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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Prince was a dog. His owner, Julie, was an exchange student from Singapore. She had found him lying in the street, cold and hungry. _36_ her apartment’s no pets rule, she rescued him and took him in. but after several weeks of hiding the __37_ dog, she brought him to our house.

“Just for a couple of weeks,” she  38  me, “until I can figure something else out.”

But after several weeks, Julie asked us to keep her dog forever. Of course, she didn’t have to push too hard  39  we had all fallen in love with this little dog.  40  , we weren’t too crazy about his name. “Prince”  41  so formal. It was more like the  42  of a German shepherd (德国牧羊犬). Although we all  43  to come up with a name more fitting, we seemed to be stuck with “Prince”.

Before long Prince showed some of his princely  44  to our family. It started when our younger son Luke was sick in bed. Prince didn’t usually go  45  where the boys’ rooms were. He usually  46  to me like glue since I was the one who fed him. But on that  47  day, when I went upstairs to check Luke’s fever, I found that Prince was  48  beside my sick boy. He didn’t leave Luke’s side until Luke began feeling better.

The same thing happened  49  . Whenever anyone in our family was sick, Prince would be right by that person’s side  50  it was his job to take care of them until they recovered. It was incredible to see this normally  51  dog put aside his romping (玩耍的)needs to display his  52  for a sick family member.

Our little Prince lived for nearly sixteen years. He  53  loyal to our family the entire time. Even in his final days, when he was in pain, I knew he would  54  his life for any of us. By then we had all realized that he had been named  55  -- for he truly was a Prince among dogs.


A. With

B. Upon

C. Despite

D. Without


A. forbidden

B. frightened

C. cold

D. hungry


A. informed

B. reminded

C. comforted

D. promised


A. if

B. since

C. unless

D. until


A. Otherwise

B. Besides

C. However

D. Therefore


A. tasted

B. sounded

C. looked

D. kept


A. voice

B. body

C. hair

D. name


A. managed

B. refused

C. tried

D. failed


A. pace

B. shape

C. appearance

D. character


A. outside

B. upstairs

C. outdoors

D. downstairs


A. stuck

B. adapted

C. talked

D. lied


A. warm

B. particular

C. strange

D. normal


A. smiling

B. quarreling

C. fighting

D. resting


A. repeatedly

B. fortunately

C. unexpectedly

D. naturally


A. even if

B. now that

C. as if

D. as long as


A. quiet

B. gifted

C. greedy

D. active


A. search

B. care

C. respect

D. pay


A. became

B. acted

C. remained

D. grew


A. change

B. share

C. save

D. sacrifice


A. appropriately

B. carefully

C. bravely

D. casually



科目: 来源: 题型:

If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know―we always appreciate _____ feedback from friends.

    A. having received        B. to receive       C. receiving   D. to have received


科目: 来源: 题型:

----You seem to have known Dr. Brown for a long time.

----That’s true. _____ he joined our club five years ago.

    A. Since         B. Until           C. When            D. If


科目: 来源: 题型:

Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, ______ the behavior of animal depends mainly on instinct(本能).

A. whereas        B. so              C. unless            D. that


科目: 来源: 题型:

A plane named Airbus A320 crashed in Sao Paulo on July 17, 2007, ________ more than 200 people lost their lives.

       A.for which B.because which      C.among which   D.as a result of which


科目: 来源: 题型:

More than one student, along with some parents, ______ quizzed for information on the reference book so far.

A. was             B. were                  C. have been          D. has been


科目: 来源: 题型:

Hit by a hammer, my foot became _____ .

A.three times bigger the normal size      B.as big three times as the normal size

C.the normal size three times of            D.  three times bigger than the normal size


科目: 来源: 题型:

He works hard and has a great _____ for knowledge.

A.hobby            B.interest            C. appetite         D. pleasure 


科目: 来源: 题型:

I have _____ my money. Would you please lend me some?

A.run out              B.run out of            C.run short     D. run off


科目: 来源: 题型:

Computers are playing an important role in our daily life and _____ is hard to find a field where computers aren’t being used.

    A. as              B. which            C. it               D. this

