 0  32030  32038  32044  32048  32054  32056  32060  32066  32068  32074  32080  32084  32086  32090  32096  32098  32104  32108  32110  32114  32116  32120  32122  32124  32125  32126  32128  32129  32130  32132  32134  32138  32140  32144  32146  32150  32156  32158  32164  32168  32170  32174  32180  32186  32188  32194  32198  32200  32206  32210  32216  32224  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

The cars will ____ people all over the country.

A.be supplied to   B.be supplied with   C. supply to   D.supply


科目: 来源: 题型:

This story is well worth___________.

    A. to read         B. being read      C. to be reading        D. reading


科目: 来源: 题型:

The Browns used to live in Paris, _____ they?

     A. wouldn’t       B. hadn’t        C. weren’t       D. didn’t


科目: 来源: 题型:

______, the less nervous you will feel in job interviews.

A.You know yourself more              B.You know yourself most

C.The more you know yourself        D.The most you know yourself


科目: 来源: 题型:

I know the reason ____ Eric didn’t  want to tell his parents ____ had happened.

     A. why; what     B. that; which      C. why; how      D. which; that


科目: 来源: 题型:

Though well known _____ a writer, he is best known _____his musical talent.

         A.for; as          B.from; for            C.as; for           D.as; as


科目: 来源: 题型:

-- Would you mind if I kept the window closed?

-- ______ . I also feel a little cold.

        A.Certainly       B.Certainly not        C.Of course    D.I like so


科目: 来源: 题型:

1.     有人认为金钱是幸福之本.有钱能吃美味佳肴,穿时尚衣服,住高档房屋;

2.     有人认为金钱是万恶之源.为了挣钱有的人从事非法勾当,损害他人利益甚至危害他人性命.

3.     那么你的看法是什么呢?

4.     请以“Can money buy happiness?” 为题,谈谈你对金钱的看法和自己的观点。

    要求: 一篇100多字的短文,字数不超过150.

    词语:  1)source of happiness 幸福之本

                 2) root of all evils 万恶之源


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When you go to Japan or get in touch with Japanese people, you will find that the Japanese people pay much attention to the telephone numbers as well as to the numbers in daily life. Since lucky numbers are connected with something nice, people can remember them very easily. So they have become advertisements for the shops.

They like to use different telephone numbers in different places. The owners of bathhouses, for example, like to use 4626, because when it is read in Japanese, it has the same pronunciation as “have a good bath”. Both the clothes shops and the butchers’ s like to use 4129 better than any other number because this number can either be read as “good dress” or “good meat”.

On the other hand, there are also telephone numbers which are regarded as forbidden by the Japanese people. 1567, for example, has the sound of “kill people”, while the number 4219 has that of “people die”. It is said that some persons had bad luck when they used telephone numbers like that, so all the people don’t use them.

At present, there are about forty-four million telephones in Japan, yet it is almost impossible for every one to get a lucky telephone number. So these numbers have become commodities and can be sold as goods. The price can reach as high as 222 thousand Japanese yean.

69.         In Japan

In Japan

People → telephone numbers

Lucky telephone numbers → 70.       for the shops

Telephone numbers

Lucky numbers

Different places → different telephone numbers



71. ______



Read as “have a good bath”

The clothes shops and the butcher’s


Read as “good dress” or “74.     

75. ______  

Regarded as forbidden → bad luck




Sounding like “kill people”


Sounding like “76.     

77. ______

Lucky telephone numbers → commodities sold 78. ______



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tug-of-war(拔河) is not only popular in China, but in many other countries. Their tug-of-war match is a little different from ours. They have eight players for each team, while we may have the match between two sides with equal men or women players. Of course, they are usually tall, strong and heavy.

For a tug-of-war match, we need a long thick rope. Each team stands at one end of the rope, holding it. Then they try to pull the center of the rope, marked in the ground towards each of their own sides. The team which succeeds in pulling the center of the rope away through a certain distance is the winner.

Many foreign sport experts think we don’t have to be tall, heavy and strong to play tug-of-war. We needn’t have endless energy, for a match lasts only a few minutes. The secret is good hands. The players must have big, strong and hard hands. Before they start the match, they put a mixture of oil and petrol on their hands so they can hold the rope better.

Many foreign experts say the best hands for tug-of-war belong to the sons of farmers. This is because they have to work hard when they are still very young. Farming is a good practice for this sport!


64. Tug-of-war is a match in which who ______ are winners.

A. pull the rope to their side farther

B. make the center near to their own side 

C. succeed in pulling the center of the rope in their direction

D. make the center of the rope pass through a certain length nearer to their side

65. In our country tug-of-war ______.

A. is not very popular                 B. is not so popular as that in foreign countries

C. is only a men’s game           D. is not only played by men but also by women

66. In foreign countries a tug-of-war team ______.

A. has eight men or women players         

B. has men players equal in number to the other side

C. has eight men players

D. is formed in the same way as in our country

67. The foreign experts think a good tug-of-war player must ______.

A. have lasting energy            B. have big, strong and hard hands

C. do farm work                   D. be tall, heavy and strong

68. Which of the following is NOTtrue?

A. In foreign countries only women take part in tug-of-war.

B. In foreign countries a tug-of-war match has 16 players.

C. To hold the rope better, many players put a mixture of oil and petrol on their hands.

D. The sons of farmers are thought to be the best tug-of-war players.

