 0  31700  31708  31714  31718  31724  31726  31730  31736  31738  31744  31750  31754  31756  31760  31766  31768  31774  31778  31780  31784  31786  31790  31792  31794  31795  31796  31798  31799  31800  31802  31804  31808  31810  31814  31816  31820  31826  31828  31834  31838  31840  31844  31850  31856  31858  31864  31868  31870  31876  31880  31886  31894  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

My ID card has      (不见了).It was in my pocket just now.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Nearly all the guests are satisfied with the        (服务)of the hotel.


科目: 来源: 题型:

W:‘We’ve been waiting here for nearly twenty minutes now, and there still isn’t a bus in sight

M:I’m afraid we’ll be late for work

W: 61 

M:Yes,my watch says a quarter past seven.


M:NO,there is something wrong with it.

W:  63 

M:Yes,but ever since I bought it, it gains about 5 minutes a day,so   64 

W:Look!   65   Let’s hope it’s No.32.

M:Yes,it is.

A.Does your watch keep good time?

B.Is there anything wrong with your watch?

C.There’s a big bus coming!

D.Here comes the bus NO.32.

E.But you bought it only last month.

F.I’ve got to have it repaired.

G.Have you got the time,Colin ?


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

An absolutely amazing performance!

Candy,Please read the story first and chick on the link at the bottom and enjoy!

The lady in her 30s was a dancer and was trained since she was a little girl. Later she got into some kind of audient and lost her entire left arm. She was depressed for a few years.Then someone asked her to coach a children’s dancing group. From that point on, she realized she could not forget dancing.

She still loved to dance.She wanted to dance again.So she started to do some of her old routines. But by her losing an arm,She also lost her balance.

It took a while before she could even make simple turns without falling.

Eventually she got it.

Then she heard some guy in his 20s had lost a 1eg in an accident.This guy also fell into depression and anger. She looked him up and persuaded him to dance with her. He had never danced! “And to dance with one leg ? Are you joking with me?

"No way," he replied.

But she didn’t give up. He reluctantly agreed, “I have nothing else to do anyway.”She started to teach him dancing.The two fell down a few times because the guy had no concept of using muscle, controlling his body,and a few other basic things about dancing.When she became frustrated and lost patience with him,he would walk out.

Later they got back together again and started training. They hired a choreographer to design routines for them.She would fly high,held by him with both arms, flying in the air. He could bend,supported by one leg and she was leaning on him,etc.They danced beautifully and they beat other students in the competition.

I would like to share with you the most magnificent an touching performance I have ever seen! It is a living proof that strong spirit can conquer physical limitations!

57.Which of the following is right?

A.The 1ady lost some of her left arm because of an accident

B.The guy used to coach a dancing school before accident.

C. The lady accepted the suggestion to become a dancing coach for children.   .

D.She spent some time keeping her balance in making simple turns without fallings.

58.The underlined word “choreographer” might refer to ___.

A.An assistant who helps them with their daily life

B.a teacher who will teach them how to dance

C.a person whose job is to design movements for dancers on the stage

D.a mental doctor who might help them out of their depression and anger

59.What is the attitude of the writer toward the two dancers?

A.Admirable.     B.Curious.        C.Critical.         D.Indifferent

60.Where do you think this passage may come from?

A.An advertisement                                     B.A personal email

C.A  TV program                                        D.The radio


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The ecosystem is 1ike a chain.If any of the links are broken,the whole system is in danger.This  is  why  wetland  protection  has  been  put high on the agenda in recent  years.Zhao,vice―director of the State Forestry Administration,says nearly 60 percent of the country’s natural wetlands are still not  under  effective protection.Most  Chinese  people  are ignorant  about  the importance of protecting the wetlands.

Ocean,forestry and wetlands are the three global ecological systems.Wetlands can conserve and purify water resources, prevent flooding and help protect the ecosystem. As well as ecological values, they can also offer economical  returns.

In recent years,many wetlands have become farmland.Drawing too much underground water,hunting and fishing also ruin their ecological system.

Every year,the wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain of  Northeast China provide habitat for birds.Local residents search the area for the birds’ eggs. They consider the eggs to be a natural gift. rather than wildlife that should be protected. If they were educated,perhaps this is one activity that could be brought to an end.

China is now ready to make a plan to save some of these areas.Some have been restored to raise awareness among the public.But these moves are not enough.There should be laws in place to provide legal support to the fight. Environment protection is a campaign which needs support from everyone in society.Education may be the first step.


53.How do you understand the phrase “put....high on the agenda”?

A.Put on a high wall                               B.catch a glimpse of

C.pay more attention to                           D.come up with

54.What will happen if wetland is not under protection yet?

A. Birds won’t have their eggs.

B. China will have more wetland.

C.The chain of ecosystem will be broken.

D.There will be few floods.

55. Which of the following is WRONG?

A. We should protect wetland to offer habitats for birds.

B.Some laws have been passed to protect wetland.

C.Education and laws as well are both important for the wetland protection.

D.Wetland protection won’t be a success unless everyone offers their efforts.

56. What is the best title of this passage?

A.Ocean, forestry and wetlands are the three global ecological systems.

B.Environment protection is a campaign.

C.Wetland protection keeps ecological harmony.

D.The ecosystem is a chain.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Center Stage

Center Stage is a music and drama group for ages 12―16.Our aim is to build confidence Through movement and music.A11 ages work together to perform at the end of each term for families and friends.

Working with our bodies and vices helps develop awareness of ourselves, physical and emotional intelligence and builds confidence in our relationships with others. Having fun, learning new skills,meeting friends―that is  Center Stage.

For further information please contact 01454851938 or see our website at www.centerstagebristol.co.uk.

The Therapy Space

“Inattentive.”“Poor handwriting.”“Lazy.”“Can’t sit still”.“Dull.”

Some of these terms may be how your parents and teachers or other people view you. You may wonder why you seem slow at schoo1 and have difficulty with organization,handwriting,sitting still and concentrating.

The Therapy  Space  can  help  you  understand  yourself from  a  new  angle. We  help  you understand and deal with the root causes behind your behaviors.

At The Therapy Space in South Bristol the specialist will assess and treat you in a fantastic,fun ―filled environment. Teens beg to return to schools! Parents have told us it is the best present they have given to their child and themselves. “We have seen such a difference since coming to see you,and school is now being much more understanding after reading your very helpful report. We can’t thank yon enough.”

Call Linda & Annie for friendly advice on telephone:01179079189.

The Action Center ski race team is looking for more keen and enthusiastic and experienced skiers to join their team. Having three highly experienced coaches to develop the potential of members of the team, we are currently  looking into arranging races against other race teams.Whoever wants to join us must be able to ski to an intermediate level and know how to have fun While skiing.The Center is situated in Churchill A38 south of Bristol Airport.Contact 01934852335


49.What the three ads have in common is that_____.

A.people can call them if they want more information.

B.all the ads offer their phone numbers and websites to readers.

C.sports lovers are interested in the three ads a11.

D.They are popular among teenagers and their parents.

50.Which is the best place for school dropouts(逃学者)to go?

A.The Action Center.                             B.The Therapy Space.

C.Center Stage.                                   D.Skiers Wanted.

51.We can draw the conclusions EXCEPT that_________.

A.teens can develop confidence and teamwork via music and drama

B.kids and school problems won’t feel bored when assessed and treated

In The Therapy Space

C.anyone eager to learn skiing is wanted to The Action Center

D.parents are thankful for the help The Therapy Space has given to their child

52.which of the following can best be filled in the blank of the 1ast paragraph?

A skiers Wanted                                            B.Skiers Coaches Wanted

C.Skiers Club                                             D. Skiers School


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2009 sees the 800th anniversary of the University of Cambridge. Thousands of people have taken part in global celebrations marking the 800th year of Cambridge University. The city of Cambridge has been decorated in a series of colorful streetlight banners to recognize the University's 800th anniversary.

Cambridge University was founded in 1209 after scholars from Oxford University gathered to study at the ancient Roman trading post Of Cambridge. Although academics were not sure of the exact date of the founding,they felt it was best to start the birthday celebrations when the students returned from their spring holidays this year.With the about 83 Nobel prizewinners who studied at

Cambridge  University,Cambridge now plays host to 18,000 students.Outstanding former Cambridge students include  Oliver Cromwell,Isaac  Newton, Charles

Darwin  and Stephen  Hawking.For example,Charles Darwin,who transformed the way we think about the natural world,was born 200 years ago on February 12,1809.

Meanwhile,church bell―ringers around the world also played a new piece composed for the celebrations.Other events include an Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin  festival and a science festival;A Festival of ideas of Creativities is planned for October,while a closing ceremony will be held the following month.

The Cambridge Science Festival is the largest free science festival among all of the celebrations in the UK and 25,000 people attend it .It encourages the general public, and particularly young people, to take an interest in science and its application in society.

Many of our anniversary events are free and open to the public .However ,due to space limitations, some events will require advance booking .Ticketing information for most events is available .For further information ,please contact on 800@admin .cam.ac.uk or(0)1223761672.


45.It can be concluded from the passage that _____.

A.Newton,Darwin,Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein all graduated from Cambridge University.

B.The year of 2009 is also the 200th anniversary of Isaac Newton.

C. Cambridge brought up about 83 Nobel prizewinners,ranking top of the world.

D. Cambridge University is younger than Oxford University.

46. How long will the celebrations of the 800th Cambridge anniversary 1ast?

A.1 month or so.                                 B.About 3 months.

C.Nearly l year.                                   D.One and a half years.

47.What dose the author want to express most when mentioning Newton,Darwin and Hawking?

A.They were all former graduates of Cambridge University.

B.Cambridge University takes great pride in them.

C. They were and are famous scientists in UK that have great influence on modern science.

D.They are all Nobel prizewinners in the world.

48. Which events are included in the celebrations of the 800th year of Cambridge University?

a.The Cambridge city has been decorated beautiful.

b. About 18,000 students took part in the Cambridge celebrations.

c.Church bell― ringers across the world played a new piece composed for the celebrations.

d.A Festival of ideas of Creativities is planned for October.

e. Charles Darwin transformed the way we think about the natural world.

A.a―b―c―d―e                                       B.a―b―c―d

C.b―c―d―e                                            D.a―c―d


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If your child does well on a test,of course,you’re going to praise or her-but if you focus too often on achievements, children may not get the right message.Why?

An experiment by psychologist Carol Dweck at Columbia University in New York shows what happens when kids are praised for their efforts,and what happens when they’re praised for their intelligence.

Dweck got a group of ten―year一olds to do a series of puzzles easy enough so that all could do them well.Then they were told either,“You must be smart at this,”or,“You must have worked really hard.”

In the following tests,the kids praised for their efforts chose to do a harder set of puzzles.when give a task two years beyond their grade levels ,they worked hard and enjoyed the challenge , even when they didn't succeed. And in a final test at the same level as the first ,their scores improved by 25 percent. And the “smart” kids? They refused to try the harder puzzles, choosing the one that guaranteed them good scores. When they did work in the “too hard” tests , they became discouraged and upset. And when retested with the original puzzles, their scores declined by 20 percent.

Dweck’s conclusion:“When we praise kids for their intelligence,we tell them:  ‘Look smart,don’t risk making mistakes.’“By contrast,“emphasizing effort gives children an inspiring factor that they can control.”


41.The passage is written mainly for

A.children                                                  B.parents and teachers

C.professors                                              D.parents and children

42.Which of the statements may 1east support Mr.Dweck’s idea when you give praise to your student who does well on a test?

A. You must have taken a lot of efforts.

B.You’re smart and second to none.

C.You’re diligent in challenges.

D.Your hard work contributes to your achievements.

43.What does the author intend to tell readers?

A.Rewald your kids and students whenever they make progress.

B.Different praises will all benefit your students.

C.Praise your students as much as you can.

D.Focusing on kids’ efforts will improve their intelligence.

44.How did Mr.Dweck reach his conclusion?

A. With the help of his assistants.

B. By experiment and comparison.

C. Through interviews and questionnaires.

D.By cooperating with some teachers.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There was a young college student who played the piano in a bar every night. He  21  his home alone and found a  22  job to support himself. He was a good piano player,but sometimes a bit stubborn. People  23  work came out just to hear him  24  . But one night,an old gentleman told him he didn’t want to hear him play  25  want him to sing a song.

The young man said, “Sorry,I don't sing.”

But the customer was 26 .He told the waiter,“I’m  27  1istening to the piano,I want that guy to sing.”

The waiter  28  across the room, “Hey buddy!  If you want to  29 , sing a song. The  30  are asking you to sing!”

SO  31  .He sang a song  unwillingly but   32  A piano player who had never sung  33    did so for the very time.And nobody had ever heard the song Mona.Mona Lisa was Sung  34  by Nat King Cole! The song of Mona Lisa was soon well―received among American young generations.

He had  35  he was sit (搁置不用)!He may have lived the rest of his life as a  36   piano player in a no―name bar, but because he had to sing, and he showed his gift, he went on to become one of the best一known entertainers in America.

You,too,have skills and abilities. You may not feel as if your “talent”  is particularly great,but it may be better then you think! And  37  you keep practicing,most skills can be improved. Besides,you may as well have no ability at all if you sit on  38  talent you possess! The better  39  is not “What ability  do I have  40  is useful?” It is rather “How will I use whatever ability I have!”


21.A. left



D. moved

22.A. professional

B. part-time

C. full-time

D. weekend


B. since

C. after

D. before


B. chat

C. sing

D. play


B. or

C. so

D. and


B. patient

C. persistent

D. satisfied

27.A. fond of

B. interested in

C. busy in

D. tired of

28.A. shouted

B. Whispered

C. blamed

D. spoke

29. A. get praised

B. raise money

C. get paid

D. make progress

30. A. waiters

B. managers

C. visitors

D. customers

31. A. did he

B. he did

C. was him

D. he was

32. A. unluckily

B. wonderfully

C. patiently

D. hurriedly

33. A. in public

B. secretly

C. at home

D. sometimes

34. A. that night

B. every night

C. at night

D. tonight

35. A. money

B. knowledge

C. talent

D. possession

36. A. famous

B. well-known

C. no-name

D. non-stop

37. A. unless

B. even if

C. so long as

D. as if

38. A. whatever

B. however

C. somehow

D. whichever

39. A. situation

B. question

C. problem

D. possibility

40. A. what

B. this

C. that

D. it



科目: 来源: 题型:

―-Are yon getting a new apartment this year?

―_______ I can't afford to pay my bills,let alone buy a new apartment.

A.Not at all.                                                B.You must be joking!

C. Are you sure?                                           D.Good idea!

