 0  31672  31680  31686  31690  31696  31698  31702  31708  31710  31716  31722  31726  31728  31732  31738  31740  31746  31750  31752  31756  31758  31762  31764  31766  31767  31768  31770  31771  31772  31774  31776  31780  31782  31786  31788  31792  31798  31800  31806  31810  31812  31816  31822  31828  31830  31836  31840  31842  31848  31852  31858  31866  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

worth             A.clothes     B.clothing    C.than         D.wealth


科目: 来源: 题型:

foot        A.pool         B.food        C.foolish      D.cook


科目: 来源: 题型:

accuse         A.trust         B.barbecue   C.July          D.bury


科目: 来源: 题型:








Dear fellow students.

Our government is aiming to build a ‘harmonious society”(和谐社会). I think at is every citizen’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal, As high school students , what should we do ?



科目: 来源: 题型:

As time going by, the entrance examination to college is arriving,


Either of us is busy making preparations for it.                    


We make the full use of every minute to study hard .            

78. .           

All day long, we sit in the classroom, read and writing,          


As the school life is a little dull, we feel happy and full            

80., .           

Through the revision, the knowledge we are not clear about     

81 .           

now becomes easy and clear, We become confident , strong   

82 .           

believing that we are sure to get a good score and turn our     


dreams realities, At the same time, we hope that We will be     

84. .           

admitted to good university that we dream of .                 



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I hear many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling, I wish it were so.  At your age, you ought to be growing from your parents, You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion, It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way fo showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching (抓紧)at one another’s hands for reassurance.

They claim they want to dress as they please, but they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music, but somehow they all end up huddled round listening the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus and such a way is that the crowd is doing it . They have come at of their cocoon(蚕茧)into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his ro her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be, And many of today’s parents have come to award high marks for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the barrier is worth climbing over, the path is worth following . You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party, You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records, You may have some thoughts that you don’t care to share at once with you classmate. Well, go to it , find yourself, be yourself Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you area. That’s the only kind of popularity that readily counts.


68.The author’s how to be popular with people around

A. readers how to be popular with people around

B. teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves

C. parents how t control and guide their children

D. people how to understand and respect each other,

69. According to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but, in fact, most of them          

A. have much difficulty understanding each other

B. lack confidence

C. dare not cope with problems single-handed

D. are very much afraid of getting lost

70.Which fo the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There is no popularity that really counts

B. What many parent are doing is in fact hindering their children from finding their own paths

C. It is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates

D. Most teenagers claim that they want to do what they like to , but they are actually doing the same.

71.The author thinks of advertisements as       

A. convincing     B. influential      C. instructive      D. authoritative

72.During the teenage years, one should learn to           

A. differ from others in as many ways as possible

B. get into the right season and become popular

C. find one’s real self

D. rebel against parents and the popularity wave


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii with a Kenyan father and an American mother. His father , Barack Obama Sr, married his mother, Ann Dunbarn, while studing at the University of Hawaii. The coupel separated two years after Obama was born, His father ultimately returned to Kenya, where he became a noted economist, He died in a car accident in 1982.

Obama’s mother’s second marriage was to an Indonesian man named Lolo Soetoro. The family moved to Indonesia and Obama remained there until he was 10 when he moved back to Hawaii and lived with his grandparents, while studying on a schloarship at the elice Punahou Academy.

He has seven half-brothers and sisters in Kenya from his father’s other marriages, and a half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, from his mother’s second marriage.

After finishing college in 1983 , Obama worked for a New York financial consultant and a consumer organization. He landed a job in Chicago in 1985 as an organizer for Developing Communities Project, a church based group seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods.

Three years later, Obama went to Harvard Law School, where he became the first black president of the law review. He worked as a summer associate at the Sidley Austin law firm in Chicago, where he met his future wife. After graduation from Harvard in 1991 , Obama practiced civil rights law at a small firm in Chicago. He became a lecture in constitutional law at the University of Chicago in 1993.

Obama won a seat in the Illiao state Senate in 1996. During this time in the legislaturem he worked on welfare and ethics legislation, as well as a measure requiring electronic recording of police interogations and confessions in homicide investigations.

Obama won a heavily contested US Senate seat in 2004, carrying 53 percent of the Democratic primary vote in an eight-candidate race. He easily won the general election, In the Senae he compiled(编辑) a liberal voting record, but was one of the few Democrats to back a measure on class-action lawsuits. He opposed the appointment of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito to the US Superme Court

The nonpartisan(无党派的)National Journal ranked him as the most liberal member of the Senate early this year,  based on his voting record in 2007 He was ranked 10th most liberal in 2006 and 16th most liberal in 2005 (404words)


64. What happened to Obama when he was a child?

A. His father died in a car accident

B. His mother married a Kenyan father

C. His parents separated and his mother remarried an Indonesian man

D. He studied at the University of Hawaii,

65. In which year did Obaman go ot Harvard Law School

A. In 1983       B. In 1985     C. In 1988    D. In 1991

66.Which of the following sentences in right?

A. His mother was divorced from his father when he was two years old

B. Obama moved back ot Hawaii and lived with his grandparents until he was 10

C. The nonpartisan(无党派的) National Journal ranked him as the most liberal member of the Senate bacause he won the general election

D. He met his future wife in Chicago while studying on a scholarship at the elice Punahou Academy

67. How many sisters and brothers does Obama have?

A. 7     B. 8      C. 0       D. 9


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Having a large waistline can almost double your risk of dying prematurely(过早地)even if your body mass index is within the “normal “range, according to a new study, over 350,000 people across Europe published Wednesday in the US. magazine, New England Journal of Medicine.

The study provides strong evidence that storing excess(过量的)fat around the waist poses a significant health risk, even in people not considered to be overweight obese(极肥胖的). It suggests that doctors should measure a patient’s waistline and their hips as well as their body mass index as part of standard health cheeks, according to the researchers from Imperial College London , the German Institute of Human Nutrition, and other research institutions across Europe,

Comparing subjects with the same body mass index, the risk of premature death increased in a linear fashion as the waist circumference increased. The risk of premature death was around double for subjects with a larger waist (more than 120 cm for men and more then 100 cm for women) compared to subjects with a smaller waist(less than 80cm for men and less than 65cm for women). Body mass index is commonly used to assess(评估)if a person is of “normal “weight.

Each 5cm increase in waist circumference increased the mortality risk by 17 percent in men and 13 percent in women, according to the study.

An increased risk of mortality (死亡率)may be particularly related to storing fat around the waistline because fatty tissue in this areas secrete (分泌)cytokines(细胞因子), hormones(荷尔蒙)and metabolically (新陈代谢)active compounds (混合物)that can contribute to the development of chronic (长期的)diseases, particularly cardiovascular(心脏血管的)diseases and cancers, suggest the authors.

Tobias Pischon, the lead author of the paper, said “The most important result of our study is the finding that not just being overweight , but also the distribution of body fat affects the risk of premature death of each individual,”(328 words )


61.According to a new study of over 350,000 people across Europe, a person has more risk of dying prematurely,             

A if his body mass index isn’t within normal range

B if he has a large waistline

C if his body mass index is within normal range

D if he overweight

62.Which of the following isn’t mentioned as part of standard health checks?

A .weight       B. hip      C. body mass index    D. waistline

63.Which of the following is NOT wrong?

A. Each 5 cm increase in waist circumference increases the same mortality risk in men and women,

B. Body mass index is commonly used to assess(评估)if a person is large waistline,

C. The smaller waistline, the more mortality risk,.

D. Large waistline almost doubles risk of dying prematurely,


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The kitten was rescued, but didn’t make it out of surgery in one piece.

The veterinarian at Laurel Oaks Animal Hospital in Kingsland, now acting for the kitten, says she sees animal abuse more often than you might imagine,

This kitten is playful and affectionate, but he has already seen how cruel a place the world can be .

Dr. Julie Clark Blount is the veterinarian treating the kitten now, “I think they were actually kicking him or throwing him or something of that nature,” said Blout, “They had damaged the whole bundle of nerves that are up in the armpit and control the functioning of the entire leg, and it’s not something that would get better over time.”

Blount says they were forced to amputate his front right leg, “It doesn’t seem to bother him at all and he runs and he plays and he loves attention and he’s pretty spoiled already, and he’s eating  like a little pig, and doing fabulously for us,” said Blount

Doing well, but Blount says other pets out there never survive abuse.

“He’s one of the lucky one,” she said.

Blount says unless abusers like him are caught and prosecuted, they could go on to bigger and worse things.

‘We with there were more strict laws to protect animals because if they ‘re doing this to pets, then what would then end up doing to people, or kids, or anything else later on down the road?” wonders Blout. (243words)


56.From the passage, we can infer that the kitten is probably        

A. a male cat      B. a female cat      C. a little boy      D. a little pig

57.From the passage, we can know that            

A. the kitten survived abuse

B. the kitten received an operation and recovered very well

C. the kitten’s front right leg was amputated because it didn’t seem to bother him at all

D. the kitten was damaged slightly

58.Which part of the kitten was damaged?

A .the armpit                     B. the entire leg

C. the front right leg          D. the whole bundle of nerves

59. The underlined word “veterinarian” in the second paragraph probably means       

A. a scientist                          B. a doctor treating animals

C. a doctor treating people       D. a lawyer

60. The passage mainly wants to tell us that           

A. the world is a cruel place

B. the kitten was one of the lucky ones

C. the kitten abuse is common

D. it's necessary to make laws to protect animals


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The D-word., It’s most people’s worst fear, but , in a bittersweet way , it was my greatest joy, In divorce, you gain something and you   36   something.

I’m thirteen years old, and I know what it  37   like when parents split up, because mine did last fall,

My parents had been   38   for years, When my father started cheating my mom things went downhill, I   39    they would divorce instantly, I tried to picture my life after my parents    40 up living at my mom’s house during the week, and my father’s  house on the weekend, But my mom decided to be the bigger person and try to  41    it out, so that my sibings and I would know     42     it was like to have a family, Things didn’t get better,      43  

I would always strain to hear the quiet   44   they didn’t want me to hear, They weren’t getting along and they weren’t happy,

My father has never really been there for me, He was there physically but not emotionally, He yelled a lot and never really showed any  45    in going to my piano recitals or watching my dance performances,    46   we asked him to do and he had another    47  -a lie,. We just ignored it and went on with our lives as if nothing was the matter.

Then last summer, there was real   48     in paradise, My siblings and I want out to Los Angeles to pursue acting and while we were out there, my father   49   my mom again , and this time my brother, sister, and I all found out, We decided to stay in L.A and leave my father in Florida.

Our   50    resulted in divorce, We didn’t know if we were making the right   51   or not, My mom went back and forth,. She wanted what was best for her children, She asked me if I thought we should go back to Florida or stay in Los Angeles, I replied mom “There is nothing in Florida for us any more. Out here in L.A, we have so many   52    , that can come true, We shouldn’t let him abuse us any more. Finally , we are free.

The  53   was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the rest of my family. I now know that taking chances is the best thing to do. I accept that   54   doesn’t always, If , in your heart, you can feel something that is not right, then follow your heart. In the end it’s going to be your only true guide, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, your heart will never  55   you down.


36. A. lose

B. enjoy

C. give

D. own

37. A. smells

B. feels

C. sounds

D. looks


B. satisfied

C. unhappy

D. unsatisfied

39. A. hoped

B. wished

C. doubted

D. thought

40.A. got

B. split

C. looked

D. stood

41.A .keep

B. run

C. stick

D. speak

42.A. how

B. that

C. which

D. what

43.A. though

B. however

C. meantime

D. while

44.A. talk

B. conversation

C. arguments

D. dialogue

45.A. dislike

B. care

C. concern

D. interest

46.A. Everything

B. Something

C. Nothing

D. All thing

47.A. explanation

B. excuse

C. reason

D. cause

48.A. happiness

B. puzzle

C. difficulty

D. trouble

49.A. cheated

B. beat

C. trusted

D. scolded

50.A. words

B. actions

C. thoughts

D. ideas

51.A. Judgment

B. plan

C. decision

D. arrangement

52.A. dreams

B. imagination

C. realities

D. wishes

53.A. experience

B. divorce

C. conflict

D. separation

54.A. prejudice

B. preference

C. love

D. hate

55.A .get

B. set

C. put

D. let

