 0  31673  31681  31687  31691  31697  31699  31703  31709  31711  31717  31723  31727  31729  31733  31739  31741  31747  31751  31753  31757  31759  31763  31765  31767  31768  31769  31771  31772  31773  31775  31777  31781  31783  31787  31789  31793  31799  31801  31807  31811  31813  31817  31823  31829  31831  31837  31841  31843  31849  31853  31859  31867  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

When the spaceship traveled above,      new looking earth appeared before us,      earth that we had never seen before.  

       A.the; the                   B.a; an                       C.an; the                    D.the; an


科目: 来源: 题型:

―Did you know any Chinese before you arrived in Beijing?

―Never         it, actually.

       A.had I learned           B.have I learned          C.I learned                 D.was I learning


科目: 来源: 题型:

The program “Super Girl!” on Hunan TV         especially to young people.

       A.tends                     B.prefers                    C.appeals                   D.devotes


科目: 来源: 题型:

         he have been chosen as captain of our school football team?

―Yes, he         . Can’t you see he’s wearing an armband(袖标)?

       A.Can; can                 B.Must; must have      C.Must; must             D.Can; must have


科目: 来源: 题型:

Because of his good work, John         a higher class.

       A.was promoted into                                      B.promoted into

       C.was promoted to                                        D.was promoting to


科目: 来源: 题型:

She claimed 200 dollars         him         injuries suffered.

       A.for; of                    B.from; of                  C.from; for                D.for; from


科目: 来源: 题型:

You may depend on         that your parents will help you.

       A.them                      B.it                            C.before                    D.me


科目: 来源: 题型:

―Shall I help you carry your travel case to the train, Granny?

―Oh, no, my boy. It is          heavy. Thank you anyway.

       A.so                          B.not much              C.rather                            D.not that


科目: 来源: 题型:

resist          A.praise       B.present     C.measure    D.register


科目: 来源: 题型:

warn              A.war          B.target       C.upward     D.beggar

