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科目: 来源: 题型:

____,Internet writers do make impressive progress.

A.Encouraging and praising              B.To be encouraged and praised

C.Encouraged and praised                D.To encourage and praised


科目: 来源: 题型:

---- Why don’t we take a little break ?

---- Didn’t we just have ______ ?

       A. it                      B. that                   C. one                   D. this


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He little realized that he had offended the new colleague, ______?

       A. had he               B. didn’t he            C. hadn’t he           D. did he


科目: 来源: 题型:

You realize that you were driving at 80 miles per hour, don’t you ?

--No, officer, I ______ . This car can’t do more than 70.

       A. don’t need to be                             B. must not have been

       C. couldn’t have been                        D. needn’t have been


科目: 来源: 题型:

I can’t concentrate ______ my lessons unless I’m free ______ noise.

       A. on …with         B. at…from           C. on…of             D. with… of


科目: 来源: 题型:

This is where ______ of the Amazon flow out into the sea.

       A. water                B. the water           C. waters                     D. the waters


科目: 来源: 题型:

His daughter is always shy in ______ and she never dares to make a speech to ______.

A. the public…the public                     B. public…the public

C. the public…public                          D. public…public


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解




1. 概括短文的内容要点。该部分的词数为60字。

2. 就“中学生该不该玩网络游戏”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下的内容要点。该部分的词数为60-80字。

(1 ) 你的同学有玩网络游戏的吗?他们怎么看待网络游戏?

(2 ) 你如何看待网络游戏?为什么?



Every afternoon hundreds of thousands of youths flood Internet cafes, switch on game consoles (游戏机), or otherwise sit down to involve themselves in intense fantasy worlds. I’m talking about video games; games like Counter Strike, Diablo, Smash Brothers or Halo. These games can be fun and exciting but we need to watch out when this pastime becomes an addiction.

Games are often exciting and dramatic, but they generally aren’t very intellectual. We don’t learn as much from them as we would simply reading a book and spending too much time playing then can take away from our study time. We need to remember that we re students first and foremost. Nothing should ever get in the way of proper studying.

Video games can also be a bad influence on younger children who may be watching. Many video games are violent and the object in most of them is to kill the other player(s). This does not send the right message to the children who need to be told that violence is not acceptable and need to be taught how to handle situations maturely(成熟的). Even if we do decide to sit down and play a violent video game, we need to make sure that it is not influencing the younger children around us


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. 表示对旅行社提供的服务总体感到满意。

2. 当地导游对游客非常热情,体贴,耐心照顾团中的老人。






1. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容;

2. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解




 Banbury House               Tel: 564839

Enjoy mixing with other students in comfortable accommodation? 10 minutes’ walk to the university district and close to all main bus stops. Single and double rooms. Students provide own food but all cleaning services offered. Please bring your own bedding.

Enjoy mixing with other students in luxury accommodation 10 minute walk to the university district and close to all main bus routes. Single and double rooms. Students provide own food but all cleaning services offered. Please bring your own linen.


Three Seasons               Tel: 445987

We can provide all types of accommodation for all types of single student. Rooms are fully furnished with bedding and there are four bathrooms each floor. Meals provided. 30 minutes’ walk to the university and city centre.

We can provide all types of accommodation for all types of single student. Rooms are fully furnished with linen and four bathrooms each floor. Full board possible. 35―40 minutes from main universities and city.


First Stop                    Tel: 223300

Suitable for new students. We provide double rooms. If you wish, we can offer assistance in finding a suitable person to share a room with. All washing and cleaning services offered at extra charge. Large canteen and three bathrooms on each floor. Sports centre next floor.


Sturtin Hotel                    Tel: 876333

Located in pleasant countryside surroundings. We offer scenic views and old-world attractiveness. Relax after a long day by swimming in the pool or using the exercise gym. Separate study rooms available. No children. Bar & restaurant.


Downtown Digs               Tel: 882312

Do you worry that you’ll not have enough money to see the term through? Don’t waste it on expensive housing. This is a hostel(宿舍, 旅店) for students run by students. No references and no rules. Shared bathroom, dormitory accommodation.

Must provide own linen. All cleaning operates on a rota system. Singles only.


Hilton Hostel                                  Tel: 846241

It’s not quite the Hilton Hotel but all rooms are fully furnished with meals, bedding and cleaning services included. Walking distance to the university and bus stops to the city downtown. Minimum stay period of six months. Singles only.



请阅读以下5人的个人信息, 然后匹配人物和适合他们住的地方:

56. As the daughter of a famous heart surgeon Sarah is used to living in comfort and doesn’t want things to change. Now she is starting university. She doesn’t like to cook for herself when she could be lazing around the swimming pool.

57. John is looking for a room near the university. He is on a very limited budget so he wants to share with his classmate to minimize expenses.

58. Billy is a party boy who is more interested in having fun than studying. He doesn’t like people telling him what to do or when to do it. Money is very tight so he also has to work part time to make ends meet.

59. Melinda and her husband are visiting students at the university for one year. They need a comfortable room from where it is convenient to get to the university as they have no car.

60.   Edna doesn’t like cooking. She is looking for accommodation that is reasonably convenient to both the university where she is studying and the downtown where she works.

人物                                            住宿

56. Sarah                                   A. Banbury House

57. John                                    B. Three Seasons

58. Billy                                     C. First Stop

59. Melinda                                D. Sturtin Hotel

60. Edna                                    E. Downtown Digs    

F. Hilton Hostel

