were shocked by what he described.

After Dunant’s hard work, in Geneva on October 26, 1863, all the nations of Europe were invited to a meeting at which it was decided a relief society should be formed in each country. Then the Geneva Convention was made the following year. The nations that signed the Geneva Convention chose the red cross as the symbol for the international organization.

    Until his death in 1910, Dunant was always ready to look for a noble cause. And when the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded for the first time in 1901, the honor went to Dunant. No man has deserved it more than the founder of the Red Cross.


46. Why was Dunant looked upon as an angel by wounded men?

A. Because he really came from the heaven to help.            B. Because he wore a white suit.

C. Because he helped to save many lives.                          D. Because he was good-looking.

47. Why did Henry Dunant go to the battlefield?

A. To do business.                                                          B. To travel about the country.

C. To visit his friends.                                                     D. Not mentioned in the passage.

48. Dunant planned the organization with an intention to ______________.

A. function only in Europe                                               B. stop war

C. get the approval for relief work from every country       D. show his ability

49. In the passage, readers can’t learn ______________.

A. when Henry Dunant died

B. when nations in Asia signed the Geneva Convention

C. why Dunant deserved the Nobel Peace Prize

D. that Dunant was a determined man.

50. “We are all brothers. A wounded enemy is an enemy no longer.” The sentence showed that _______________.

A. Dunant was a good soldier                                          B. Dunant had no principle when he acted

C. Dunant wanted to stop war                                         D. Dunant had great sympathy for human beings

