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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       The Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers has been named the greenest one in the world by the travel and tourist organization Skaal International, reported the Danish news agency Ritzau on Monday.

       The hotel has been awarded the EcoTourism Award for setting an environmental-friendly example to other hotels, said the report.

       The Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers is located in the Copenhagen suburb of Oerestad and has the largest solar cell facility in the Nordic.This facility delivers energy to the hotel while Danish groundwater supplies cooling and heating in the air condition of the hotel.

       The Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers TV and lights in the hotel are all of energy-saving brands.Shampoo bottles, toothbrushes and washing accessories are biologically degradable, which means that the nature can easily absorb the materials.

       The hotel restaurant is only buying local goods and the food leftovers are used for bioenergy as well as fertilizer.The fitness facilities also provide a green touch to the hotel, as the training bikes of the fitness center are linked to the power grid(电网) of the hotel, thereby providing free energy if any guest wishes to exercise.People who do contribute free energy this way are supposedly getting a free meal in the hotel restaurant.“It is the first time that a Danish hotel receives this award.I think our throughout green thinking is the reason why we have been awarded.It is all the small details, as well as the big picture,” says Allan Agerholm, the CEO of the hotel, in a press release.

       The Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers opened its doors last year.Skaal International was founded in 1932 by travel managers and has approximately 20,000 members in 89 nations.It is an organization promoting global tourism.

1.Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

       A.Hotel in Copenhagen named world’s greenest

       B.Copenhagen-the world’s greenest city

       C.Eco Tourism Award in Copenhagen

       D.The Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers

2.The hotel has been awarded the EcoTourism Award because         

       A.delivers green energy to the hotels in Nordic

       B.is located in the Copenhagen suburb not in the city center

       C.has the largest solar cell facility

       D.it sets an environmental-friendly example to other hotels

3.The underlined word “degradable” in passage 3 means it can be         

       A.rejected by people who don’t like it

       B.accepted by guests from all over the world

       C.absorbed easily by nature

       D.recycled by the nature

4.What is so special about the fitness facilities?

       A.It is free for those who like to exercise.

       B.It uses green power to drive.

       C.It generates free electricity while being used.

       D.It offers free meal to guests who use it.

5.What is Skaal International?

       A.Another name for this green hotel.

       B.An organization promoting global tourism.

       C.The Danish news agency Ritzau.

       D.A branch hotel restaurant in Danmark.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Have you ever heard a news reporter talk about DNA? Reporters talk about DNA found at the scene of a crime.They talk about police finding DNA “fingerprints.” Police sometimes use DNA as a clue to find out who committed the crime.

       DNA is a substance(物质) that makes up genes.Everything alive has genes.Plans have genes.Animals have genes.You have genes.

       Genes are the basic units of heredity(遗传).Heredity means all the characteristics you inherit from your parents.You get your genes from your parents.You inherit half of your genes from your mother.You inherit half of your genes from your father.

       Genes are a kind of code.A tree’s genes tell what shape its leaves will be.A cat’s genes tell what color its fur will be.Your genes tell what color your eyes will be.Your genes tell what color your hair will be.Everything about you comes from the code in your genes.

       Genes line up on strands(链) called chromosomes(染色体) in cells.Everything alive is made up of cells.Chromosomes are in the center, or nucleus, of cells.

       Different parts of you are made of different kinds of cells.Your muscles are made of muscle cells.Your skin is made of skin cells.The code in your genes tells your body to make different kinds of cells.The genes in each cell tell the cell how to work.They tell the cell when to make new copies of itself.

       An Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel first saw inherited patterns in pea plants.He experimented with pea plants in the 1860s.One of the things, or traits(特质), Mendel studied was what makes some pea plants tall and some short.He said that the traits must come from units of heredity passed from the parent plants.These units were later called genes.

       In the mid-1900s, scientists discovered that genes are made of DN                         A.In the 1970s, scientists learned how to change DNA with genetic engineering.Scientists also learned that problems with certain genes cause diseases.Muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, and hemophilia are some genetic diseases-diseases caused by problems in genes.Today, scientists are looking for ways to cure genetic diseases by changing genes through a process called gene therapy.

1.What is DNA?

       A.DNA is a kind of gene.

       B.DNA is a substance that makes up genes.

       C.DNA is the basic unit of heredity.

       D.DNA is a measure to protect crime.

2.Which of the following about genes is correct according to the passage?

       A.Plants, animals and human beings have the same genes.

       B.Half people inherit all genes from their mother, others from their father.

       C.Genes decide the trees shapes, the cats’ fur color and our eyes’ color as well.

       D.Genes will give you a code when you need them.

3.Where are genes?

       A.Genes lining up on strands called chromosomes are in the center of cells.

       B.Genes hide in everything alive in your body.

       C.Genes can be nowhere but in your mind, controlling all your actions.

       D.Genes travel in your body and help cope skin, muscle, and eyes.

4.An Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel         

       A.first saw inherited patterns in people

       B.was interested in why plants were different

       C.first called the units of heredity from parents genes

       D.was the first who discovered genes

5.We can conclude that         

       A.scientists were less intelligent than monks in 1900s

       B.some genes are bad and can cause diseases

       C.we don’t need to worry about genetic diseases any longer

    D.the discovery of genes may be of great help in our daily life


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       I keep hammering this because I keep seeing people who don’t do it.

       1.Look up English to Elvish.

       2.Look up the Elvish word in the best Elvish dictionary you have, and, preferably, find out the context(上下文) in Tolkien’s language dictionary.

       3.Change the word to suit rules of grammar: singular or plural, mutations, verb tenses, etc.

       You cannot leave out any of these steps.If you do, you’re almost certain to have errors.Why you have to do step 2:

       Languages never match up one- to-one.English and Elvish are closer than usual, but there are still problems.And English has strange idioms: why are there no baths or beds in public bathrooms or restrooms? You can’t translate literally(逐字地).You have to understand the meaning behind each word.

       In Elvish this is even more true, since our dictionaries contain more or less questionable reconstructions, and words that Tolkien later threw away or replaced.Find the best one you can.

       Consider the word “fair”.We tend to use it to mean “just”.Tolkien tends to use it to mean “beautiful”.In Elvish, these are two entirely different words.So when you look up “fair”, you’ll have to go to the Elvish dictionary to see that you’ve got the right one.

       Consider the nightmare(噩梦) of He left the bar.Is “left” the opposite of “right” (which also has two meanings) ? Is “bar” extruded steel(型材钢), or something to do with law? You have to know what words mean in both languages.

       And you’d be amazed at how many people ignore step 3, forgetting that language is more than a string of words, and there are rules about how to fit those words together.You can’t simply look up the word “I” and use it everywhere.Sometimes you need “me” or “my”.There’s a reason it takes a while to learn a language: you have to learn the rules.

       It drives me completely mad when people give a questionable translation they insist is right because “it’s in the dictionary”.A dictionary is a tool, a resource.but its entries(词目)should not be mistaken for a finished product.They are raw materials.

1.The underlined word “this” in paragraph 1 refers to         

       A.consulting the dictionaries when translating between languages

       B.finding out the true meaning in context

       C.ignoring the rules of grammar

       D.leaving out some of the three steps the author mentions

2.According to the author, you have to do step 2 because         

       A.you have to understand the meaning behind each word

       B.Elvish and English are quite different in forms

       C.there are no baths or beds in public bathrooms

       D.Elvish has some words which are hard to find

3.Grammar is also very important because it         

       A.helps fit the words together                  B.takes a while to learn a language

       C.is a rule to obey                                   D.is often forgotten in translating

4.In the last paragraph, the author shows         

       A.his impatience to those who insist their wrong translation is right

       B.his puzzle to the questionable translation

       C.the importance of the correct use of dictionaries

       D.the mistaken entries in the dictionaries

5.The passage is mainly about how to         

       A.learn a foreign language with a dictionary

       B.avoid errors when looking up a dictionary

       C.understand the meaning of a strange word

    D.use a dictionary to translate between languages


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       Your children are so different-they each have very different talents, skills, and personalities, so it can seem natural to give them labels(标签).For example, one child may be the “smart one” or the “artist” or the “troublemaker”.Although it is easy to                    , you can be hard for your children.

       Downsides of Labels

       When kids are given negative(消极) labels they often feel that parents don’t expect or want them to change, and they may feel that they should live up to their negative labels.For example:

       The “messy child” may see no reason to try to be neat and tidy when his parents have already defined his role in the family.

       The “troublemaker” may feel that any attempt to be good will be ignored.

       The “wild child” may think that he or she might as well continue to do crazy things because parents expect it

       Even positive labels can be problematic as children may feel uneasy to meet their parents’ expectations, and often feel uncomfortable that their parents seem to like them more than a brother or sister.

       Avoiding Labels

       Remember that each child is unique and has the ability to do many things and act in many different ways.

       Focus on the positives.For example, if your child, who always seems to be running late, but gets to the dinner on time, be sure to praise him for being on time.

       Don’t let children lock themselves into roles-encourage children to try things they are interested in.

1.Who do you think the passage is mainly written for? (no more than 2 words)

2.According to the passage, list three negative labels given to children.(no more than 6 words)

3.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

       Avoid focusing children on some particular things only, you’d better encourage them to do all that they fancy doing.

4.Fill in the blank with proper words.(no more than 6 words)

5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


科目: 来源: 题型:



       What should you do if we want to have a successful Christmas party for Jim?


科目: 来源: 题型:

If you make       most of the equipment, there will be      rise in production.

A.不填;不填         B.the; a         C.不填; a           D.the;不填


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Peter, you       the window quickly, will you?

--- OK! Oh! The window        broken.

A.shut; is                                                      B.will shut; has been

C.are shutting; was                                        D.have shut; has been


科目: 来源: 题型:

Asia is important to America because America's future _____ trade with Asia's growing economies.

A.depends on          B.takes off            C.sets up         D.breaks out


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What will you do next Sunday?

—Maybe do some shopping, for I ______go to school on Sunday.

A.mustn't             B.shouldn't            C.don't have to            D.had better not


科目: 来源: 题型:

Your performance in the driving test didn't reach the required standard—____, you failed.

A.in the end           B.after all         C.at the same time        D.in other words

