 0  31745  31753  31759  31763  31769  31771  31775  31781  31783  31789  31795  31799  31801  31805  31811  31813  31819  31823  31825  31829  31831  31835  31837  31839  31840  31841  31843  31844  31845  31847  31849  31853  31855  31859  31861  31865  31871  31873  31879  31883  31885  31889  31895  31901  31903  31909  31913  31915  31921  31925  31931  31939  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

 范围:9个省、自治(autonomous regions),1个直辖市(municipality)





  New Development for Central and Western China(开头)The Chinese government has recently decided to develop central and western China.
  (结果) We have every reason to believe that the development will be a great success. As a result of the great project, central and western regions of China will surely achieve better and faster development in the new century. The people will have a better life and China will surely be richer and stronger.


科目: 来源: 题型:

  In my hometown there used to be a temple with a


history of over eight hundred years. It lies in a


valley with green hills around it. It was such beautiful


and famous that many tourists came visit it every


day. They took photo; they wrote down their names on


the walls, they were brought food and drink and left rubbish


everywhere. One day some toursts did a fire to cook


food near the temple. All of sudden, a strong wind


blew. The wooden temple caught fire. Soon the wholly


temple was burned out and only a little walls remained.


The beautiful temple disappeared.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  The annual marathon in my town usually occured during a heat wave .My job was to  36  behind the runners in an ambulance  37  any of them ended medical attention. The driver and I were in an air ----conditioned ambulance behind approximately one hundred athletes  38  to hear the sharp crack of the starting gun.
  "We're supposed to stay behind the  39  runner, so take it slowly, "I said to the driver, Doug, as we began to creep forward.
  " Let's  40  hope all the runners are fast ! "he laughed.
  As they began to pace themselves, the front runners started to  41  . It was then that my  42  were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a baggy white T ----shirt.
  "Koug, look !"
  We knew we were already watching our "last runner". Her feet were turned in, yet her left knee was turned out. Her legs were so crippled and  43  that it seemed impossible for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon.
  Doug and I watched in  44  as she slowly moved forward. We didn't say a thing. We would move forward a little bit, then stop and wait for her to  45  some distance. Then we'd slowly move forward a little bit more.
  Finally, she was the  46  runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face as I sat on the edge of my seat and watched with awe, amazement and even reverence(敬意)as she  47 forward with sheer determination through the last miles.
  When the  48 line came into sight, trash(垃圾)lay everywhere and the  49  crowds had long gone home.  50  , standing straight and ever so proud waited a man. He was  51  one end of a ribbon of crepe paper tied to a post.  52  slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering behind her.
  I do not  53  this woman's name, but that day she became a part of my life ----a part I often depend on. For her, it wasn't about  54  the other runners or winning a trophy(奖品), it was about finishing what she had set out to do, no matter  55  . When I think things are too difficult or too time ----consuming, I get those "I ----just ----can't ----do ----it", I think of the last runner. Then I realize how easy the task before me really is.

36.A. interview

B. watch

C. follow

D. fall

37.A. when

B. even if

C. because

D. in case

38.A. searching

B. sitting

C. wishing

D. waiting

39.A. slow

B. last

C. wounded

D. helpless

40.A. just

B. ever

C. still

D. however

41.A. run

B. miss

C. disappear

D. lose

42.A. attention

B. mind

C. sights

D. eyes

43.A. bent

B. hurt

C. soft

D. painful

44.A. happiness

B. silence

C. disappoint me

D. trope

45.A. keep

B. make

C. gain

D. shorten

46.A. single

B. only

C. last

D. careful

47.A. pushed

B. fought

C. pulled

D. jumped

48.A. close

B. end

C. match

D. finish

49.A. seeing

B. cheering

C. standing

D. interesting

50.A. Yet

B. But

C. Thus

D. Therefore

51.A. catching

B. handing

C. holding

D. bringing

52.A. He

B. I

C. they

D. She

53.A. remember

B. know

C. understand

D. forget

54.A. winning

B. competing

C. beating

D. fighting

55.A. what

B. where

C. when

D. why



科目: 来源: 题型:

Most museums are just for looking. But today some of them have things for you to touch. The signs say, "________!"
  A. Be touching  B. To touch    C. Do touch    D. No touch


科目: 来源: 题型:

Yesterday morning he got up earlier than________ , for it was not a (n)________day.
  A. common; usual         B. usual; ordinary
  C. usual; normal            D. common; ordinary


科目: 来源: 题型:

You'll ________ in hospital if you drive so fast.
  A. die up    B. end up    C. turn up    D. give up


科目: 来源: 题型:

Last summer holiday, I went back to my hometown, ________ the neighbours and the house ________ I used to be familiar with were gone.
  A. only finding; which       B. only to find; that
  C. to find; whom              D. found; that


科目: 来源: 题型:

----Can Lihua help me with my English?
----I regret to tell you her English is________ yours.
  A. as good as               B. no more than
  C. not better than         D. as much as


科目: 来源: 题型:

Mr. Johnson starts to work very early in the morning and goes on working until late in the afternoon ________a break at midday.
  A. with     B. for      C. as       D. through


科目: 来源: 题型:

----Let's hurry. Professor Beach is coming.
----Oh, I was afraid that we ________.
  A. already miss him                     B. will miss him
  C. have already missed him          D. had already missed him

