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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   If you thought taking vitamins would reduce the risk of lung cancer, think again.

   Researchers who studied 77,721 people said on Friday that people who took too much vitamin E,especially smokers,had a small but higher risk(风险) of developing lung cancer.

    They tracked the subjects’use of multi-vitamins,vitamin C and vitamin E to see if it offered protection from lung cancer.But they found that none of the vitamins was tied to a reduced risk.

  “If you could find some sort of magic pill―a pill you could take once a day to decrease your risk―that would be wonderful.But unfortunately.we didn’t find that in our study,”lead researcher Christopher Slatore,of the University of Washington Seattle,said.

    The subjects of the study were followed for four years,and 521 developed lung cancer,the majority of them smokers or former smokers,Slatore’s team reported in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.   

    Among those in the study who developed lung cancer, the researchers saw a small increased risk related with vitamin E supplements(补充剂)in addition to the expected connections to smoking,family history and age.

    This added up to a 28 percent increased risk of developing lung cancer for those taking 400 mg of vitamin E supplements daily for 10 years,the researchers said.

    “For people―especially smokers―I suggest that they not take vitamin E(as a supplement) unless they have a very strong reason to take it.” Slatore said.

    The idea that vitamin supplements are healthful,or at least not harmful.comes from the desire of many people to match the benefits of a healthful diet with a convenient pill,Tim Byers of the University of Colorado School of Medicine.wrote in an essay.


53.The writer thinks the statement“taking vitamins would reduce the risk of lung cancer,is         .

  A.wrong    B.right    C.doubtful  D.possible

54.According to the study of researchers,         may increase the risk of lung cancer.

  A.the heavy smokers’sudden stop of smoking

  B.use of multi-vitamins instead of a healthy diet

  C.taking 400 mg of vitamin C supplements daily for a year

  D.vitamin E supplements,smoking,family history and age

55.According to the passage,many people take vitamin supplements to       

  A.cure lung cancer caused by family history

  B.prevent diseases like cancer and heart attack

  C.save the trouble of making a healthful diet

  D.reduce the pain caused by lung cancer

56.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.Taking vitamins would reduce the risk of lung cancer.

  B.Vitamins are no guard against lung cancer.

  C.Vitamin supplements are convenient and magic.

  D.Vitamins ale harmful,or at least not healthful.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Many would consider it crazy, but what has caused the sudden popularity of the DINK (double income,no kid) lifestyle? Mr. Buchanan lists three factors that lead to the DINK lifestyle and help explain why today’s culture mocks the old idea that “the good tile for a woman means a husband and a houseful of kids.”

    The first factor is what is generally called“the greatest movement of the 20th century”.The movement of women from their homes to offices,which is similar to the 19th century migration (迁移)of men from the farm to the factory.

    The second factor is some women begin choosing to follow a career(职业) rather than raise a family.Modern industries offer well-paid jobs to able women,who can compete successfully with men. With more women working,families become wealthier and smaller.

    The third factor is the end of the“family wage”. Before 1964,employers paid a man a “family wage” enough to support a wife and family However, as women’s pay has greatly increased.men’s pay has dropped,and the traditional marriage and family have suffered Young women are now more likely to be financially(经济上)independent and more likely to delay their marriage,or just not marry at all Some choose to be DINKs.

   Though not necessarily the best,to be a DINK has become an increasingly popular lifestyle choice,one that has gained more and more recognition in our society.


57.The writer probably thinks the DINK lifestyle       

  A.perfect    B.acceptable    C.unreasonable    D.Crazy

58.According to Mr. Buchanan,         

  A.many men left the farm to work in the factory in the 19th century

  B.most women are less likely to get married and act as housewives

  C.modern industries now prefer talented women rather than men

  D.able women prefer to raise a family rather than follow a career

59.The underlined word“mocks” in the second paragraph most probably means       

  A.praises    B.follows    C.laughs at  D.learns from

60.The best title of the passage can be       

  A.DINK Lifestyle

  B.Follow a Career and Be a DINK

  C.Why Be a DINK

  D.Greatest Movement of 20th Century


科目: 来源: 题型:

― Why do we have to walk to the station? And where is it?

―     61    I guess.

   Look! There’s a policeman! Ask him the way.

― All right I’ll go and ask.


― Well,we have to walk down this road until we see a river on the right.Across the bridge over the river,we will be able to see some road signs which will tell us the way.

―     63    How long does it take to walk there?

― About fifteen minutes,if we walk quickly.   

― Fifteen minutes! We may be late for the train.And with these heavy bags,too! I think we ought to take a taxi.

―     64     Look at the traffic.It’s moving very slowly.

― You see! The two bags are too heavy For us.


― What isn’t such a bad idea? What do you mean?

―  Taxi! Taxi

  A.I agree

  B.Perhaps it’s not such a bad idea after all

  C.But how far is it?

  D.Why did you take the bags?

  E.Not at this hour.

  F.So,what did he say?

  G.It’s just down that road


科目: 来源: 题型:

After the battle they        (掩埋)the dead and moved on.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Credit cards are        (广泛)accepted.


科目: 来源: 题型:

In the restaurant both Chinese and European        (菜单)are provided.


科目: 来源: 题型:

We are fond of playing        (排球).


科目: 来源: 题型:

She often        (描述)how she narrowly escaped the earthquake.


科目: 来源: 题型:

The book shows the author’s        (深度)of learning.


科目: 来源: 题型:

I must        (警告)you beforehand that I will tell Sybil everything.

