 0  31747  31755  31761  31765  31771  31773  31777  31783  31785  31791  31797  31801  31803  31807  31813  31815  31821  31825  31827  31831  31833  31837  31839  31841  31842  31843  31845  31846  31847  31849  31851  31855  31857  31861  31863  31867  31873  31875  31881  31885  31887  31891  31897  31903  31905  31911  31915  31917  31923  31927  31933  31941  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

Written in a hurry, ____________. How can it be satisfactory?

       A.they found many mistakes in the report     B.Sam made lots of mistakes in the report

       C.there are plenty of mistakes in the report    D.the report is full of mistakes


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Everyone was at the party except you. What happened?

---I _____ after Mike, my pet dog, at home. He was ill.

A. have looked    B. was looking        C. would look            D. had looked


科目: 来源: 题型:

In memory of China’s Youth’s Day, ____________ celebration evening took place on our campus. It was ___________ success.

       A.a; a            B.the; the              C. a; /                D.the; a


科目: 来源: 题型:









Dear Tom,

How is everything going?


Looking forward to your reply. Take care.


Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:

    Have you ever been breed with the busy life in the city? If so,            


have glimpse of the primary forest with me.The breath-taking                


scenery make you forget everything when you’re exploring what                


the forest has to offer.With tens of thousands of trees surrounded            


you.you will feel like to floating on the green ocean.Under the              


leaves he all kinds of flowers。peacefully and shy.A wide                    


variety of birds were singing happily in the trees.While you’re               


enjoying the scenery on the ground,watching out for the sky!                 


It will give your eye a feast.Wandering alone in the forest,                  


we will have the feeling of returning to nature.                             



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Attitudes to industrial espionage(间谍活动)

What do people think about stealing and selling industrial secrets?

A. Sarah J. an industrial chemist

For some years now I have been engaged in highly secret chemical research.Because there is so much industrial espionage now.I have got used to a certain lack of freedom.There is an atmosphere:of suspicion almost everywhere,and I am well aware of the dangers of talking about my work,or even of telling new acquaintances where I work.I know I must keep my work secret.

B. Charles S. an inventor

There was a time.When I was employed as a scientific adviser to a large company,where I thought there was too much secrecy in industry.I have an agent who looks after a part of my business.and she has always  insisted that I take out patents on all of my inventions,however ridiculous they may look.She also insists on my locking away all plans and technical drawings.

C. Peter L. a science teacher

I teach chemistry and physics to young people up to the age of l8 to the best of my ability in the hope that they will go to university and eventually go into industry.I hate the whole business of industrial spying:I know it goes on and l warn my students about getting involved in buying or selling secrets.An old friend of mine is a mechanical engineer and although he says he has no important information,he has had his phonetapped(窃听),and he has been approached by are preventatives of another large company

D. Laura B. an advertising executively

Some follow sales executives and I were discussing the question of industrial espionage in conference recently.While the others felt it only took place in the manufacturing industries,I pointed out that it was just as prevalent in areas like sales.advertising,insurance and other service industries.It’s a fact of life: we all have our secrets that other companies would pay a lot of money to see.

64.Who points out that spying takes place even in service industries?

    A.Laura B.    B.Sarah J.    C.Peter L.    D.Charles S.

65.All the following can be inferred EXCEPT         

    A.Charles S. may not leave his/her work lying around for anyone to see.

    B.Sarah J.seems to have accepted the need for secrecy in his /her work

    C.Laurd B.used not to understand why there was so much secrecy in industry

    D.Peter L.0ften warns his students of industrial espionage

66.Which of the following is the closest to prevalent in meaning?

    A.Common.          B.Important.    C.Different .    D.Attractive

67.You may read this article in            

    A.a science fiction    B.a magazine     C.a poster           D.an advertisement


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Two years ago,Wendy Hasnip,47,experienced a brain injury that left her speechless for two weeks.When she finally recovered.she found herself talking with what seemed to be a French accent.“I phoned a friend the other day, and she spent the first ten minutes laughing.”Hasnip said at the time.“While I have nothing against the French.”

    Hasnip suffered from foreign accent syndrome(外国口音综合症),am condition in which people find themselves speaking their own language like someone from a foreign country.The condition usually occurs in people who have experienced a head injury or a stroke(中风)一a sudden loss of consciousness,sensation,or movement caused by a blocked or broken blood vessel(血管)in the brain.

    The condition was first identified during the Second World War in a Norwegian woman whose head was injured during an attack by the German military.The woman recovered but was left with a German-sounding accent,to the horror of fellow villagers who avoided her after that.

    Researchers have discovered that the combined effect of the damage to several parts of the brain makes victims lengthen certain syllable,mispronounce sounds,and change the normal pitch(音高)of their voice.Those changes in speech add up to what sounds like a foreign accent.

    Another researcher,a phonetician(语言学者),says victims of the syndrome don’t acquire at me foreign accent.Their strangely changed speech only resembles the foreign accent with which it has a few sounds in common.

    When an English woman named Annie recently developed foreign accent syndrome after a stroke.she spoke with what seemed to be a Scottish accent.However.Annie’s Scottish coworkers said she didn’t sound at at like a Scot.


60.According to the passage,people        may have foreign accent syndrome.

    A.whose parent has experienced a head injury

    B.who have lived in a foreign country for a long time

    C.who have lest their consciousness owing to a stroke

    D.who have learned foreign language from their coworkers

 61.All of the following are the causes of seeming foreign accent EXCEPT      

    A.a softer voice                         B.change in length of syllables

    C.mispronounced sounds           D.changed pitch of voice

 62.If a person suffers foreign accent syndrome,    .

    A.his coworkers will be afraid of him and avoid contacting with him

    B.he has more chance of suffering stroke again

    C.he will speak a fluent foreign language like native speakers

    D.his speech only has a few sounds in common with the foreign accent

 63.Writing this passage,the writer’s main purpose is to     

    A.introduce foreign accent syndrome and some related in formation

    B.warn people not to be at the risk of experiencing a stroke

    C.make it clear that foreign accent syndrome can be cured

    D.tell a story of an injured woman during the Second World War


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    It was Molly’s job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he headed off to work.

    One morning,in addition to his usual lunch bag.Molly handed him a second paper bag This one was worn and held together with staples(书钉).

    “Why two bags?” her father asked.”The other is something else,”Molly answered.”What’s in it?” “Just some stuff(东西).Take it with you.”

    Not wanting to discuss the matter.he put both sacks in to his briefcase.kissed Molly and rushed off.At midday he opened Molly’s bag and took out the contents:two hair ribbons(丝带),three small stones,a plastic dinosaur,a tiny sea shell,a small doll,and 13 pennies...The busy father smiled,finished eating,and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket.Molly’s stuff included.

    That evening,Molly ran up behind him as he read the paper.”Where’s my bag?” “What bag?” “The one I gave you this morning.”“I left it at the office my ?”“I forgot to put this note in it.”she said.”And,besides,Daddy,the things in the sack are the things I really like.I thought you might like to play with them.You didn’t lose the hag,did you,Daddy?” “Oh,no,”he said,lying.”I just forgot to bring it home.I’ll bring it tomorrow.”While Molly hugged her father’s neck,he unfolded the note that read:”I love you,Daddy.”Molly had given him her treasures-all that a 7-year-old held dear.

Love in a paper bag,and he missed it-not only missed it, but had throw it in the wastebasket. So back he went to the office. Just ahead of the night janitor(看门人), he picked up the bag from the wastebasket. He put the reassures inside and carried it home carefully. The bag didn’t look so , good , but the stuff was all there and that’s what counted

After dinner, he asked Molly to tell him about the stuff in the sack. It took a long time to tell.

Everything had a story or a memory.

“sometimes I think of all the great times in this sweet life,” he thought

We should all remember that it’s not the destination that counts in life, but the journey. That journey with the people we love is all that really matters. It is such a simple truth but it is so easily forgotten.


56.Why did Molly give her father a second bag?

    A.she didn’t want to keep the things in the bag.

    B.She hoped those things would bring happiness to her father.

    C.She wanted to remind her father of the stories behind the things.

    D.she enjoyed playing with her father.

57.How did Father deal with the bag after he opened it?

    A.He kept it in the drawer.                     B.He took it back home.

    C.He threw it into the waste basket.        D.He put it on his table.

58.After Father heard what his daughter said,he felt        

     A.regretful        B.surprised         C.sad          D.satisfied

59.Which of the following is the most suitable tide of the passage?

     A.An Important Journey                     B.Two Bags   

     C.Father and Daughter                       D.Love in a Paper Bag


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    I first met her on the beach near where I live.I drive to this beach.a  36  of three or four miles, when-ever I’m feeling down.At that time she was  37  something.

    Looking  38  ,she said,”Hello.”I nodded,not wanting to  39  with a small child.

    “I’m Wendy and I’m building something.”she said.

    “I see.But what is it?” I asked,not   40

    “Don’t know,I just like the   41   of sand.”

    A sandpiper(矶鹞鸟)flew by.

    “That’s a   42  .Mum says sandpipers come to bring us joy.”

    “Good―bye,joy,”I thought to myself,”Hello, 43  .”and walked away.My life then seemed completely out of   44

    “Come again,”she called.”and have another   45  day.”

    But the days and weeks that followed   46  to other people:naughty boys and a  47 mother.One morning I suddenly realized I needed my  48  and headed for the beach.The breeze was cool.but I walked along,trying to recapture(捕捉)the inner peace I needed.I had almost  49  the child so I was surprised

  when she appeared.

    “  50  do you live?” I asked.She pointed toward a summer cottage.

    Then one day,I rushed to my beach in great pain,even in no  51  to greet the girl.”If you don’t mind,”I said coldly,”I’d rather be  52  today.”She seemed unusually  53  and out of breath.

    “Why?” she asked.

    “My mother died! “

    “Did it hurt when she died?”

    “Of course it hurt!” I shouted,misunderstanding her.

    When I next went to the beach,she wasn’t there.Feeling  54  ,and admitting I  55  her,I went up to the cottage.A woman answered the door.”Wendy,my daughter,died last week.She had leukemia(白血病).Maybe she didn’t tell you.”




















































































科目: 来源: 题型:

-Can I smoke here?

- No.in no circumstances        in the library.

A.smoking permits                          B.smoking is permitted  

C.does smoking permit                    D.is smoking permitted

